“In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren
(repris en français par la bibliothèque de Lilie
Les traductions sont personnelles 

A Sliver of Shadow (Abby Sinclair, 2) – Allison Pang
Just when her new life as a TouchStone – a mortal bound to help OtherFolk cross between Faery and human worlds – seems to be settling down, Abby Sinclair is left in charge when the Protectorate, Moira, leaves for the Faery Court. And when the Protectorate’s away…let’s just say things spiral out of control when a spell on Abby backfires and the Faery Queen declares the Doors between their worlds officially closed.

The results are disastrous for both sides: OtherFolk trapped in the mortal world are beginning to fade, while Faerie is on the brink of war with the daemons of Hell. Along with her brooding eleven prince Talivar and sexy incubus Brystion, Abby ventures to the CrossRoads in an attempt to override the Queen’s magic. But nothing in this beautiful, dangerous realm will compare to the discoveries she’s making about her past, her destiny, and what she will sacrifice for those she loves.

Juste quand sa nouvelle vie en tant que “TouchStone” – un lien mortel afin d’aider les Autres à passer entre “Faery” et le monde humain – semble se calmer, Abby Sinclair se retrouve en charge de tout quand le protectorat, Moira, part pour la court des faes. Et quand le protectorat est loin… disons seulement que les choses sont complètement hors contrôle quand un sort se retourne contre Abby et que la reine des Faes déclare que les Portes d’entre mondes sont officiellement fermées.

Le résultat est désastreux des deux côtés : Les autres piégés dans le monde mortel commencent à se faner, tandis que la Faerie est sur le pied de guerre contre les démons de l’enfer. Accompagnée du prince Talivar et du sexy incube Brystion, Abby s’aventure au croisement afin de changer la magie de la reine. Mais rien dans cette contrée magnifique et dangereuse n’est comparable aux découvertes qu’elle va faire au sujet de son passé, sa destinée et ce qu’elle sacrifiera pour ceux qu’elle aime.

The Bitter Seed of Magic (Spellcrackers.com, 3) – Suzanne McLeod

On the surface, Genny’s life seems ripple-free right now. Finn, her sexy boss and — well, Genny’s not sure what else she wants him to be — has stopped pushing for a decision on their relationship. The seductive vampire Malik al-Khan has vanished back into the shadows. And the witches have declared her no longer a threat. But unless Genny can find a way to break the fertility curse afflicting London’s fae, she knows this is just the lull before the magical storm.

Then a faeling — a teenage girl — is fished out of the River Thames, dead and bound with magic, and Genny is called into investigate. As she digs through the clues, her search takes a sinister and dangerous turn, exposing age-old secrets that might be better left buried. Then another faeling disappears, and Genny finds herself in a race against time to save the faeling and stop the curse from claiming its next victim — herself!

A la surface, la vie de Genny semble bien se dérouler. Finn, son patron sexy et – bon, Genny n’est même pas sure de savoir ce qu’elle veut qu’il soit – a arrêté de la pousser à prendre une décision quant à  leur relation. Le séduisant Malik al-Khan a disparu dans les ténèbres. Et les sorcières ne sont plus une menace pour elle. Mains à moins que Genny ne trouve un moyen d’annuler la malédiction pour l’infertilité des faes de Londres, elle sait que ce n’est que le calme avant la tempête.

Mais ensuite une fae – une jeune adolescente – est retrouvée dans la rivière Thames, morte et liée à la magie, Genny est donc appelée pour enquêter. Tandis qu’elle creuse pour trouver des indices, ses recherches vont prendre un tournant sinistre et dangereux, exposant de très anciens secrets qui auraient mieux fait de rester enterrés. Puis un autre fae disparait, et Genny se retrouve dans une course contre la montre pour le sauver et stopper la malédiction qui veut faire d’elle sa nouvelle victime.

 The Kingdom (Graveyard Queen, 2) – Amanda Stevens
Deep in the shadowy foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains lies a dying town…

My name is Amelia Gray. They call me The Graveyard Queen. I’ve been commissioned to restore an old cemetery in Asher Falls, South Carolina, but I’m coming to think I have another purpose here.

Why is there a cemetery at the bottom of Bell Lake? Why am I drawn time and again to a hidden grave I’ve discovered in the woods? Something is eating away at the soul of this town—this withering kingdom—and it will only be restored if I can uncover the truth.

Au tréfonds des ténèbres au pied de la montagne Blue Ridge s’étend une ville en train de mourir.
Mon nom et Amelia Gray. Ils m’appellent la reine des cimetières. J’ai été engagée afin de restaurer un vieux cimetière de Asher Falls, Caroline de Sud, mais je pense que je suis là pour autre chose.
Pourquoi y a-t-il un cimetière au fond du Lac Bell ? Pourquoi suis-je attirée par cette tombe cachée dans les bois ? Quelque chose mange les âmes dans cette ville – ce royaume en déclin – qui ne peut être restaurée si je découvre la vérité.

 Royal Street (Sentinels of New Orleans, 1) – Suzanne Johnson

As the junior wizard sentinel for New Orleans, Drusilla Jaco’s job involves a lot more potion-mixing and pixie-retrieval than sniffing out supernatural bad guys like rogue vampires and lethal were-creatures. Her boss and mentor, Gerald St. Simon, is the wizard tasked with protecting the city from anyone or anything that might slip over from the preternatural beyond. Then Hurricane Katrina hammers New Orleans’ fragile levees, unleashing more than just dangerous flood waters. While winds howled and Lake Pontchartrain surged, the borders between the modern city and the other world crumbled. Now, the Undead and the Restless are roaming the Big Easy, and a serial killer with ties to voodoo is murdering soldiers sent to help the city recover. Gerald St. Simon has gone missing, the wizards’ Elders have assigned a grenade-toting assassin as DJ’s new partner, and an undead pirate Jean Lafitte wants to make her walk his plank. The search for Gerry and the killer turns personal when DJ learns the hard way that loyalty requires sacrifice, allies come from the unlikeliest places, and duty mixed with love serves up one bitter gumbo.

En tant qu’apprentie sorciere sentinelle de la Nouvelle-Orleans, le travail de Drusilla Jaco implique beaucoup plus de préparation de potions et de pixies que la traque de grands méchants tels que des vampires devenus rogues ou de dangereux changes-formes. Son patron et mentor, Gerald St. Simon, est un sorcier qui a pour mission de protéger la ville de n’importe qui ou n’importe quoi qui pourrait s’échapper de la communauté surnaturelle de l’au delà. Mais l’ouragan Katrina chamboule la fragile Nouvelle-Orleans, relâchant plus que de dangereuse quantité d’eau. Tandis que le vent hurle, que le lac Pontchartrain déborde, les frontières entre la ville moderne et l’autre monde se fissurent. Maintenant, les non morts errent dans la ville, et un serial killer lié au voodoo tue des soldats envoyés pour aider la ville à se reconstruire.  Gerald St. Simon a disparu, les Anciens sorciers, ont assigné un assassin à DJ pour nouveau partenaire. De plus un pirate non mort, Jean Lafitte veut la faire marcher sur la planche. Les recherches pour retrouver Gerry et le tueur prennent un aspect très personnel quand DJ apprend la loyauté implique de nombreux sacrifices, qu’elle pourrait bien trouver des alliés dans des endroits inattendus, et que le devoir mêlé à l’amour peut être plus amer que le gumbo.

35 thoughts on “In My Mailbox

  1. Jessica@a GREAT read

    Aww man! You got Sliver of Shadows? I’m hoping to get it early as well, but still waiting for some confirmation on that! Really enjoyed the first one! Love Phineas!!

    Here’s my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

    1. Melliane

      It was difficult because I wasn’t in the US, but I had it in ebook, I’m so glad!Can’t wait to start it, but too many books to read too lol. I hope you’ll have it too!

  2. Rebecca

    These look awesome! hope you enjoy:)

  3. Stepping Out of the Page

    You know, I hadn’t heard of any of these before but they look really great. I’ll have to check them out. I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to seeing your reviews!

    1. Melliane

      I think it’s quite the same thing with yours, but it’s always very interesting to see some new books. Thank you.

  4. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Fantastic mailbox, Melliane! Enjoy all your reads! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      thank you! You too.

  5. roro

    njoy all

  6. Maria

    Wow, never heard of these series but they all look so good! Hope you enjoy them all! 🙂

  7. Bibliotropic

    I got a copy of “Royal Street” for review, too. I’m really looking forward to reading it; I hope we both like it!

    1. Melliane

      me too!

  8. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

    You always have such awesome looking books!! Enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting My IMM

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

  9. Kah Cherub

    So many fantastic titles! I’ve meaning to read The Bitter Seed of Magic for a while, can’t wait to see your opinion of it. 🙂

  10. Chocolate Chunky Munkie

    Sounds like you’ve had a great book haul. Some books to add to my Goodreads wishlist.

    Many thanks for stopping by and commenting on My IMM

    Jenny @ Chocolate Chunky Munkie

  11. Tristan

    Hey Melliane, Royal Street looks cool, and I’ll have to check out the Abby Sinclair series. Great IMM, happy reading 😉
    Tristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon

  12. Lori @ Romancing the Darkside

    These all look like great reads…I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

  13. readingdate

    These all look like very exciting reads. Royal Street sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy your new books!

  14. A Beautiful Madness

    Great Mailbox! You got some really good books! Hope you’ll enjoy them!
    Bonne Lecture!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  15. Bookish Brunette

    Wow!! Great IMM!! These look fabulous!

  16. Sarah (saz101)

    OK, FAB week! The Kingdom sounds AMAZING! Enjoy! xx

  17. Mrs Q Book Addict

    These are all new to me. I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for visiting.

  18. Alison Can Read

    Great set! I’m interested in the Allison Pang book, because I like reading things written by girls named Allison/Alison 🙂
    My IMM

  19. Jennifer Messerschmidt

    All new to me but they look like my kind of reads. They look like fun and hot paranormal reads. I might have to check some out.
    Thanks for visiting!

  20. Alexandra Lanc

    Great set of books, and beautiful covers. I hope you enjoy them!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂


  21. Lalaine

    Beautiful covers and sounds interesting. great haul!

    thanks for stopping by x


  22. Celine

    Awesome IMM this week!!! I hope you enjoy every single book you got! Happy reading! 🙂

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

  23. Kate @ Kate's Book Life

    Not heard of these books but I hope you enjoy them all 🙂

  24. Candace

    Oh so jealous of A Sliver of Shadow! Great book week!

  25. Kelly

    You’re the queen of series! You always seem to be in the middle of so many! Great mailbox this week 🙂

    Radiant Shadows

    1. Melliane

      lol I think it’s always terrible, maybe a little too many series.

  26. Andrea @The Bookish Babes

    Lovely books. Yay for Royal Street! I hope you love Sll of them.

    Thsnks for stopping by my blog!

  27. GABY

    These cover are cool! I don’t know any of these books but I’ll have to check them out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and happy reading 😀

  28. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh, you are making me jealous over all these amazing books you all are getting. I just can’t buy them all! But I do want them. 😉 Hope you have an amazing week.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll have them all too!

  29. Jennifer

    WOW great books. I want to read them all. LOL The Bitter Seed of Magic sounds awesome. Enjoy all of those fabulous reads.

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