Night Huntress, Book 7

Synopsis: There’s always one more grave to dig

Lately, life has been unnaturally calm for vampires Cat Crawfield and her husband, Bones. They should have known better than to relax their guard, because a shocking revelation sends them back into action to stop an all-out war . . .

A rogue CIA agent is involved in horrifying secret activities that threaten to raise tensions between humans and the undead to dangerous heights. Now Cat and Bones are in a race against time to save their friends from a fate worse than death . . . because the more secrets they unravel, the deadlier the consequences. And if they fail, their lives—and those of everyone they hold dear—will be hovering on the edge of the grave.

Review: This is the final book in the Night Huntress series and it is true that I was curious to find out the whole story. However, certain points made ​​me a little anxious … Indeed, the latest volume of a series is always very difficult to write to content all readers and I was afraid of being disappointed by it… But that’s not all because the sixth volume was a little less interesting than others and I was afraid that it may be the same with this one. But I can tell you that I was wrong and Jeaniene Frost presents us with a very good final book.

Cat and Bones continue their lives quietly, trying not to attract attention until they learn that Tate and the gang disappeared without a trace. While our couple is determined to understand what is happening, they are at the heart of a story about secret researches for the government. But in order to save her friends, Cat will have to ask for help to all her allies to thwart the plans made for her. But it will not be easy, and even far from that because this adventure will be more explosive and lively than expected.

I loved to follow this new story. Cat and Bones will have to excel here as many surprises await them. I admit that I really enjoyed seeing all the characters that we had the chance to discover throughout the novels. Yes we do! You heard right, ALL the characters are present, Vlad, Spade, Ian, Marie, Tate, Don, Denise and many others … Even if some do not have a great impact on the story, it is always a pleasure to see them again. Together, they will find a way to infiltrate a secret laboratory. They could also find here a new character who could impact on their lives.

Cat has evolved over the novels but nothing could stop her once she has an idea in mind. Yet it also puts her in rather dangerous situations and even if she sometimes acts at odds with Bones, they are always there for each other. There is no dead time in the story and I loved the ending to the novel. Everything was really well done and I am very happy to have discovered this last volume. It was a nice surprise for me and I’m sad to leave the characters behind me now.



39 thoughts on “Up From the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

  1. Silvia

    I’m happy you loved this instalment so much and I really, really need to start reading this series!

    1. Melliane

      oh yes it’s a really good series!

  2. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    I’m so glad to hear that! I love the series but have still been holding out on reading this last one. Nice that she did a good job with it. That’s always so nerve wracking.

    1. Melliane

      Me too but I finally tried with the French release and I’m happy about it. I hope you’ll enjoy it as well.

  3. Melanie Simmons (@mlsimmons)

    I thought this was a fitting end to the series. I miss Cat & Bones, but Frost isn’t done writing in the world. There is still one more Vlad book. She has also mentioned that there will probably be a book for the newest member of the cast set in the future. Lastly, I expect she will be hounded until Ian gets his book. I’ll be content will more books set in the world, because at least they are not gone for good, yet. 🙂 Great review.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was finally perfect for me. That’s true but I haven’t started these ones yet. And that’s great I didn’t know for another book about this character.

  4. Stephanie Faris

    Cat and Bones…strange character names, for sure!

    1. Melliane

      it’s some alias the real names are Crispin and Catherine

  5. kindlemom1

    I love this series and I really need to read this but I am sad to see it end!

    1. Melliane

      yeah me too..

  6. Lily

    God I feel like I really need to give this series a try since you liked it so much (even though there are So many books in it) lol

    1. Melliane

      it’s ok as it’s 7 books, it’s not that much and they’re good!

  7. Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

    I have yet to read a book by Jeanine Frost. I think this is the third Frost review that I’ve read today. Wow! Congrats for finally finishing the series, Mel. Seems like the long wait definitely paid off.

    And I love the names of the characters. Hahaha. So eccentric and definitely, unforgettable.

    Lovely review, Mel!

    1. Melliane

      yes I was happy about it.

  8. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    YAY!!!! I have this one but I’ve been putting it off because I don’t want to say goodbye to Cat and Bones. Plus, I was a little worried it wouldn’t be the satisfying conclusion I so desperately want it to be. SO GLAD to know you loved it and thought it wrapped up the series well. I just adore these books:)

    1. Melliane

      yeah that’s quite sad but it was a good end so it’s ok. I hope it will be the same for you.

  9. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I felt that this one was pretty good as well, despite my disappointment with the previous few installments. I also felt that it was time to say goodbye. While I’ll miss Cat and Bones more than I could ever say, dragging things out would work in no one’s favor.

    1. Melliane

      you’re right it’s also true.

  10. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Ooh, I’ve actually read the first two books in this series and I plan to read more when I have the time and if the library has the rest of the audiobooks. I think I stopped for a while though, because they are too heavy on the paranormal romance for me at the time, but the scenes with Cat and Bones were pretty hot! Now that the series has concluded I might look into catching up.

    1. Melliane

      I hope it will be ok for you with the sequels.

  11. Kirsty-Marie

    Final book? I thought there were post (must have been thinking about a different series) Glad the final book went out with a bang, really hate when some series enders fall flat. 🙁

    1. Melliane

      we have some spin off too but it’s not the same characters.

  12. Michele @ A Belle's Tales

    It’s always so sad to say goodbye to a beloved series. I am so happy you enjoyed this final installment. This series is on my reading list and I can hardly wait to start it. Wonderful review!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was a great one, I’m happy about it.

  13. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’m so behind on this series and I am also nervous when it comes to ending books. So glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Whew! 🙂 I am also so happy that the gang is all there. Brilly review!

  14. blodeuedd

    Sadly not the series for me

  15. Heidi

    Interesting to see the contrast in covers. I ate this series up before I started my blog but then I kind of lost interest and I havent’ read the last two books. I guess the lackluster reviews for book six put me off. I guess I just need to take the plunge and finish the series. I do love the characters.

    1. Melliane

      yeah book 6 wasn’t that good…

  16. Pam (@MoonlightReader)

    So funny, I did a review on Up From the Grave today too! LOL. We gave it the same rating. 🙂 I’m kind of glad that the series ended though, I think it was starting to get boring. They’re great characters and Frost is a great writer, but I felt like she should end on a good note, and she did! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it’s rare mainly as it’s been a while it’s out but I took the opportunity to ask for it with the French release. I agree it was a good one and I’m happy about that.

  17. LilyElement

    I hate ending a series, so I still haven’t read this one *hangs head*

  18. Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    Yet another series I haven’t heard of! You always manage to pick out such interesting books Melliane! I love the concept of this one, and am definitely going to consider giving it a try. Thanks for sharing and, as always, BRILLIANT review! Glad this series ended on a high note for you! xD

    1. Melliane

      thank you darling.

  19. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    I like Cat’s stubborness, hehe. I’m actually at book 3…whenever I’ll pick that up so I skimmed this review (sorry!!) but I’m glad it end with nice discoveries. 🙂

    1. Melliane

      don’t worry, I hope you’ll enjoy the others.

  20. Brandi Breathes Books

    I have heard so much good things about Cat and Bones, I want to make room to read some of these soon

  21. Johanne

    Il faut absolument que je poursuive cette saga!

  22. kimbacaffeinate

    I am glad this ended well for you Melliane, I am still two books behind. I need to finish this series.

  23. Jennifer Bielman

    Jeeze, I have this one but still haven’t gotten to it. Happy it turned out good.

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