
 Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


35 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #101

  1. blodeuedd

    Nasty looking zombie cover, cool 🙂

  2. Jennifer Bielman

    OMG I want Zomburbia now!!!

  3. Lyda

    Bonnes futures lectures 🙂 J’aime bien le style d’Eric L’homme donc je vais voir ce que tu penses de ce roman-là 🙂

  4. Dre @ Sporadic Reads

    Ohhh, that cover of Zomburbia is awesome! I hope it turns out to be an awesome read! I like zombie books 😀

  5. Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books

    Awesome grabs, and that Zomburbia cover looks aaaa-mazing!!

  6. Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)

    oh I havent heard of any of these but I hope you enjoy them! Zomburia looks creeepy O.O

  7. miki

    the first one is tempting, souffle des pierre semble être un bon récit de fantasy et puis c’est sur que le zombie est assez effrayant donc celui je ne m’ y interesse pas du tout^^

  8. Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews

    I was going to request Zomburbia since I’m auto-approved. May have to go back and download it now! Enjoy your books!

  9. Faye @ The Social Potato

    That has got to be one of the coolest zombie covers I’ve ever seen :O You’ve got a lot of goodies here, lovely, and I hope you enjoy reading them. I’m kinda interested in checking out that Jump Universe thing as I’m a huge fan of space opera. Thanks for bringing to my attention these titles!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  10. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

    Love the look of Zomburbia!

    Here’s how I’m Stacking the Shelves this week.

  11. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    That zombie books is definitely freaking looking! Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  12. Grace Fonseca

    I was thinking of requesting The Zombie book, but I’m trying not to request too much these days. Got to catch up. Great haul of books.


  13. Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    I haven’t read any of these but happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  14. kindlemom1

    The zombie one looks so good and I see lots of people have picked it up. I can’t wait to see what you think about it. 🙂
    Congrats on all the books this week!

  15. Jessica

    Looks like you got some great books this week! I hope you enjoy all you got 🙂

    Here’s my STS!

  16. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    OMG! The cover of Zomburbia is awesome! I’m not usually a huge fan of zombie stories, but I think I’ll make an exception.
    I hope you’ll enjoy all your new books, Melliane.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier. Have a great weekend, and happy reading.

  17. Nikki

    These look like fun! I need to check out To Do or Die, it sounds interesting — if not for me, I bet my sister would like it.

    My StS.

  18. ShootingStarsMag

    Zomburbia sounds really fun!!


  19. LilyElement

    Whoa, that zombie cover.

  20. Rachel

    One More Night sounds really good! I love romantic suspense so I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts. 🙂

  21. Mogsy

    To Do Or Die looks fantastic! I’d wanted to check it out too, but was worried about it being a book four and I hadn’t read the previous ones. I only jump into the middle of a series when I know for sure they can be read on its own or I’ll get super lost.

  22. Tanja

    You’ve got some really interesting books this week. I like the sound of Zomburbia and I really hope you’ll enjoy your new books. Great haul, Melliane 🙂

  23. michelle

    i love the sound of one more night. it sounds like just my kind of read. fantastic books this week! very eclectic 🙂

    hope you can stop by my WoW Post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie’s Book Picks

  24. Maggie

    To do or Die sounds great!

  25. Fiza @ I'll Read Till I Drop

    Nice haul and is that a zombie I see 😉

    My new pretties 🙂

  26. Julie

    Can’t wait to read the Mandy Baxter book! And I agree with blodeuedd – eeky cover there lol.

  27. Stephanie Faris

    How cool is that book title? Zomburbia. I love it!

  28. viou03

    On en a un en commun Terre de Dragon .
    Bonnes lectures .

  29. kincaid

    Celui sur les zombies me tente bien !

  30. brandileigh2003

    one more night sounds good! hope you enjoy and have a great coming week.

  31. Scott Reads It!

    Zomburbia looks totally like my kind of book! ENjoy!
    -Scott Reads It!

  32. kara-karina

    O_o, everyone is getting the zombie book! Hope you enjoy all, D.! I particularly like the look of that scifi series. Have a lovely week, my dear and have fun at the beach 🙂

  33. Kirsty-Marie

    Ohh, I’ve heard of Zomburbia and damn that cover looks creeeeeeeepy. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

  34. Jamie (Jay)

    One More Night sounds really good. I hope you enjoy it and the others here. Happy Reading!
    Here are my
    new additions.

  35. Froggy80

    Bonnes lectures avec toutes ces nouveautés !

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