I read so many great books this year, and I would love to share my favorites with you.
J’ai lu tant de livres sublimes cette année et j’aimerais partager avec vous mes préférés :
– Shaede Assassin ~ Amanda Bonilla

– Full Blooded ~ Amanda Carlson

– Graveyard Queen ~ Amanda Stevens

– Spellcrackers.com ~ Suzanne McLeod

– Charley Davidson ~ Darynda Jones

– Tainted Night, Tainted Blood ~ E.S Moore

– In a Fix ~ Linda Grimes
– Allie Beckstron ~ Devon Monk

– Summoning the Night ~ Jenn Bennett
– Royal street – Suzanne Johnson
– Shadows before the Sun ~ Kelly Gay
– The Spellmans ~ Lisa Lutz

– Sealed with a Cursed ~ Cecy Robson
– Stacking the Others ~ Jess Haines

– Gunmetal Magic ~ Ilona Andrews
– Grace Memory ~ Kalayna Price
– Moonshifted ~ Cassie Alexander
– Crimson Frost ~ Jennifer Estep
– A Sliver of Shadow ~ Allison Pang
– A Fall of Water ~ Elizabeth Hunter
– The Chalk Girl ~ Carol O’Connell

– Kept ~ Shawntelle Madison
– Seanan McGuire

– The Shattered Dark ~ Sandy Williams
Je vous laisse l’opportunité de gagner un livre au choix de ma liste. S’ils sont en Français ou que vous voulez un autre tome de la série, c’est aussi possible. Mais à la condition qu’il soit d’environ 10 euros. Le concours est international si bookdepository ou amazon.fr livre chez vous. Vous pouvez trouver l’explication pour l’utilisation de rafflecopter ici. Le concours se termine le 16 Janvier
I have not thought about my list yet but I am so putting the Secret McQUeen books on it 😀
A fall of Water a une couverture mais tellement belle ^^
Allez, je joue pour 🙂
My favourite book of 2012 was probably A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness or A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin – both great reads!
un de mes favorite est river road ^^ comme toi mais pour ce qui est du livre que je choisirai si je gagne….désolée je peux pas el dire maintenant il y a en atrop dans ta liste qui sont dans ma wishlist également perhaps fullbloded mais ce n’est pas encore un choix définitif ( je sais pas ce que je vais avoir comme cadeau de nouveal an ^^;; je peux bien rever que ma wishlist va fondre^^)
Sullivan McPig
My favorite book of 2012 is The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle
And you really are going to make me chose from all those gorgeous books? Hmm… the first book in the Shaede series or the second book in the Darynda Jones series or….. Agh…. I want them all! 😉
Allez, je participe aussi ^^. C’est super sympa comme idée. Et bonne année en avance !
Mon livre préféré… y en a eu beaucoup! Et c’est même des sagas en fait!
MacKayla Lane, Les Cités des Anciens, Phaenix, Le Livre de Saskia, Birth Marked…
Tu ne lis qu’en Anglais?
hmm non mais mes préférés ont été lus en anglais.
My favourite book of 2012 is probably I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells.
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Most of these books are on my list too, D.! 🙂 I think one of the best series I’ve discovered was Charley Davidson, and I’d love to win Forth Grave… Happy New Year, darling! 😉
lol we’re too much alike. thank you, you too!
Awwww too bad I started Charley Davidson in French. Now I have to wait and wait and wait for the fourth book T.T
I guess I’ll chose one of the Kate Daniels’ if I were to win 🙂 Since the series is no longer published around here 🙁
Thanks for the giveaway and happy new year ♪
I really cannot pick one favourite! There were so many great books by authors like Jennifer Estep, Ilona Andrews, Suzanne Johnson, Devon Monk and others. Hm your list includes quite a few series I have yet to try, but In a Fix intrigues me the most! 🙂
Bonne Année!
Lee Stewart
I have a lot of favs this year and Full Blooded is definitely one of them! In terms of choosing one from the list…either Kept or Gunmetal Magic! Wonderful giveaway! Happy New Year!
bonjour, ma réponse: Sealed with a Cursed ~ Cecy Robson
je participe merci
Wow. You have great taste. I am sure I will like the ones I haven’t read on your list cuz so many favorites of mine are there. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! Happy New Year!
Céline G.
Tout d’abord, une très bonne année 2013 et un grand merci pour ce super concours! Mon coup de coeur de l’année est la série Dresden Files de Jim Butcher. Quant au livre de la liste qui me fait baver, il y en a plusieurs mais j’ai un faible pour Jenn Bennett ou peut-être Cecy Robson… Encore merci!
My fav book for 2012 is First Grave On The Right by Darynda Jones! You have so many great books to choose from that it’s kinda hard to narrow it down to one book but if I win I want Full Blooded by Amanda Carlson!
Forgot my email address taccb_1981@yahoo.com
Great list! I see there are some titles I must look into in order to add to my ever-growing to-read list. 😉
Barbara E.
It’s so hard to choose just one, but if I have to I’ll choose Jennifer Estep’s Widow’s Web. I’ve read quite a few of the books on your list and they would make my 2012 list as well. The book I’d love to win would be Sealed with a Cursed by Cecy Robson.
4th Grave by Darynda Jones and I’m looking forward to 5th Grave Past the Light in July. And I would love to read Sealed with a Curse!
Bonne et Heureuse Annee!!!
Bea Tejano
C’est un petit peu difficile. En fait, j’ai 3 livres favoris 🙂 Ce sont The Fault in Our Stars, Point of Retreat et Hopeless. Merci pour le concours!;)Bonne Annee!
Bea Tejano
Et je choissi Sealed With A Curse ou First Grave on the Right pour le prix:) merci!
One of my favorites was Dreaming Awake by Gwen Hayes.
I would choose The Shattered Dark. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year!
nurmawati djuhawan
i wanna win A Fall of Water ~ Elizabeth Hunter..
best bool 2012 is OBSIDIAN for me 🙂
happy new year…
My favorite of 2012 was Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson.
I would love to win Sealed with a Cursed by Cecy Robson. Thank you for the giveaway, happy new year! 🙂
Lynn K.
I would choose Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet!
Je participe au concours. J’aimerai jouer pour le livre “In a Fix” de Linda Grimes dont le résumé m’avait beaucoup plu.
Bonne année. Meilleurs voeux.
La couverture de Shadows before the sun de Kelly Gay me donne vraiment envie donc voilà, je participe 😉
Bonne année livresque !
Thanks for the awesome post! Most of these books were favs of mine too! I think that I would pick 4th Grave Beneath my Feet 🙂
Melissa (Books and Things)
Shadows of the Sun, Crimson Frost, and a Silver of Shadow are among my faves. Loved those!!
Mary Preston
So many here I loved too.
I think I might choose THE KINGDOM.
Happy New Year!!
aude lilou
Bonjour !!
Et bien dis donc que de jolis livres, on voudrait tous les lire!!
Cependant, il y en a un qui m’attire tout particulièrement
Si je gagne, c’est le roman “A Fall of Water” d’Elizabeth Hunter qui me plairait
En attendant je croise les doigts et je vous souhaite une bonne journée
Tiffany Drew
My favorite book of 2012 was Drowning Instinct by Ilsa J. Bick, it was incredible! I think I would choose one of the Spellman books 🙂 Thank you!
Merci mille fois pour tous ces concours !
Bonne année ♥
Mon coup de coeur de cette année a été 16 lunes de kami garcia et margaret stohl 🙂
Sinon je choisirai The Spellmans Strike Again.
Alors mon plus gros coup de coeur de cette année est sans aucun doute Les éveilleurs, de Pauline Alphen. Un livre jeunesse, mais tout simplement splendide. ♥
Sinon, je choisis le premier tome de Charley Davidson, en français. Comme je le l’ai dit, cela fait un moment que je veux le découvrir !
Merci pour ce magnifique concours et pour ta générosité ! ♥
Maja (The Nocturnal Library)
I loved so many of these, Gunmetal Magic especially, and Seanan’s book, of course. I’ve made my list of adult favorites, Stacia Kane’s books are on it, Ann Aguirre’s books, Summoning the Night, like on yours, and a few others. Thank you for sharing!
Helène Ouwehand
My favorite book of this year is Pushing the Limits, so beautiful! I really want to read the Charley Davidson series! So I would choose the first book in that series 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
Feliciana Lentini
Most of those books on the list were my favorite, but I’m looking forward to read Revenge of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz.
Elizabeth H.
There are so many great books to choose from!! I would choose the Allison Pang book! Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
There are several on here I agree with and some I need to get to! 😀 Thank you!
Oooo, I do think the best this year was Full Blooded as well. 😀 Had a bit of everything in it for me. And what I’d like to get…Royal Street, it sounds amazing and one I would definitely love!
Mon coup de coeur 2012 ? Paradise de Simone Elkeles, que j’ai eu du mal à départager avec Belle de Robin McKinley. 2 roman que je vous recommande vraiment !!!
Si je gagne, eh bien je ne sais pas trop lequel je choisirai ^^
A Sliver of Shadow ~ Allison Pang ou Sealed with a Cursed ~ Cecy Robson ou Charley Davidson en VF… Mais j’aime bien avoir des surprises ^^
En tout cas, merci beaucoup pour ce concours !!!
Naomi Hop
I really want to finish the Allie Beckstrom series… I have read books 1-7, I have 8, was waiting for Magic on the Line!!
Thanx for the awesome giveaway!!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
Merci pour ce concours !
Super liste et ça donne de bonnes idées de lecture.
Je choisie Shaede Assassin ~ Amanda Bonilla le premier tome.
Stella Ex Libris
Two of my favourite books of 2012 were Ride with Me by Ruthie Knox and Sweet Enemy by Heather Snow, thanks to these I discovered new favourite authors! 😀 I’ll have to think a bit more as to which book I’d choose, so many look and sound great! 😀 Thank you and Happy New Year!
Nice list, and some of those I have read. My favourite is A Soldier’s Duty by Jean Johnson. I would love to win Seanan McGuire.
Wow, quand je regarde ta lite, je me dis que tu m’influences terriblement! Tu m’as quasiment convertie à toutes tes séries même si j’en ai encore beaucoup dans ma PAL… 😀
Alors, je crois que mon coup de cœur de l’année serait quand même Dragon Bound, peut-être parce que c’est l’un des premiers romans VO que j’ai lu cette année et dont l’univers m’a vraiment plu.
Sinon, si je suis chanceuse, je choisirai Kept vu ton enthousiasme! 😉
avoue je suis douée lol! C’est qu’elles sont vraiment à lire!!!!! Ah je pensais que tu avais deja Kept.
Harmonie (Une critique aiguisée mais avisée)
Merci beaucoup pour ce concours, je participe avec plaisir 🙂
Mon coup de coeur 2012 est (choix très difficile) la saga Chasseuse de la nuit de Jeaniene Frost.
Mon choix dans la liste est Charley Davidson !
Bonne journée
Angel Cullen
Favorite book >>> The Edge of Never
and I would choose Kept !
liked lover reborn by JR Ward
maybe pick full blooded
I loved so many books in 2012, but I’d have to say my fave way Iced by Karen Marie Moning. And I so can’t pick which one from your list I’d want! There are just so many that look good.
mary ann(RunOnce828)
I love angelfall and Poison Princess. I can’t decide which book to choose!:))
Great selection! 🙂 I’ve read a huge percentage of those books 🙂 One of my favorite books of 2012 was Cold Days by Jim Butcher. Absolutely thrilling book.
Hmmm.. I can’t decide between Full Blooded or Sealed with a Curse.
Filia Oktarina
My favorite books in 2012 was Reality Check by Karen Tuft and Daemonica Series by LArissa Ione.
I would choose The Shattered Dark ~ Sandy Williams.
Aline Tobing
My fave in 2012 is The Hunger Games. I’d like to get Kept by Shawntelle Madison.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Blessing Me
What is your favorite book in 2012?
= My fave: CRUSH by Lacey Weatherford
Which book from the list would you like to have?
= Darynda Jones – Charley Davidson series
Merci pour cette liste 🙂
Je me cherchais des titres de livre en VO pour mon Swap et je suis venue tout les piger ici… 🙂
Je revienderais t’en parler lorsque je les aurais lu 🙂
oh oui je veux bien connaitre ton avis dessus. J’espère qu’ils te plairont!
Last year I liked The Hunger Games trilogy, Nation by Terry Pratchett and Rachel Aaron’s Eli Monpress series the most.
I’d choose The Darkest Edge of Dawn by Kelly Gay, as I’ve read only the first book in that series, but I liked it.
My favourite book of 2012 is probably I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells.
My favorite was probably The Restorer. I’d love to win a copy of the next book in that series!
Lauren England
I would probably choose crave the darkness. My favourite book of 2012 was Rapture by Lauren Kate
rivie bleu
Hi, new follower
I’ve been studying french for a long time now and I still find it very hard lol. I went to Montreal (I know it’s not the same but France is just so far away and I don’t have a lot of money) and I kept looking for a book in french but couldn’t pick one so I came back without any (well I bought two books but both in english).
Anyway, this is the second time I see a blog in another language (in this case is in french so I guess that’s because of your blog), last time it was in dutch so I figure that was because of me.
Rivie @ Bookshelf
I can understand, French is a difficult language. LOL English books are the best!
All these books look amazing! 🙂
My favorite books last year were Cinder and Insurgent. The book that I would want is Crimson Frost. I love that series.
In A Fix was one of my favorites too 🙂 I would love Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander
Je choisirais Charley Davidson ~ Darynda Jones tome 3
Merci pour ce concours
Baudoul Dorothée