Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


Check out our wonderful event, with many authors and giveaways on our blog and Sullivan McPig’s.

Venez voir notre superbe événement avec de nombreux auteurs et concours que ce soir sur notre blog ou celui de Sullivan McPig



Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, 6) – Ilona Andrews

Atlanta is a city plagued by magical problems. Kate Daniels will fight to solve them—no matter the cost.

Mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate, Curran, the Beast Lord, are struggling to solve a heartbreaking crisis. Unable to control their beasts, many of the Pack’s shapeshifting children fail to survive to adulthood. While there is a medicine that can help, the secret to its making is closely guarded by the European packs, and there’s little available in Atlanta.

Kate can’t bear to watch innocents suffer, but the solution she and Curran have found threatens to be even more painful. The European shapeshifters who once outmaneuvered the Beast Lord have asked him to arbitrate a dispute—and they’ll pay him in medicine. With the young people’s survival and the Pack’s future at stake, Kate and Curran know they must accept the offer—but they have little doubt that they’re heading straight into a trap…

Only Lycans Need Apply (Broken Heart, 9) – Michele Bardsley

When I found the ancient tomb of the two most powerful vampires in history, I knew I was in for a lot of trouble….

But archaeologists like me, Moira Jameson, are ready for trouble. Okay, maybe not human-species-threatening trouble. Or the kind of trouble that arrives in the form of a sexy werewolf named Drake. Yeah. Werewolf. And I thought ancient curses and walking corpses were a joke. Um…not so much.

’Cause a walking corpse named Karn wants to reveal vampires, and all of parakind, to the humans. And everyone else thinks that’s a bad idea. Then a pyramid mysteriously appears in Broken Heart, Oklahoma, and I’m appointed to get inside, survive booby traps, and awaken two very old, very hungry vampires. Luckily, Drake has my back (and my front). Unfortunately, archaeology sometimes reveals some very nasty surprises. And I’ll have to decide between saving myself…or saving the world.

The Tower (Guadians of Destiny, 1) – Jean Johnson

When serpent crept into their hall:
Danger waits for all who board,
Trying to steal that hidden tone.
Painted Lady saves the lord;
Tower’s master’s not alone.

In a fertile valley undisrupted by the aether-shattering death of the old Aian Empire, the Tower and its Guardians have entertained generations of wealthy mirror-scrying mages while adventurers from around the world risk their lives for fortune and fame. But on the one day the Tower stood unguarded, an intruder tried to seize the magic powering the vast structure. Now, locked out of the Tower’s innermost chambers, Kerric Vo Mos must brave the deadly traps keeping trespassers at bay in order to reclaim control.

Unfortunately, Kerric wields a pen far better than a sword, and the way into the Tower’s sanctum is treacherous. Only the help of an experienced player like Myal the Mendhite can get him to where he must go. But mutual respect will not be enough. Passion must also be employed, along with armor and weapons, as they embark on a perilous quest past monsters, riddles, and other dangers that even the Tower’s most dedicated viewers have never seen before.

The Heist (O’Hare and Fox, 1) – Janet Evanovich ~ Lee Goldberg

From Janet Evanovich, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum novels, and Lee Goldberg, bestselling author and television writer for Monk, comes the first adventure in an electrifying new series featuring an FBI agent who always gets her man, and a fearless con artist who lives for the chase.

FBI Special Agent Kate O’Hare is known for her fierce dedication and discipline on the job, chasing down the world’s most wanted criminals and putting them behind bars. Her boss thinks she is tenacious and ambitious; her friends think she is tough, stubborn, and maybe even a bit obsessed. And while Kate has made quite a name for herself for the past five years, the only name she’s cared about is Nicolas Fox—an international crook she wants in more ways than one.

Audacious, handsome, and dangerously charming, Nicolas Fox is a natural con man, notorious for running elaborate scams on very high-profile people. At first he did it for the money. Now he does it for the thrill. He knows that the FBI has been hot on his trail—particularly Kate O’Hare, who has been watching his every move. For Nick, there’s no greater rush than being pursued by a beautiful woman . . . even one who aims to lock him up. But just when it seems that Nicolas Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: he convinces the FBI to offer him a job, working side by side with Special Agent Kate O’Hare.

Problem is, teaming up to stop a corrupt investment banker who’s hiding on a private island in Indonesia is going to test O’Hare’s patience and Fox’s skill. Not to mention the skills of their ragtag team made up of flamboyant actors, wanted wheelmen, and Kate’s dad. High-speed chases, pirates, and Toblerone bars are all in a day’s work . . . if O’Hare and Fox don’t kill each other first.

The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter (Paranormal Investigator, 3) – Jillian Stone

From steam-powered bunkers to steamy boudoirs, paranormal detective Phaeton Black knows his way around Victorian London. But sometimes, when you slip down a rabbit hole, there’s no turning back…

If The Portal’s A-Rockin’

Phaeton Black is missing. Sucked into an alternative universe—courtesy of Professor Lovecraft’s Trans-Dimensional Injection Portal—the illustrious investigator is nowhere to be found. Even the bewitching Miss America Jones, who’s pregnant with Phaeton’s child, has no clue to his whereabouts. But when a spy fly’s microphone picks up Phaeton’s voice in the parlors of Paris, she enlists his dearest friends to track him down—before his deadliest enemies find him first.

Don’t Come A-Knockin’

Accompanied by the dashing Dr. Exeter, his delightful ward Mia, and a trusty duo of Nightshades, it’s off to the City of Lights for the determined Miss Jones. Unfortunately, there is something about Paris in the fall that brings out the devil in Dr. Exeter—and the beast in mild-mannered Mia, whose animal urges transform her into a gorgeous panther. With physical reality unraveling on both sides of the cosmic rift, the good doctor must extract Phaeton Black from the clutches of a diabolical techno-wizard—or both could lose the women they love to love…forever.

Cold Blooded (Jessica McClain, 3) – Amanda Carlson

Jessica arrives back in town to find her best friend missing and the most powerful witch in the country is blaming her for it. But before they can move to save her, the group is attacked.

On the run, Jessica and Rourke head to the mountains. Several surprises await them, but in order to save her father they are forced to leave for New Orleans early.

Arriving on the Vampire Queen’s doorstep unexpectedly, and bringing trouble on their heels, the Sects are thrown into an all out war. The vicious
skirmish ends up forcing the vamps and Jessica to fight on the same team.

The Vamp Queen ends up owing Jessica, but what Jessica doesn’t realize is just how soon she’ll have to cash it in…

Sea Change – S.M. Wheeler

The unhappy child of two powerful parents who despise each other, young Lilly turns to the ocean to find solace, which she finds in the form of the eloquent and intelligent sea monster Octavius, a kraken. In Octavius’s many arms, Lilly learns of friendship, loyalty, and family. When Octavius, forbidden by Lilly to harm humans, is captured by seafaring traders and sold to a circus, Lilly becomes his only hope for salvation. Desperate to find him, she strikes a bargain with a witch that carries a shocking price.

Her journey to win Octavius’s freedom is difficult. The circus master wants a Coat of Illusions; the Coat tailor wants her undead husband back from a witch; the witch wants her skin back from two bandits; the bandits just want some company, but they might kill her first. Lilly’s quest tests her resolve, tries her patience, and leaves her transformed in every way.

A powerfully written debut from a young fantasy author, Sea Change is an exhilarating tale of adventure, resilience, and selflessness in the name of friendship.

A l’eau de Rose – Gwyn Gready

Ce que veulent les femmes, c’est un Highlander, pas un prince charmant !

Lorsque la critique littéraire Ellery Sharpe, journaliste à la plume acerbe, commet un impair dans les pages du Vanity Place, son chef lui inflige la pire des punitions : rédiger un article élogieux sur la romance, un genre qu’elle méprise. Pour ne rien arranger, son ex est engagé pour l’épauler sur ce projet. Et cette mission lui tient particulièrement à cœur. D’une part, parce que le magazine est prêt à doubler son salaire s’ils arrivent à se mettre les lectrices dans la poche, et d’une autre, parce qu’il y voit la possibilité de reconquérir Ellery. Se pourrait-il que la jeune femme change d’avis sur les romans d’amour ? Et sur son ex ?



Petites Leçons de Séduction (La Famille Reece) – Caroline Linden

Avec sa beauté éblouissante et sa réputation sulfureuse, Anthony est redouté par les hommes et désiré par les femmes. Pourtant, ce libertin patenté est éperdument amoureux de Celia. Promise à un autre quelques années auparavant, la jeune femme est désormais veuve. Sa mère s est mise en quête d un bon parti pour la remarier, mais cette fois-ci, Anthony est prêt à tout pour conquérir le coeur de sa belle, et il va mettre à profit ses talents de séducteur.





Pour l’amour d’un Naufragé (La Confrérie des Lords, 1) – Mary Jo Putney

Pourvu que ce mystérieux rescapé ne retrouve pas la mémoire…

Échoué sur une rive inconnue, Adam n’a aucun souvenir de ce qui lui est arrivé. Il est toutefois ravi d’apprendre que cette beauté aux cheveux d’or penchée sur lui pour soigner ses blessures n’est autre que son épouse.
Au moment où Mariah prie pour trouver un moyen de se débarrasser d’un encombrant prétendant, elle ne s’imagine pas que la solution va apparaître brusquement au pied de sa demeure. Convaincre Adam qu’il est son mari se révèle étonnamment simple. Résister à la tentation de se comporter comme son épouse – à tous égards – est une autre histoire…


Opération Séparation – Stephanie Bond

Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête…
Annabelle et Clay sont prêts à tout pour empêcher le mariage de leurs parents qui n’en sont pas à leur coup d’essai. Ces deux-là ont beau se détester, ils vont unir leurs forces pour mettre au point un plan machiavélique destiné à dissuader les fiancés de se passer la bague au doigt. Mais alors qu’ils complotent pour annuler les noces, ils se sentent irrésistiblement attirés l’un par l’autre… Ces ennemis jurés ne sont pas au bout de leurs surprises.




63 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #56

  1. miki

    A great haul^^
    alors j’en 1 et il y en 2 que j’aimerai beaucoup avoir ( the Miss eductaion of dr exeter and cold blooded)
    Les autres sont de parfaites découvertes

    1. Melliane

      les deux viennent des auteurs, j’ai commencé cold blooded et va falloir que je lise l’autre aussi. Les Français c’est les sorties françaises de la fin du mois de Milady. LOL j’en ai demandé un peu trop cette fois ci. Aout est un gros mois.

      1. miki

        chanceuse!! ^^

  2. noisette2011

    Superbe IMM.
    J’adore la couv de only lycans. Ca correspond à quelle saga en VF ?

    1. Melliane

      tu veux dire si elle est sortie en Français? Je connaissais pas en fait cette série mais je crois qu’elle est que en VO… J’ai une publiciste qui m’envoie des sorties sans me dire et j’ai reçu ça et the tower et un autre, le guide non officiel de Mortal Instrument (que je vais envoyer à Vanessa) mais souvent c’est des trucs que j’ai pas lu alors je ne sais pas trop. Je ne sais meme pas si c’est de l’urban fantasy ou plutot une comédie paranormale. Un des deux je pense…

  3. Chrissi Reads

    A great haul 🙂 I haven’t read any of these, but they look intriguing! Happy Reading!

  4. Lucy @ Queen of Contemporary

    I haven’t heard of any of these, but I hope you enjoy them anyway! Happy reading! 🙂

    My haul:

  5. Anne-C Gala de Livres

    Kate Daniels :'( Tellement dommage qu’ils aient arrêter la traduction française après le 4ème tome ! Bonnes lectures à toi, tu as reçu plein de livres très tentant 🙂

  6. Sarah @ Girl!Reporter

    I love Janet Evanovich, so am really looking forward to reading her new series with Lee Goldberg.

    Have a great week.

  7. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    Magic Rises and Cold Blooded! YES! They’re both wonderful! I hope you like them as much as I have!

  8. Nick @ Nick's Book Blog

    I’m actually ashamed to say that I don’t know any of these titles. It’s probably because it’s not my preferred genre.
    I hope you your books! 🙂
    Happy reading!

  9. Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    Cold Blooded and Stalk the Night look like some pretty interesting reads. I hope you enjoy your new reads 🙂

    My Haul!

  10. kincaid

    Je suis bien tentée par la nouvelle série de Janet Evanovich, j’adore Stéphanie Plum !!

    1. Melliane

      lol moi aussi pour ça je voulais tenter celle ci, y a une nouvelle avant aussi si tu veux.

  11. Shelly

    I haven’t heard of a lot of these, but Sea Change really caught my eye. That looks really interesting. 🙂 Happy reading!

  12. Amber

    J’adore Jessica McClain, et The Miss Education of Dr. Dexter et The Tower a l’air interessants. J’espère que tu adores tous vos livres.

    Voir ma Stacking the Shelves un message de blog à Fall Into Books

  13. Saru

    I haven’t read any of these but I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  14. manda-rae

    Hey, I got Sea Change last week as well. I’ll be starting it soon. I need to check out one of Ilona Andrews’ books. I’ve heard they’re good. Happy reading!

    Thanks for visiting my haul.

  15. blodeuedd

    All look good 😀

  16. Gaby

    You got some great books, happy reading!

  17. Jay @ Vailia's Page Turner

    The Tower looks really good. I still need to look into Jillian Stone’s books. I hope you enjoy all these! Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.

  18. Laureen

    Oh, wow. The Tower and Sea Change both look so interesting! And I’m sure the other ones will be just as awesome. Enjoy your books!

  19. michelle

    you have some great titles there! enjoy them all and happy reading. thanks for stopping by my StS

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie’s Book Picks

  20. Emily @ Emily Hearts Books

    Thanks for checking out my blog! Your blog looks stunning! Gorgeous! New follower. ~Emily @ Emily Hearts Books

    1. Melliane

      thank you, it’s really nice!

  21. Lee @ Rally the Readers

    I’ve heard such awesome things about the Kate Daniels series. I really need to check it out. You’ve got some great looking books there- hope you enjoy reading all of them! Thanks for stopping by!

  22. brandileigh2003

    Magic Rises looks good, hope you enjoy

  23. Alyssa @ Diary of a Book Maniac

    I haven’t heard all of those books until now. But they all sounds interesting! Enjoy reading them! And thank you for commenting on my StS post. 🙂

  24. Heather Wood

    Thanks for stopping by my STS! Ilona Andrews’s books are definitely high up on my TBR list. Enjoy your new books!

  25. Leigh @ Little Book Star

    I haven’t heard any of these titles but they all look wonderful. The one that caught my eye was Operation Separation & Sea Change! I hope you love them all x

    Little Book Star

  26. Nikki SapphiredDragon

    Some interesting looking titles there. I have been meaning to start reading Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels series for a while now.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and happy reading 🙂

  27. kara-karina

    These are some amazing reads, D.! I want to read The Tower and Cold Blooded myself, so I hope you enjoy them too! Happy reading!

    1. Lanaia

      You have some great books here! I see you read lots of steampunk, which is my favorite genre! I love your blog, I’m a new follower!
      Thanks for visitng my blog yesterday 🙂

      Lanaia @

  28. aurian

    Great books! I hope you will enjoy the Jean Johnson book!

  29. Ula @ Blog of Erised

    Andrew’s books look really interesting, I will try one I think. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy all the books! 🙂

  30. Diamond

    Cold Blooded looks really good! You got a great haul this week! Enjoy 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  31. leslecturesdeval

    Superbe IMM une fois de plus je te souhaites de belles lectures

  32. Titisse

    Très joli IMM !

    Bonnes lectures 🙂

  33. Au Rendez-vous Littéraire

    Magnifique IMM 🙂 !!! Très bonnes lectures !!! Bisous !!!

  34. souris

    Kate Daniels , je suis trop déçue que la série ne continue pas en français et quand je vois tes magnifiques livres je suis triste de ne pas lire en anglais
    Les nouveaux milady me font de l’oeil
    Très joli IMM

  35. Annette

    Lovely blog. Hope you enjoy all your books. Thanks for visiting!

  36. Mich

    great bloglovin follower

    hope you can visit my Stacking the Shelves

  37. Dina @ All The Stacks

    Sea Change is new to me but sounds really interesting. Love fantasy books and the concept seems really unique.

  38. Lizzy

    Great haul! Looks like there ar a bunch of books featuring strong women (and some romance). Happy reading 🙂

  39. Marii@ The Words Written

    Great books! Sea Change sounds really interesting I’m going to have to check it out! Anyways happy reading!
    -Marii @ The Words Written

  40. SAM @ City of Fandoms

    Great Books! <3

    1. Jenny @ Book Sojourner

      Great stack! I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  41. Rachel @ Paper Cuts

    Ooh, so many good books! I especially like the look of The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter! I love steampunk. 🙂

    Thanks for visiting me today!

  42. Emz @ Icy Cold Reads

    Great haul! I haven’t read any of those, but they do sound very promising. Thanks for stopping by at my blog! 🙂

    Emz @ Icy Cold Reads

  43. Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

    The Tower sounds really good, I’ll definitely have to check that one out! Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! =D

  44. Jenny @ Book Sojourner

    Great stack! I haven’t read any of these. I hope you enjoy them. And thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  45. Marlene @ Reading Reality

    I have GOT to catch up with the Kate Daniels series. I really hope you enjoy The Tower and The Miseducation of Dr. Exeter. I thought they were both terrific.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my STS

  46. Pam@YAEscapefromReality

    Ooh, The Tower and Sea Change looks really good. Have fun reading!

  47. Amy @ The Reading Realm

    I haven’t heard of any of these, but they all look interesting 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by & happy reading!

    Amy @ The Reading Realm

  48. Candyshy

    TRop beau IMM 🙂 hâte d’avoir vos avis sur les milady romances !! bonnes lectures
    à bientôt !

  49. Kelly L.

    I’ve never heard of any of these books before, but I hope you enjoy read them all! 😀
    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

  50. Karla

    Awesome haul. You’ve got some really different genres and they really sound good! Happy reading!!

  51. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Some amazing ones. 🙂 Can’t wait to dig into Cold Blooded, and hope you loved Magic Rises. 😀 Have a great week!

  52. Carmen B.

    I’ve heard great things about Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series but I haven’t read it yet myself. This one’s cover is gorgeous! I hope you enjoy all your new additions 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  53. Janie E

    Bardsley has been on my TBR for FOREVER!! I want to read The Heist series too 🙂 Great haul – thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  54. Feflie

    Super IMM ! Bonne lecture avec tout ça. 🙂

  55. Maria Behar

    Hi, Melliane!

    Ohhh….I must apologize for not commenting sooner….I am so very sorry….sometimes I get super busy, and then, days pass, and I feel embarrassed…but I decided to come over anyway. Besides, I need to tell you just how much I LOVE all the books you’ve acquired!! You LUCKY girl!! And I wonder what it’s like to read Jo Putney in French. Merveilleux, n’est ce pas? Je crois que oui! Forgive my French. Lol. J’ai etudiee quatre ans au lycee, et un an a l’universitee, mais j’ai m’oubliee beaucoup de choses aussi.

    Anyway….thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my STS post!! I’m adding all these books (maybe even the ones in French, if I use a dictionary…) to my TBR and wish list!! : )

    1. Melliane

      Don’t worry it’s already nice of you. Your French is perfect. Thank you! Mary Jo Putney was really great I’m sure it’s better in English but I liked the first book.

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