Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire, Book 3

Synopsis: Ever wonder what happens after you die? Well, as a ghost, Jensen Murphy could tell you—and the truth is much stranger than anything you could imagine…

I never accomplished much when I was alive. As an average eighties California beach bum, I, Jensen Murphy, didn’t have any direction. But since I’ve joined Boo World, I’ve found a calling. Now, I’m a supernatural investigator, using my ghostly skills to spook confessions out of bad guys.

But being a paranormal PI is taking its toll. Spirits are hounding me for justice day and night, and, now, a ghost hunting TV show is digging up dirt on my unsavory demise that I’d rather keep buried. Worst of all, a seriously evil specter is making my afterlife hell by hurting the people and ghosts I care about. To stop him, I’ll need assistance from a higher power—only the price I’ll have to pay for that help could be my very soul…

Review: I enjoyed the first two volumes of the series and I find it really interesting that the author has chosen to take a ghost as a main character. This is not necessarily an easy thing to do because the interactions with others are very different in the end, but I think that Chris Marie Green had some very good ideas for Jensen and I had once again a great time with this third volume!

We pick up the story where we left it with a new investigation ultimately ending up with the confession of the murderer. Yet, our heroes are still weak from the last meeting they had with the Jensen’s murderer. In this novel, unlike the other two, we do not really follow a new investigation, no, not at all, but we learn more about our heroine. Indeed, a ghost hunter crew strangely decides to focus on the Jensen’s case. This is where Amanda Lee comes in to try to divert their attention, not to victimize our heroine again. But that’s not all because, surprisingly, this volume will reveal many things and answer all the questions we were waiting for. What a pleasure to finally understand who fake Dean is, this boy who seems so interested in Jensen. I admit that I was not expecting it at all and the author really surprised me with all her revelations about him. I think that we can not even imagine for a second about his identity. There was also ultimately a choice made in relation to Gavin and I think that all this happens for the best. It’s hard to really know that Jensen should do with him, because their story is actually not really easy either, although they could also make it work between them.

And then of course, we will also learn more about the murderer of our heroine. Again it is true that we might have an idea of ​​the culprit without really knowing who he was and I was again very surprised to learn the truth about him. I therefore confirm that the author has perfectly managed to lead us by the nose to surprise us with her startling revelations!

So yes, the author presents us all what we were waiting for since the beginning here and I was really pleased with the whole story. Once again I was carried away by it all and I loved spending time with the characters and the plot. I recommend you to discover the series, which is really nice to read! A wonderful conclusion.




34 thoughts on “Every Breath You Take by Chris Marie Green

  1. Joy (Joyousreads)

    This series is new to me, but I’m glad you liked this instalment. I also like that the author spent a bit more time with each characters. It gives her readers a chance to get to know them a bit more.

    I hope the one will be just as enjoyable, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      yes it was so nice to read the whole series. A really good one.

  2. blodeuedd

    it does seem to be going strong 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes I loved the series.

  3. Kirsty-Marie

    I’ve only read a few with the ghost as the main character, so glad it works for this series! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes we don’t have a lot of books like that so it’s nice for a change.

  4. bea285

    Bon j’adore tes chroniques Melliane. Mais j’avoue que je les préfère en français. XD. Cependant, chapeau. Tu as réussi à me faire lire de l’anglais.
    Et je pense avoir compris dans les grandes lignes: des fantômes, un bon tome, beaucoup de révélations sur l’héroïne.

    Bisous et à bientôt!

    1. Melliane

      lol je suis fière ! Y avait celle en Français dessous hein quand meme ?

      1. bea285

        Oh la boulette XD J’avais pas lu… (C’est tout moi). Le pire c’est que je l’ai cherchée…

        1. Melliane

          A part si une blogueuse étrangère poste un avis ici, tout est en double en Français.

  5. kimbacaffeinate

    The more you share about this series the more intrigued I become. Glad you got answers.

    1. Melliane

      yes I was very happy about that

  6. Ramona

    It’s wonderful to be surprised, especially while reading a murder mystery. You sure know how to choose them, Melliane! Enjoy your Sunday 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes this one was perfect for that

  7. Carole Rae

    This…sounds pretty good! It would make an amazing video game.

    1. Melliane

      oh maybe yes

  8. Heidi

    I remember when you reviewed the first book, I love a good ghostly series, I am really enjoying Ellie Jordan by J.L. Bryan, and I want to try this. I need to find more time to read.

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll be able to try one day!

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oh seeing this reminded me that I never got my copy of this third book! I’ll have to look into it again. By the way, it wasn’t until seeing this book and its title that I realized all three novels are named after 80s songs. LOL!

    1. Melliane

      I was meant to have one but maybe like you I didn’t, so the author sent me an eARC. I was really happy to read it. LOL really? I didn’t realize that lol

  10. braine

    Ugh! I so want to read this! I hope they put the first book on sale so I can read it soon!

    1. Melliane

      yes you need to try!

  11. LilyElement

    Everytime I see your review for these books I want to read it! I’ll make sure to add this one to my TBR as well 🙂 Great review!

    1. Melliane

      you should!

  12. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    I seriously need more hours in the day to read! lol These sound awesome. Very neat having the ghost aspect. You don’t see that often. Yay for things ending well!

    1. Melliane

      no really not often

  13. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    I love when a series wraps up the way it should. I need to read some ghost books again.

    1. Melliane

      I love that too

  14. kindlemom1

    I really do want to start this series, I really do think I will love this. I will make a point of trying it this summer! Great review!

  15. Aurian

    Great review Melliane! I remember sending you the first book, and now this is book 3 already. I really want to read it myself someday, as it sounds marvellous.

  16. Lorna

    oh I knew nothing about this series. Is it young adult? I think I need to find the first book. Thanks for the review 🙂

    1. Melliane

      Ah tricky question, I don’t think so no.

      1. Lorna

        I bought it-thanks!

  17. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh this does sound good, and the whole series thus far. Thank you!

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