Coucou tout le monde !

Je voulais vous présenter Gilwen, c’est une blogueuse fantastique et une personne vraiment adorable. Je ne sais pas si vous la connaissez mais elle possède le blog : Livrement Votre…

Elle a très gentiment accepté de participer de temps en temps à notre blog en chroniquant quelques livres pour nous. J’espère que ses avis vous ferons autant plaisir qu’à nous !


Hello everyone!

I wanted to present you Gilwen today, she is an amazing French blogger and a really sweet person. I don’t know if you know her but she has a blog… well a French blog : Livrement Votre…

She had kindly agreed to participate from time to time to our blog and to review a few books for us. I hope you’ll enjoy her reviews as much as us! And don’t worry it will be like us, French and English reviews, except is the book is only in French.

3 thoughts on “Guest reviewer: Gilwen

  1. aurian

    Hi Gilwen, welcome to the blog! I am looking forward to your reviews.

  2. Ailsa

    Bonjour Gilwen!

    I will embarrass myself if I try to write more of this in French, but I enjoy the fact that you post on the blog here in both English and French – I can read the posts in French first to practice then check the English one for any words I don’t understand 🙂 Much more interesting than reading textbooks! 🙂

  3. noisette2011

    Bienvenue sur le blog, j’ai hâte de découvrir encore plus de chroniques ^^

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