Allie Beckstrom, Book 7

Synopsis: I took a deep breath, set a Disbursement–a headache this time–and drew a Sight spell. I pulled magic into it. The world broke into shades of old magic among vibrant new spells, bright neon dripping down buildings, pastels drifting along the empty street.


Allison Beckstrom has willingly paid the price of pain to use magic and has obeyed the rules of the Authority, the clandestine organization that makes–and enforces–all magic policy. But when the Authority’s new boss, Bartholomew Wray, refuses to believe that the sudden rash of deaths in Portland could be caused by magic, Allie must choose whether to follow the Authority’s rules or to turn against the very people for whom she’s risked her life.

To stop the plague of dark magic spreading through the city, Allie must put all that she values on the line: her memories, her life. As dead magic users rise to feed upon the innocent and the people closest to her begin to fall, Allie is about to run out of options…
Review: What a pleasure to follow a new Allie Beckstrom’s adventure! If you think the story could change with the books, don’t even think about it because it’s really not the case here. Is it possible the story improves although it was already amazing? I think Devon Monk succeeded to do it. Or it’s the feeling I have now I finished this 7th novel. I have to say I was afraid to be disappointed in the beginning, because I think it’s always difficult to attract the reader, but like for the other books of the series I really love this new novel. And I can say now I can’t wait for the release of the 8th book to read it. A good thing it will be out in April, because the waiting would be horrible.
I have, I confess, forgotten a little, the end of the last book but I read this one without any problems. Of course, we can see every character here. Some new appear in the novel like Collins, an old friend of the Allie’s father. I think it’s the character that intrigues me the most. We wonder all along the story, despite he denies it, how he met Allie and what happened between the two of them. Despite she asks herself the question a couple of time, the great rhythm of the story prevents us to know the real answer. I wish we could learn more in the next novel, which I think will be full of excitement.
This seventh book is a preponderant turn in the series. Everything is questioned in a way we couldn’t expect. It’s difficult to not tell everything because I really get into the story and all the events. Of course, the Veiled are here too, like always, and always stronger. We can learn some new stories about Daniel or even about the real meeting about Allie and Zayvion. We worried with Allie, and we worried for Allie. Like for the other books, it’s a touching character we really like and we easily understand. She has to make some important choices and of course, she doesn’t choose the facility. She prefers to lead her life like she wants even if it’s really dangerous.

I quickly read the book, because like always the writing style is amazing. The story is rhythmic by action and the choices of our heroine. Well, you understand now, it’s a book I really loved and if you don’t know this series yet, I strongly recommend it.

12 thoughts on “Magic on the Line by Devon Monk (VO)

  1. Claire

    Yay Allie Beckstrom is awesome.

    1. Melliane

      I agree, it was awesome! Can’t wait now for the next one. Soon!

  2. Maja

    Amazing review, Melliane. I was going to read this series in February anyway, but you have convinced me to hurry it up even more. So glad to hear from someone who enjoys it.
    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll enjoy it too, It’s a wonderful series.

  3. Mimi Valentine

    WOW! Reading about your enthusiasm for this book makes me really want to start this series — you always do that to me, Mel! I think I have a whole list of Recommended-By-Melliane books on my notepad LOL! x) <3 You know it's an amazing series when it gets better each book, and this one sounds like a dead ringer for that!

    Awesome review, Mel! My RBM list just got a little bit longer! 😉

    1. Melliane

      I have a lot of favorite series and I can count this one. LOL terrible, doesn’t it? For now I’ve read so many awesome books. After that if you don’t like them it’ll be my fault.

  4. Wendy Darling

    Wow, 5 stars even after 7 books in the series? Now I have to check this out! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Yes it’s a really amazing UF series. The world and the characters are very interesting. the next one is for April, so I can’t wait.

  5. Missie, The Unread Reader

    Wow! The 7th book in a series that I didn’t know about. Sounds like I’m really missing out. But with as many series as I read, it’s good to know that this is the kind of series that you don’t feel lost in even if you forget some of the details from the previous book.

    1. Melliane

      It’s funny I thought you knew this one. Yes I love the series, it’s always very interesting. Hopefully because I forget quite fast my books, it’s terrible… Too many books, to many series and a lot of time between two books.

  6. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Glad to see you are enjoying this series. I want to try Devon’s books. They sound like reads I just might enjoy. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I’m sure you’ll like them too!

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