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The Only Child by Seo Mi-ae

The Only Child, Book 1 Synopsis : An eerie and absorbing novel following a criminal psychologist who has discovered shocking and possibly dangerous connections between a serial killer and her stepdaughter Criminal psychologist Seonkyeong receives an unexpected call one day. Yi Byeongdo, a serial killer whose gruesome murders shook the world, wants to be interviewed. …

Bonne nuit maman de Seo Mi-ae

The Only Child, Tome 1 Résumé : Seon-gyeong, criminologue et professeure à l’université, est sollicitée par un détenu en attente de jugement. Cet homme, un serial-killer qui a assassiné treize femmes, veut lui parler – à elle seule. Seon-gyeong va devoir faire preuve de la plus grande prudence face à ce tueur hors norme, intelligent …

Darkhouse by Karina Halle

Experiment in Terror, Book 1 Synopsis: There’s always been something a bit off about Perry Palomino. Though she’s been dealing with a quarter-life crisis and post-college syndrome like any other twenty-something, she’s still not what you would call “ordinary.” For one thing, there’s her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there’s …