Sabina Kane, Book 5

Synopsis: The epic conclusion to the amazing Sabina Kane urban fantasy series!

Sabina Kane is on the hunt. Her prey: Cain, the father of the vampire race and the one who murdered her family and her friends. Unfortunately, Cain is hunting Sabina, too.

The one man who holds the key to defeating Cain is, of course, Abel. A mage with secrets to spare and, hopefully, the power to match it. Unfortunately, for Sabina, heā€™s in Rome and may not want to be found.

Sabina sets out for Italy with her friends, Giguhl and Adam Lazarus, to track down the only man who can get her the revenge she hungers for. But will he help her or oppose her? And just who is Abel, really? Worst of all, when Sabina figures out the goddess Lilith has a plan for her-she realizes this trip is getting deadlier by the minute. As they say: when in Rome-SURVIVE.

Review: I was curious to read this volume and at the same time knowing that it was the last of the series, I preferred to keep it as long as possible (yes I know, it does not change much in the end). I think it’s always interesting to have the end of a saga such as this one and at the same time it’s still pretty sad to say that we will never see the characters again. Well now we know that we have them in some novellas, but it’s still always a little different. So here I am with the fifth book in the Sabina Kane saga. I was curious after the last one and as I wanted to see how our heroine would be able to face Cain after what happened, especially with Maisie. I must say that the fourth volume has messed the life of our vampire.

Sabina therefore goes to Rome with her friends to find Abel, who could help her to destroy Cain. But finding him sounds more complicated than expected and when in addition the God who worked with Sabina asks her to kill a vampire that nobody seems to know about, it does not help her business. I can not say more not to reveal the big surprises of the novel but it has many twists and turns throughout the chapters.

I must say that I was curious to know the real identity of Abel and I think it is impossible to even suspect who he is. But it was great to meet him and see how Sabina behaves with him. Many new characters are introduced here and some old ones return as well. It was lovely to see them all in full force. Sabina has a quest to lead but itā€™s much more complicated than what she thought at first. We will also discover the demons world and its subtleties. It was interesting to see that this world is more complex than we might think and that the characters are very different. The relationship between Adam and Sabina is also changing significantly, and it is a pleasure to see her so happy.

This novel was a nice conclusion to the series and I think that the fans of the series will not be disappointed. We had a lot of things from beginning to end and we never get bored for a second. I was quite surprised by the direction of the story but at the same time it made sense compared to what we had learned before. It was a very nice volume and I’m still a little sad that itā€™s the end.



36 thoughts on “Blue-Blooded Vamp by Jaye Wells

  1. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I always hold out on last books of series. I hate when such a good series ends. Happy it ended well.

    1. melliane

      yes, we want to keep the characters forever so we take our time to read the last book.

  2. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    Sweet! An urban fantasy series that ends at the fifth book you can count me in!!

    1. melliane

      yes it’s rare to have short series like that

  3. Tabitha (Not Yet Read)

    Oh no did my comment get eaten?

  4. Faye M.

    Huhuhu, I know the feels, girl. I hate saying goodbye to good characters and awesome settings, too. I don’t even want to think of the time I’ll say goodbye to Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series. I want that one to go on forever. Or my favorite manga characters!! Nooo!

    With that said, I’ll definitely try this one if you liked it so much, Melliane! Urban Fantasy is pretty much my favorite genre at the moment~

    1. Melliane

      yeah it’s always so sad… No, nope, no end for Kate!

  5. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    Aw that always makes me a bit sad as well. Thank goodness for re-reading when the need strikes šŸ™‚ That’s great it worked out in the end even if a bit surprising. šŸ™‚

    1. Melliane

      that’s true, it’s the good thing.

  6. Franny @ Mind Reader

    I agree with Jennifer, the last book in a series is always the most… “feared”, should I say? Especially if a series has many books, we’re always not ready to let the characters go.
    So glad you enjoyed this one, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      yes I’m always really anxious about that.

  7. kimbacaffeinate

    I am so glad you enjoyed this. Final books always make me nervous too my friend šŸ™‚

  8. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I’ve heard good things about this series Melliane! SO glad to know it wraps up in a satisfying way. I’m like you, I tend to either put off the last book in a series or take my time reading it because I don’t want it to be over:)

    1. Melliane

      it’s a really nice series, I loved it.

  9. LilyElement

    Sad that the series ended, really enjoyed these.

  10. kindlemom1

    I am so happy this series is still going strong for you! I really need to pick this up and try it.

  11. Melanie Simmons (@mlsimmons)

    I really liked this series. I’ve been meaning to pick up something else from this author, but haven’t yet. I’ve heard great things about Dirty Magic. I was sad to see this series go too.

    1. Melliane

      I really love her other series as well.

  12. Carole Rae

    SO sad when the ending comes. I’m going to be so upset when the Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig comes to end this year.

  13. Heidi

    Final volumes are tricky. So glad this one delivered everything you wanted and more. Sounds like a solid conclusion to a great series.

  14. Emma @ Never Judge a Book

    I picked this series up when I bought it for like Ā£1. I adored the first book and then continued since then…. this is one of the best UF series, I’ve read ever. I loved Sabina and Abel and I so want to read it again. I know what you mean with the end of the series books…you just want to savour it til the very end. Keep the book and characters, alive, so to speak. Great review Melaine! šŸ™‚

    1. Melliane

      yes it’s a really good one! I love her other one too.

  15. Braine Talk Supe

    Last book, it’s hit or miss and when it ends well it’s bittersweet. There are a few series endings that I have yet to read myself, it’s torture! You’re a brave soul and it’s great that you’re satisfied with the conclusion.

  16. ShootingStarsMag

    That’s great you felt this was a nice ending to the series. I believe I own the first book…I guess I should read them now!

  17. blodeuedd

    I am glad you liked it until the end šŸ™‚

    I got so disappointed :/

    1. Melliane

      really? I’m sorry…

  18. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Very cool, as you saw I just read my first Jaye Wells book, starting with her Prospero’s War series! Hoping to finish the second book today and to get started on the ARC of the third.

    1. Melliane

      oh lucky one for the ARC, I’ve ordered the book and I’m waiting for it.

  19. Missie

    This looks bad ass!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  20. Joy // Joyousreads

    yay for series enders that fulfill your every expectations! šŸ˜€

  21. kim { Book Swoon }

    Yay, I’m glad this final book ended well. I have book one of her new ser Dirty Magic that I’m looking forward to. šŸ™‚

    1. Melliane

      I really enjoy this series as well.

  22. Kirsty-Marie

    Hate when a series ends, but at least it ended on a good note! šŸ™‚ I always think having novellas after the series is finished is rather mean since they always just leave you wanting more, unfair. šŸ™

  23. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Don’t always love the end of the series books but this one sounds like it rocks. I so need to get started on this series. At least now I can devour them all without getting further behind. šŸ™‚

  24. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I really did enjoy the end of this series. I got the impression that Jaye had in mind where all were going to end from the beginning. Glad you got to read and enjoy it. šŸ™‚ Now to the novella’s! LOL!

  25. Lily

    Oh Mellanie I’m so happy you enjoyed this book and that it completely worked for you! I love when a series conclusions ends in a satisfying way and it seems like this one did.

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