We’re very happy today to have on the blog the author of a new Paranormal Romance saga: J.T. Geissinger. She is the author of Shadow’s Edge, the first volume of her Night Prowler series released on June 12th. If you want to learn more about it, we can read the review here. Thanks to J.T. Geissinger for this little interview.
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
First, thanks for having me! I write paranormal romance/urban fantasy with a strong focus on the romance in the story. Aside from writing, my favorite thing to do is read. I love red wine, chili cheese fries and Ryan Gosling, not necessarily in that order.
Tell us about your newest release.

The story is a blend of fantasy, suspense, mystery and of course romance.
Can you tell us a little about your favorite scene in the story?
Well, there’s a very hot sex scene that takes place in a tree and was a lot of fun to write, but I’ll leave that to the readers to discover.
Does your cover represent what is between the pages?
The cover was a challenge because I was adamant about not having the traditional bare-chested man/swooning woman scene that so many romance novels depict. My publisher, Montlake Romance, was so supportive of my ideas they even had the cover artist make me over half a dozen samples until I got that edgy, sensual, mysterious vibe I felt embodied the tone of the book. I’m very happy with it.
How much research does there go into your stories?
For Shadow’s Edge I did about two months of research and character development before I began writing. Half of the story takes place in Venice Beach, CA near where I live but the other half takes place in the primeval forests of southern England. There are several actual places mentioned in the book, though I took some poetic license and changed some details to better fit the needs of the story. For instance, the New Forest in Hampshire, England isn’t actually all forest, it’s pastureland and heathland as well, but for the story it became all forest. The second installation in the series, Edge of Oblivion, is set in Rome and I drew on a recent trip I’d taken there along with many hours of online research to develop the setting.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Being a writer was the farthest thing from my mind during my 20s and 30s. It wasn’t until I read Twilight and fell in love with Edward Cullen that I was seized with the need to write a book. I didn’t have a story, though, until one day the most beautiful black stray cat wandered into my store (I own a flower shop). She has the most amazing ability to vanish into thin air and is always looking at me as if she’s just about to say something—it got me to thinking about how mysterious and interesting and misunderstood cats are, which led to a bunch of research on the cat worship cultures of ancient Egypt and how cats have otherwise been maligned throughout history, which led to the idea of a race of secretive shape-shifters that live among us. (I made them panthers instead of housecats, though. Much more dangerous.) Once I had the idea I wrote the manuscript in under four months and that was that.
Have you already other plans for future series? Or isit top secret?
I have plans for several other series, including a series about a vampire who works at a blood bank and wants to be human, and a YA series about a girl who can communicate with the dead. I’m still at work on book 3 of the Night Prowler novels, however, so everything is on hold until that is completed.
Do you have a favorite author? Or a favorite book?
My all-time favorite book is The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence. No one can write beautiful, emotional sex/loves scenes and capture the true heartbreak and intimacies of marriage like he could. A current/contemporary favorite is Everything Matters by Ron Currie, Jr. It’s the story about a man who was born knowing when the world would end.
Can you tell us about what’s coming up next for you writing wise?
I’m currently working on the third installation of the Night Prowler series which is set in Paris but doesn’t yet have a title. It picks up where book #2 left off. After that I may write more in the series or go off in a completely different direction, I’m not sure yet!
Have you ever been in France?
Not yet! My husband and I recently went to Italy, but we’ve planned a trip next spring to France that includes Nice, Provence, Paris and the Bordeaux wine regions because we love French wine. (Well, I do. He prefers Napa Valley, but I’m working on it!)
Thanks again to the author for aswering our questions. We have today two amazing giveaways. One on the author’s facebook page to win a Kindle fire : www.facebook.com/JTGeissinger
But you can also win a signed paperback copy of Shadow’s Edge, the first volume of the series. The contest is international and ends on July 7th. To participate, you need to fill out the raffecopter form:
Thank you for the chance!
Missie, The Unread Reader
But bare-chested men make amazing covers. LOL
I love that romance is a big part of your series. I’m a big romance reader and I hate being deceived by a premise that sounds like it will offer a lot of romance, but then doesn’t. And I have to admit, I’m very curious about that tree scene. LOL
Also, I was very happy to read about Twilight inspiring you to pick up writing. I often feel like Twilight gets the amount of credit it deserves for inspiring all kinds of new beginnings. 🙂
I am really looking forward to that story about a vampire who works at a blood bank. Talk about a genius idea. Thanks so much for the interview and giveaway. Love the book cover.
I am all for worshiping cats 😀
And I sure like when romance takes a big part too, since, well who can say no to romance
After reading your review I’ve been wondering about this book and to add to that I love cats, as you may know just by my “name”. So, good luck to me and thank you for the opportunity.
Mimi Valentine
Wow, look at that cover! It’s so STUNNING. I have to admit that bare-chested guys on covers definitely evokes some interest if not some swooning LOL but I really like how yours is so different — I think that in itself will draw in some readers! It’s certainly intriguing me 🙂 And I LOVE how this is about your not-so-average shapeshifter cats. We don’t get a lot of that in books!
Awesome interview, you guys! 🙂 <3
Melissa (Books and Things)
In a tree??? Hm… now I have to know… especially how the balance worked… LOL
Oh and I’m all for bare chested men. You could leave out the swooning woman, I’m fine with that. 😀
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Oh I remember seeing this book here before. 🙂 And yes, in a tree?!? Um.. I’m not saying anything about branches. LOL! Great interview thank you!
I’m looking forward to reading SHADOW’S EDGE. It looks amazing.
Well, it’s no secret that I love cats! This sounds like a great series and I’d sure like to check it out! 🙂