Synopsis: Kitty Charing can inherit a fortune from her irascible great-uncle Matthew when she marries one of her cousins. Kitty is not wholly averse, if the right nephew proposes. Unfortunately, Kitty has set her heart on Jack Westruther, a confirmed rake.

To make him jealous and to see a little more of the world, Kitty convinces cousin Freddy Standen to pose as her fiance. In London with his family, she hopes to render the elusive Jack madly jealous.

New friends embroil her in their romantic troubles, sprinkling witty banter with Parisian phrases. Her French cousin, Camille, a professional gambler, has won the heart of Olivia, in turn the object of Jack’s dishonorable intentions. Doltish cousin Lord Dolphinton has fallen for a merchant’s daughter in conflict with his mother. Kitty herself wonders who is really right for her.

Review: After some strong recommendations by Sally MacKenzie who thinks that Georgette Heyer was a great inspiration to her, I was very curious to read one of her books. So when I saw the release of Cotillion, I thought it was finally time to start it.

Kitty is a young adopted woman who lives a rather sad existence, far from London and all the entertainment. But one day, her uncle decides to leave all his money to her if she marries one of her cousins. What a ridiculous idea would you say? And yet each of cousins ​​proposes, the submissive man, the priest who doesn’t even like her. All … except Jack, her first love, but also an inveterate womanizer. Also, she devises a plan that would be quite beneficial to her: get engaged to Freddy, the only one of her cousins ​​who had no intention of asking her to marry him and make Jack jealous at the same time. And on top of that, she may stay for a month through the streets of London, a city she dreams to visit and therefore she could get away from her uncle and his a little too excessive protection.

I loved to follow Kitty even though I think she can be quite naive. She can easily put herself in some completely incredible situations as she wants to help everyone. And even if disadvantageous rumors began to circulate about her, she has to do what is the best for her and the others. She has a big heart and even though I think some took advantage of her, she was fully involved in each story. However, she does think about the consequences and she is very lucky to have Freddy as he can help her throughout in all her ideas, trying to control her as much as he can. I found that our two heroes were a strange couple and although they are closer a little more in each chapter, I found that they do not really get along together.

The story is certainly a good one and I was happy to discover each of the characters and their stories. I was really curious to meet Jack as I knew Kitty was in love with him and I admit that I was quite sad for her when I saw who he really was.

This is a good novel with a lot of humor and I think, I try another novel by this author if I can to see how it is.




9 thoughts on “Cotillion by Georgette Heyer

  1. blodeuedd

    I have not read this one but I have read 3 other books, though I will warn you and say that some things in her books are very old school

    1. Melliane


  2. Kristia

    I haven’t read this one, but I love Georgette Heyer and The Devil’s Cub is my favorite 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Oh I should try it!

  3. brandileigh2003

    Kitty seems like a great main character even despite her naivitie at times

  4. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh no! You and B are going to make me read a book by her, aren’t you? LOL

    I really like the sound of Kitty. I do think this one should make the wishlist. I do have a couple of this authors books on my tbr. 😀

  5. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Hmmm, neat to hear this author was an inspiration. And I’d not heard of the book or author, so new to me. 🙂 Thank you!

  6. aurian

    I love Georgette Heyer;s books, so I am glad you read one at last. She also has written some mysteries. And do remember, those books are at least 50 years old if not more.

  7. Arcaalea

    Je veux le lire celui-ci !! J’aime bien la couv VO ^^
    Bisous 🙂

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