Welcome to Kate Serine the author of the Transplanted Tales series. Her last book Ever After is out this month. Thanks to her for this post.


My Favorite Fairytales

I’d originally planned to talk about my all-time favorite fairytale. But then I realized I couldn’t possibly pick just one! (Perhaps that’s why I have such a large cast of characters in each of my novels….)

So, instead, I decided to choose my top five favorites and share a little about why I adore them. Here they are, in no particular order:

1)      Beauty and the Beast – I’ve loved this story since I was a little girl. I remember seeing a made-for-TV movie of it when I was about seven or eight years old and being completely captivated by the love story. And I think part of the reason this story continues to remain in my Top Five is because its message of selfless love, sacrifice, self-discovery, and personal growth is timeless.

2)      Snow-White and Rose-Red – In this story, a prince who has been turned into a bear by a wicked dwarf is rescued by the kindness and love of two sisters. I’m not sure what it is about this story that sets it above so many others, but I just know this was the book I always chose when it was time to curl up in my mom’s lap for story time and that it still has a special place in my heart.

3)      The Three Bears – This story was probably one of the first fairytales I ever reimagined. I know this because somewhere in the family archives there’s a recording of me at age three telling an action-packed version of The Three Bears to my aunt and uncle. There was scandal, intrigue, and all kinds of zaniness. This will always be one of my favorites.

4)      Rumpelstiltskin – I think my love for this story is more about my childhood memories than the story itself. My mother is a wonderful storyteller and used to entertain us at bedtime by acting out the stories, complete with silly voices for each character and a lot of slapstick comedy. Of all her bedtime stories, this one was the most fun to hear her tell. I had great fun reimagining the character of Rumpelstiltskin in Along Came a Spider.

5)      Little Red Riding Hood – I’ve always wanted a red hooded cloak. I know, I know. They’re not exactly practical. But what can I say? They’re romantic. 😉 Little Red’s fashion choices aside, I’ve always loved the element of suspense in this story. No matter how many times I heard it as a little girl I was always on the edge of my seat. Considering how much I love this fairytale, it seems fitting that Little Red Riding Hood wound up as the protagonist in the first book of my Transplanted Tales series.


Mes contes de fées préférés

J’avais initialement prévu de parler de mon conte de fées préféré. Mais ensuite, j’ai réalisé que je ne pouvais pas en choisir un seul! (Peut-être que c’est pourquoi j’ai un si grand groupe de personnages dans chacun de mes romans …).

Ainsi, au lieu, j’ai décidé de choisir mes cinq premiers favoris et partager un peu pourquoi je les adore. Ici, il n’y a pas d’ordre particulier :

1) La Belle et la Bête – J’aime cette histoire depuis que je suis petite fille. Je me souviens avoir vu un film télévisé quand j’avais environ sept ou huit ans et j’ai été complètement captivée par l’histoire d’amour. Et je pense qu’une partie de la raison pour laquelle cette histoire continue à rester dans mon Top Five est parce que son message est basé sur l’amour désintéressé, le sacrifice, la découverte de soi et la croissance personnelle qui sont intemporels.

2) Blanche-Neige et Rose-Rouge – Dans cette histoire, un prince qui a été transformé en ours par un nain méchant est sauvé par la bonté et l’amour de deux sœurs. Je ne sais pas ce qui met histoire au-dessus de beaucoup d’autres, mais je sais juste que c’est le livre que je choisissais toujours quand il était temps de se lover sur les genoux de ma mère pour l’heure du conte et il a encore une place spéciale dans mon cœur.

3) Les trois ours – Cette histoire a probablement été l’un des premiers contes de fées que j’ai jamais repensé. Je le sais parce que, quelque part dans les archives de la famille, il ya un enregistrement de moi à trois ans en train de raconter une version pleine d’action des Trois Ours à ma tante et mon oncle. Il y avait du scandale, de l’intrigue, et toutes sortes de loufoquerie. Ce sera toujours un de mes favoris.

4) Rumpelstiltskin – je pense que mon amour pour cette histoire est plus en rapport avec mes souvenirs d’enfance que l’histoire elle-même. Ma mère est une conteuse de merveille et l’utilisait pour nous divertir au coucher, en agissant sur ​​les histoires, les complétant avec des voix stupides pour chaque personnage et beaucoup de comédie burlesque. De toutes ses histoires au coucher, celle-ci était la plus amusante à écouter. J’ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à réinventer le personnage de Rumpelstiltskin dans Along Came a Spider.

5) Le Petit Chaperon Rouge – J’ai toujours voulu un manteau à capuchon rouge. Je sais, je sais. Ils ne sont pas exactement pratique. Mais que puis-je dire? Ils sont romantiques. 😉 Les choix de mode de Little Red mis à part, j’ai toujours aimé l’élément de suspens dans cette histoire. Peu importe combien de fois je l’ai entendu petite fille, j’étais toujours attentive. Considérant à quel point j’aime ce conte de fées, il semble normal que le Petit Chaperon Rouge se retrouve en tant que protagoniste dans le premier livre de ma série de contes transplanté.


Author Bio: Kate SeRine (pronounced “serene”) is a hopeless romantic who firmly believes in true love that lasts forever. So it’s no surprise that when she began writing her own stories, Kate vowed her characters would always have a happily ever after. She’s the author of the award-winning TRANSPLANTED TALES series and will be releasing the TEMPLAR LEGACY series with Kensington and the PROTECT AND SERVE series with Sourcebooks in 2015/2016.

Kate lives in a smallish, quintessentially Midwestern town with her husband and two sons, who share her love of storytelling. She never tires of creating new worlds to share and is even now working on her next project.

Transplanted Tales, Book 4

Synopsis: To Catch a Thief…

For centuries, Gideon Montrose has served the King of Fairies without question and, often, without mercy. So when the King orders him to apprehend a notorious thief, Gideon obeys. But when he finally gets his hands on the beautiful culprit, Gideon’s in for a shock.

Arabella Locksley is none other than the spirited, unpredictable woman he knew back in Make Believe as Robin Hood — the love of his life whose tragic death destroyed his chance at Happily Ever After.

Now, he has an impossible choice. Betray the woman he once loved, or the king he’s bound to serve?


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  Come back and check out more posts and giveaways by following the dates here.

25 thoughts on “Guest post – Kate Serine + concours/giveaway (+traduction)

  1. Johanne

    Merci beaucoup pour ce concours :).

  2. Braine

    I remember SW&RR, her name is Rosamund right? Or is that another tale? Anyway, I loved fairy tales too when I was a kid, not the Disney ones per se but the longer versions. Love this series, great interview!

  3. Kyla Alyanna

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  4. kindlemom1

    Yay! I love this and I really like this series! Thanks so much for all of this!

  5. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Beauty and the Beast!!!!! That’s my all time favorite fairy tale as well, and I will read any and every book that has even the slightest Beauty and the Beast vibe to it. I also love Little Red Riding Hood. She was my go-to costume for Halloween growing up. Who doesn’t want to wear a red cloak?

  6. Kim { Book Swoon }

    One of my earliest memories of experiencing a fairy tale was the original Little Mermaid which broke my heart, yet set me on the path of loving all things related to fairy tales! Beauty and the Beast is probably my second favorite!!

    Thanks for the wonderful post and giveaway!! 🙂

  7. blodeuedd

    Now I want a red cloak too!

  8. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I love Beauty and the Beast. I think that has always been my favorite. I do enjoy the Red Riding Hood stories… especially those she doesn’t end up the victim… 🙂

  9. Sullivan McPig

    This sounds like a series i should give a try.

  10. Lola

    Wow, that’s a lot of FAVORITE fairy tales haha. My personal favorite is Beauty and The Beast. SUCH a beautiful fairy tale. ^^

  11. Kat Stark @ NotYetRead

    I’m a fairytale lover too and your order might actually be the same as mine aside from the three bears. Great post!!

  12. Missie

    I seriously love fairy tales too!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  13. kimbacaffeinate

    Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale. Awesome guest post, and of course you know I adore this series!

  14. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Thank you for the guest post! Wonderful choices of fairy tales, Rumpelstiltskin is one of my all time favorites too 🙂

  15. Mirlou

    Merci pour ce concours !

  16. LilyElement

    I’ve only seen these via Disney, so I wasn’t aware the he turned into a bear in the story!

  17. Silvia

    Beauty and the Beast is my favourite, but those are all fantastic choices! Thanks for the great guest post 🙂

  18. Juju Normand

    Thanks ! 🙂

  19. Jessica @ Rabid Reads

    Great post! I love fairy tales too, so it’s always interesting to compare favorites–Rumpelstiltskin was always one of mine too. Thanks for the giveaway also!

  20. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Oh yes on Beauty and the Beast. That one is my favorite. Always has been 🙂

  21. Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

    I love all of your fairy tale choices particularly Beauty and The Beast and Snow White. In addition to these, I have a crazy obsession about the Little Mermaid and until now, I am still looking for an awesome retelling of the Little Mermaid. It seems that a lot of fairy tale authors have an aversion against Ariel because most retellings nowadays are about Cinderella, Aurora and Belle. Hmmn.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Mel!

  22. Anca B.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Jennifer Bielman

    Beauty and the Beast is totally my fav. And Sleeping Beauty.

  24. Kirsty-Marie

    I don’t think I really have a favourite, but I prefer the Grimms’. 😉

  25. lea p

    Merkiii !

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