Synopsis : The son of a struggling single mother, Jamie Conklin just wants an ordinary childhood. But Jamie is no ordinary child. Born with an unnatural ability his mom urges him to keep secret, Jamie can see what no one else can see and learn what no one else can learn. But the cost of …
Finders Keepers by Stephen King
Bill Hodges Trilogy, Book 2 Synopsis: The genius is John Rothstein, an iconic author who created a famous character, Jimmy Gold, but who hasn’t published a book for decades. Morris Bellamy is livid, not just because Rothstein has stopped providing books, but because the nonconformist Jimmy Gold has sold out for a career in advertising. …
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Synopsis: Whoever is born here, is doomed to stay ’til death. Whoever settles, never leaves. Welcome to Black Spring, the seemingly picturesque Hudson Valley town haunted by the Black Rock Witch, a 17th century woman whose eyes and mouth are sewn shut. Muzzled, she walks the streets and enters your homes at will. She stands …
Hex de Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Résumé : Quiconque né en ce lieu est condamné à y rester jusqu’à la mort. Quiconque y arrive n’en repart jamais. Bienvenue à Black Spring, charmante petite ville américaine. Du moins en apparence : Black Spring est hantée par une sorcière, dont les yeux et la bouche sont cousus. Elle rôde dans les rues et …
Revival by Stephen King
Synopsis: A dark and electrifying novel about addiction, fanaticism, and what might exist on the other side of life. In a small New England town, over half a century ago, a shadow falls over a small boy playing with his toy soldiers. Jamie Morton looks up to see a striking man, the new minister. Charles …
Revival de Stephen King
Résumé : Il a suffi de quelques jours au charismatique reverend Charles Jacobs pour ensorceler les habitants de Harlow, dans le Maine. Et plus que tout autre, le petit Jamie. Car l’homme et l’enfant ont une passion commune: l’electricite. Trente ans plus tard, Jamie est un guitariste de rock ronge par l’alcool et la drogue. …
The Last Harvest by Kim Liggett
Synopsis: “I plead the blood.” Those were the last words seventeen-year-old golden boy quarterback Clay Tate heard rattling from his dad’s throat when he discovered him dying on the barn floor of the Neely Cattle Ranch, clutching a crucifix to his chest. Now, on the first anniversary of the Midland, Oklahoma slaughter, the whole town’s …