Ordinary Magic, Book 1 Synopsis: Police Chief Delaney Reed can handle the Valkyries, werewolves, gill-men and other paranormal creatures who call the small beach town of Ordinary, Oregon their home. It’s the vacationing gods who keep her up at night. With the […]
Ordinary Magic, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Le chef de la police Delaney Reed peut s’occuper des Valkyries, des loups-garous, des banshees et autres créatures paranormales qui ont élu domicile dans la petite ville côtière d’Ordinary, en Oregon. Ce sont les […]
Allie Beckstrom, Book 9 Synopsis: For most of her life, Allison Beckstrom has used magic and accepted the heavy price it exacts. But now that all magic is poisoned, it’s no longer just using people—it’s killing them. With Portland about to descend […]
Allie Beckstrom, Tome 9 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Pendant presque toute sa vie, Allison Beckstrom a utilisé la magie et en a accepté le prix. Mais maintenant que la magie est empoisonnée, elle n’utilise plus seulement les gens – elle les tue. […]
Allie Beckstrom, Book 8 Synopsis: We knew as soon as we stepped out on those streets, we were walking blind into a war. All of us were going to bear the pain for the magic we called upon. And I was going […]
Allie Beckstrom, Tome 8 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Nous savons dès que l’on met un pied dans les rues, que nous marchons tout droit dans une guerre. Chacun d’entre nous a été obligé de supporter le prix de la magie. Et Je […]
House Immortal, Book 3 Synopsis: Matilda Case never thought of herself as a hero. But because she is galvanized—and nearly immortal in her stitched, endlessly healing body—she doesn’t have much of a choice. Even if she doesn’t want to save the world, […]