Elemental Mysteries, Book 4

Synopsis:  “No secret stays hidden forever.”

Still grieving from their loss in the far East, Giovanni Vecchio and Beatrice De Novo discover that for them, all roads really do lead to Rome. But nothing is quite as it seems in the Eternal City. Joined by Carwyn and Tenzin, unexpected clashes greet them almost immediately, and rivalries churn beneath the glittering facade of the old Roman court. They quickly realize that allies might be enemies, and ancient rivals could hold the key to a deadly secret.

Giovanni and Beatrice will be forced to call on old alliances, ancient power, and fierce cunning to survive for the eternity they both desire. Sometimes, finding the end means going back to the beginning. Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water finally meet with devastating results in the conclusion of the Elemental Mysteries.

Review: I didn’t know when I started this book that it was the conclusion to the story of our two protagonists, Beatrice and Gio. But I understood it all along the chapters, the elements are settled little by little for our pleasure. Elizabeth Hunter has an incredible talent; I enjoy each time to get into a new adventure. In the last novel, I confess I miss some of the characters, as Ben, because yes, he is quite a character, he always brings a light touch to the story. But I was very happy this time to have him here, as lively as ever!
We assist at the beginning of the book to the Beatrice’s adaptation of her new vampire condition, something that finally happens quickly and easily. Well, it’s not a surprise, she is an amazing woman as well. Indeed, she has a lot to learn now, but the fears that we could have at first about her lack of control are quickly forgotten. Our couple will go in this volume to Rome as they decided before, and everyone will be there (Yes, really, everyone!). We can see Dez, Matt, Ben, Carwyn, etc… and many other characters we didn’t know anything about. It was a real pleasure to discover these new protagonists as they’re always very intriguing. The story is fascinating, mainly when we speak about the legendary vampires. It’s great to learn more about the Gio’s past. I know, we already know his story, but we can have here some flash-backs that allow us to understand better what happened and to know how our vampire became like that.
We will finally meet Livia, the Andros wife. And well, I have to say she is like her husband, I’m sure they were a great couple together. What a surprise! It’s true that after her first appearance, we start to hate her and this feeling improves all along the read. Of course, Lorenzo will be here as well, after all the events, it couldn’t be different.
The story took a turn I didn’t expect and I have to say I was very surprised all along the novel. Many events happen in this book and I was happy to know everything. This book perfectly concludes the series and I hope we could have some new stories featuring our favorite characters.

9 thoughts on “A Fall of Water by Elizabeth Hunter

  1. Blodeuedd

    I do like being surprises, in a good way that is. I can’t say I am a fan of evil surprises

    1. Melliane

      lol I can understand that. This one cas full of nice surprises.

  2. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Hm… a great twist. I like that. It looks like I’m going to have to check out this whole series!!

    1. Melliane

      yes! It’s really interesting!

  3. Zendastark

    You convinced me and I bought the first in the serie in ebook. 😉

    1. Melliane

      Yeahhh!!! I hope you’ll like it, it’s very different.

  4. Brandileigh2003 (Blkosiners Book Blog)

    I love it when books give us happy surprises!
    Thanks for review.

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. Mimi Valentine

    I LOVE how there’s a library-like background for the cover — it’s so enchanting to book lovers like us! :’) LOL and I also love when you’re surprised by a twist in a book instead of expecting it. I’m glad that this was an awesome conclusion to the series, although I totally get why you’d still wish for more — it sounds really fun! 🙂

    Awesome review, Mel! <3

    1. Melliane

      lol already sad to finish a series but there would be more with the spin off, I’m so curious to read them!

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