Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews



GIVEAWAY: International giveaway for a Signed copy of Cursed by Destiny by Cecy Robson + Goodies


Exhumed (Demons of Oblivion, 4) – Skyla Dawn Cameron

Zara Lain, narcissistic vampire and assassin, cleaned up after a crazy warlock tried to build a vampire army, made some cash when the North American covens were left in shambles, got away when framed for the murder of a Demon Hunter, and dealt with some idiots who tried to jumpstart Armageddon. None of that could prepare her, however, for the moment when her lover of the undead persuasion awakens…

And promptly tries to kill her.

She’s raised a handful of orphaned baby vampires during the past six years and she knows the score: if they don’t get sane again, they have to be staked. And even if she can fix her would-be boyfriend, he’s not the only formerly deceased one in town who wants to kill her. Old enemies are back to put a cramp in her love life, ruin a good pair of heels, and just maybe end the world.

An apocalypse is nigh…and it gets a lot worse than having nothing to wear to the occasion.

Douces Nuits – Ros Clarke & Faye Robertson

Recueil de deux nouvelles.

“Sous le gui” de Ros Clarke (All I Want For Christmas)

La nuit dernière, Anna a enflammé la fête de Noël au bureau, avant de se jeter une fois de plus sur l’irrésistible Hugh, l’étoile montante de l’entreprise. L’année passée, il a accepté de faire comme si leur baiser n’avait jamais eu lieu, mais cette année, Anna va devoir se rendre à l’évidence : l’attirance qu’elle éprouve pour Hugh est réciproque. Voilà la jeune femme face à un terrible dilemme : pour s’occuper de sa mère atteinte d’Alzheimer, elle s’est juré de mettre une croix sur les relations amoureuses…

“Une seconde chance pour Noël” de Faye Robertson (Holly’s First Noel)

Holly Jones, prof de musique, est dans une situation délicate pour les fêtes : elle vient de se faire larguer. Lorsque le séduisant prof de sciences de la classe d’à côté surprend sa conversation avec son ex et l’invite à passer quelques jours dans sa retraite écossaise, elle accepte aussitôt, ravie de pouvoir se ressourcer. Elle ne se doute pas un seul instant que, pour ce veuf qui fuit les fêtes depuis le décès de son épouse, sa compagnie est un cadeau inespéré.

Noblesse Oblige, Tome 5 & 6 – Sally MacKenzie

Si l’habit ne fait pas le baron…
Grace Belmont est surnommée « l’Amazone du Devon » et ce n’est pas pour rien : elle dépasse d’une tête tous ses soupirants. Tous, sauf un. Le baron Dawson. Et les formes généreuses de Grace, loin d’effrayer ce dernier, l’enchantent.
Mais elle est promise à un autre…
… il ne fait pas le vicomte non plus !
Jane Parker-Roth a renoncé à trouver un époux. C’est alors qu’un individu s’introduit dans la demeure de son hôte. Mais qu’observe donc le vicomte de Motton sur cette statue inconvenante ? Jane s’invite dans l’enquête de ce charmant intrus, et bientôt dans son coeur…

Un Mariage Salvateur (La Ligue des Libertins, 1) – Jo Berveley

Eleanor savait que son frère était un scélérat, mais pas au point de la faire passer pour une catin pour duper un riche comte. Son honneur bafoué, elle se voit contrainte d’accepter un mariage de convenance avec Nicholas, jeune homme à l’élégance nonchalante et prodigue de sourires entendus. Cette union a beau être à mille lieues de ses espérances, Eleanor est troublée. La jeune femme ignore combien de temps elle pourra encore résister à son charme dévastateur…


Waterlocked (Elemental World, 1.5) – Elizabeth Hunter



Definition: enclosed entirely, or almost entirely, by water

Example: What happens when the water vampire you’ve promised yourself to actually wants you to go through with the wedding? For Gemma Melcombe, her engagement to Terrance Ramsay was a political maneuver. For Terry, it’s something entirely more. Rough waters may be ahead for these two headstrong lovers, but until they come to an agreement, Gemma will be waterlocked.

Waterlocked is a novella in the Elemental World series.”

Blood and Sand (Elemental World, 2) – Elizabeth Hunter

Dead women are showing up in the desert east of San Diego, and no one understands why. When the story comes to the attention of reporter Natalie Ellis, she can’t help but make comparisons to the tragic deaths she’d investigated years ago. Are these women the victims of a serial killer, or something even more insidious?

Bodies may be piling up in his sire’s territory, but water vampire and feared enforcer, Baojia, is stuck entertaining the rich and clueless at a club in San Diego. He’s taken his exile with all the grace he could muster, but his patience is starting to thin.

Sparks fly when mortal and immortal are thrown together, and Natalie comes face to face with a reality that was lurking in the corners of her life. Pursuing the truth could cost Baojia everything, including the mortal woman who has earned his grudging respect.

BLOOD AND SAND is the second novel in the expanded Elemental World series by Elizabeth Hunter, author of the best-selling Elemental Mysteries.


Night Owls (Night Owls, 1) – Lauren M. Roy

Night Owls book store is the one spot on campus open late enough to help out even the most practiced slacker. The employees’ penchant for fighting the evil creatures of the night is just a perk…

Valerie McTeague’s business model is simple: provide the students of Edgewood College with a late-night study haven and stay as far away from the underworld conflicts of her vampire brethren as possible. She’s lived that life, and the price she paid was far too high to ever want to return.

Elly Garrett hasn’t known any life except that of fighting the supernatural werewolf-like beings known as Creeps or Jackals. But she always had her mentor and foster father by her side—until he gave his life protecting a book that the Creeps desperately want to get their hands on.

When the book gets stashed at Night Owls for safe keeping, those Val holds nearest and dearest are put in mortal peril. Now Val and Elly will have to team up, along with a mismatched crew of humans, vampires, and lesbian succubi, to stop the Jackals from getting their claws on the book and unleashing unnamed horrors…


Thanks to Sullivan McPig


Outpost (Razorland, 2) – Ann Aguirre

Deuce’s whole world has changed.Down below, she was considered an adult. Now, topside in a town called Salvation, she’s a brat in need of training in the eyes of the townsfolk. She doesn’t fit in with the other girls: Deuce only knows how to fight.

To make matters worse, her Hunter partner, Fade, keeps Deuce at a distance. Her feelings for Fade haven’t changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out.

Deuce signs up to serve in the summer patrols—those who make sure the planters can work the fields without danger. It should be routine, but things have been changing on the surface, just as they did below ground. The Freaks have grown smarter. They’re watching. Waiting. Planning. The monsters don’t intend to let Salvation survive, and it may take a girl like Deuce to turn back the tide.



25 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #72

  1. Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    I love the way Night Owls sounds and I really want to start the Razorland series 🙂 Great haul!

    My Haul!

  2. Sullivan McPig

    Let me know if Night Owls is any good.

  3. Feflie

    Plein de belles acquisitions ! Douces nuits me tentent beaucoup vu que c’est la période idéale pour ce genre de livres. ^^

  4. aurian

    Very nice haul!

  5. Bending The Spine

    Nice! I want to read Blood and Sand. I have loved everything I’ve read by Elizabeth Hunter.

  6. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    YAY! We at least have (1) book in common this week, Night Owls! Love how eclectic your books are this week. Have a great time reading!

  7. Chrissi Reads

    Waterlocked sounds really interesting. I hope you enjoy it and your other books this week! 🙂

  8. Grace Fonseca

    Awesome haul. I must say that Night Owls looks really good. Exhumed has an awesome cover. Come check out my stack as well.


  9. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    I have seen Night Owl on several blogs lately, I look forward to seeing what you think about it, Melliane!

    Great haul this week. I hope you’ll enjoy all your new books.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  10. blodeuedd

    Water vamps…? I am intrigued

  11. noisette2011

    Que de bonnes choses ! ^^
    J’adore la couv de night owls.
    Bonnes lectures !

  12. Luna's Little Library

    Like the sound of Outpost but no familiar with the others, happy reading though. 🙂

  13. Cait

    Ohhh! Outpost looks epic and creepy. I’m loving that cover. Happy reading!
    My StS!

  14. Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

    Never heard about any of these books but please enjoy them.

    Have fun reading.

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

  15. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    The cover for Douces Nuits is gorgeous! I also hope you like Outpost. I read the first book more than a year ago and have been meaning to get to this one for ages.

    Happy reading, luv! <33

  16. viou03

    Bonnes lectures avec les Milady , j’ai beaucoup aimé ces trois romans .

  17. Winifred

    Je ne connais pas tout mais bonnes lectures !!!

  18. Shane @ Itching for Books

    Nice stack. Happy reading 🙂

    My Book Haul

  19. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    Yaaaaaaay for Outpost! And I got Night Owls too, I’m hoping it’ll be as good as it looks.
    Happy reading!

  20. brandileigh2003

    waterhaul looks good, hope you enjoy

  21. Laura @ Laura in Bookland

    I read Outpost last month and I wasn’t too impressed with it. I think it suffered from “Second book syndrome”. It did make me excited for the last one though!

    Here’s my Haul!

  22. Jillyn

    Oh, Exhumed sounds like something I’d really enjoy. I’ll have to check it out. Happy reading! My STS

  23. Ellie

    I heard Outcast is good, hope you enjoy them all!

    Check out my STS this week!

  24. Braine Talk Supe

    Night Owls, I’ll stalk you for the review. It’s a popular haul in the sphere lately, curious to see if it’s any good.

  25. Michie

    Exhumed looks interesting,nice haul,enjoy reading.
    hope you can visit my Stacking the Shelves

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