Follow Friday is a blog hop Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: What would your prefer: reading your favorite book over and over again until you got sick of it OR reading 100s of mediocre books? And why? 
oH I don’t think I ever think about this one. Good question. I would say I prefer to read my favorite book over again and again. Why? because we can always find another favorite book, and it’s always a pleasure to get into the story. Then, there are a lot of mediocre books too, so no need to read them. Or so I think.


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26 thoughts on “Feature & Follow

  1. Oh! Paper Pages

    I agree! I always learn something new when I read my favorite book again.

  2. Lauren B

    favorites are a definite pleasure. Why go with a mediocre when you have a sure thing?
    Here’s my FF Hop. Stop by if you get a chance.

  3. Vanya D.

    Totally agree with you. If I had to read 100 new books, which I know are mediocre, I’d be sooooooo depressed. It’d kill the buzz.

    I’m a new follower 🙂

    Check out my #FF

  4. Kah Cherub

    Yup, I’d stay with my favorite one. 🙂

  5. Jessica@a GREAT read

    I had to go with the same. I mean as much as I love variety, to have to read books that are just blah. I don’t think I could handle it.

    Here’s my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower 🙂

  6. Tyler-Rose Counts

    Good choice. I totally agree. Happy Friday!

  7. Wendy Darling

    Agreed. I’d pick one great book over 100 mediocre books anytime. But fortunately, I don’t have to choose between the two!! 😀 Although it’d be better if ALL books were good.

    Wendy @ at The Midnight Garden

  8. aLmYbNeNr

    Good answer!

  9. Missie, The Unread Reader

    But then again, what may be mediocre to someone else might be awesome for you. 🙂

    LOL! That’s a tough question.

    Happy Friday, ladies. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      you’re right, it depends on the book, but I thought about a mediocre book for me.

  10. Mimi Valentine

    Oh my gosh, that is SUCH a hard question! It’s hard to even think about, because as much as I love to re-read books, I love finding out about new amazing books just as much! But you answered this one perfectly — I definitely agree with picking your favourite book over the mediocre ones, because then at least you’ll always enjoy the book that you’re reading. 🙂

    I really love your answer for this question, Mel! <3 Thank goodness we don't really have to choose haha! x)

    1. Melliane

      hopefully it’ll never happen lol

  11. Beth D.

    Sooo agree, but you know that now! ^_^ I think that reading a mediocre book is almost worse that reading a book I can’t stand. At least book I can’t stand I feel passionately about.

    Beth ^_^

  12. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I actually like mediocre ones when I just want to be entertained and relax. However, having the choice… I’d pick my fave one over and over. 😀 I have lots of those so I won’t be bored. 😀

  13. Jennifer

    I would definitely prefer to read favs over mediocre books any day. The favs never seem to get old.

  14. J. B. Kantt

    Good point…I never thought about finding another favorite book 🙂

  15. Shanan, The Book Addict

    Interesting perspective! It is just so hard to keep up with all of the books coming out!


  16. Lauren

    I agree rereading a favorite book is much more enjoyable than reading 100s of mediocre books!
    New Follower

    My FF post:

    My Giveaway:

  17. Laura

    I agree, I would rather reread my favorite books then read mediocre ones. I’m an old follower.

  18. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    Melliane Hi:))

    I had no idea I wasn’t a blog follower of yours yet??! We’re friends on twitter, and we chat too, I’m @SooooVain on there !;)
    So I just followed you, but I wanted to tell you since we’ve had this discussion before; when I added you to GFC it was written in French lol, I’m not sure what it said…but I think it said I’m following you now!;) LOL
    Happy #FF
    Feel free to check out my FF

  19. Miss Vain's Paranormal Fantasy

    Okay now I’m embarrassed!!! I’m just getting home and checking my blog comments and I just realized you stopped by and said hi on my blog….;) lol….blonde moment. Thanks for stopping by!;)

    1. Melliane

      no worries. It’s already really nice. I think I have a problem with the follower thing on the navbar, it doesn’t work. The persons need to go directly on the widget to become a follower. Really french or not it’s the same thing too. Yes I follow you be email too it’s so easier this way lol.

  20. Alison Can Read

    Hopping through. I’d also prefer to read my favorite books.
    My Hop

  21. Laura Armstrong

    Yeppers, me too. Thx for hopping by my blog. I love-love your banner!!!

  22. Christy @ TheReaderBee

    Great answer!! Thank you for hopping by for FF!! Have a great weekend!

  23. Rea

    Sorry that I’m *really* late getting back to you on this one – been ill 🙁 But I agree, there’s always the possibility of finding new favourites. I’ve picked up a few new faves this year already! 😀

    Also, just to let you know that I’ve tagged you. It’s a little hard to explain in a comment, but if you check the post you’ll see.

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