The Vessel Trilogy, Book 3

Synopsis: In the belly of the beast, strategy is useless.

Genevieve Drake is on a dangerous mission to find the soul collector, Lethe, and enter the deepest, darkest level of the underworld. No one has ever returned alive from the belly of a soul collector, but she will let nothing stop her from going after the precious treasure Lethe stole from her.

As she is tested against demon spawn and foul creatures of the underworld, each triumph strengthens her Vessel power—and drags her closer to a breaking point that could forever doom her to the abyss.

Meanwhile, with the full prophecy hurtling toward completion, the Dominus Daemonum strategize for the day Gen will battle Prince Bamal’s Vessel to the death, when the Great War between heaven and hell will begin.

But Bamal has a secret weapon. When he reveals it—and Thomas reveals his own hidden agenda—Gen may not have the strength to resist the temptation to fall into darkness, forsaking the fate of the world for her broken heart.

Warning: Contains malicious demons, sinister spawn, and a vengeful heroine with plans to send them all back to burning hell.

Review: The end of the last volume left our heroine in a very difficult situation with the Jude’s disappearance in hell and I admit that I was curious to see how far our heroine would be willing to go to save him. One thing is certain, she does not keep many limits to recover him.

Gen will therefore find herself embarked on a quest that could be too much for her while making some alliances with demons, angels and always desperate to save her disappeared husband, though it may well be that he does not remember of her if she succeeds. Heading to hell, she will face a lot of obstacles that will only be part of the problem. Oh yes, because the Demon Princes are always in her path with their own plans. We find like that Danté, that we saw several times in the previous volumes, and finally, we made the acquaintance of Bamal whom we heard so much about. I confess that I expected someone twisted but he even surpasses my expectations and it’s true that his character is really twisted and unhealthy … But that’s not all, for we also meet again with Thomas and I confess I did not expect at all to revelations about him. Very surprised ideas of the author about it for once.

As you see, war is approaching and Gen is determined to do what she wants, for her own good and that of others. She will face some demons of her past, without thinking that it would be possible one day and like that move forward. It hurts to see all she has to face but it’s quite impressive to see the person she becomes. Yes, because the young woman reinforces and increases her power, allowing her to finally defend herself alone with all those who wish to keep with them or kill her.

So yes, many revelations await us here and it was nice to discover everything. We feel the war closer and I’m curious to see what will happen.



25 thoughts on “Bound in Black by Juliette Cross

  1. blodeuedd

    This does sound pretty cool

    1. Melliane

      yes it is

  2. Brandi Breathes Books

    I haven’t read anything by Cross but sounds good.

  3. Keionda@Keionda Hearts Books

    At least the MC in this book was nulti-dimensional and you could at least connect. Because sometimes for me it’s hard to connect if there’s no personality so I’m glad you found that this one was easy to like. And I LOVE books about war so hopefully it turns out exactly how you want it. 😉

    1. Melliane

      I hope so!

  4. Tracy Terry

    Loving the idea of a soul collector.

  5. kindlemom1

    Glad you got a lot of answers to your questions from the previous book. Hopefully the next will be even better!

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. Melliane


  6. Kim @ BookSwoon

    This sounds like a great UF, one that I think might enjoy for sure. Genevieve Drake brings to mind a pretty tough heroine. I’m very curious now! Glad you’re enjoying this series – surprise revelations and all, Melliane.

    Have a great weekend 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it’s really fun

  7. LilyElement

    Sounds like a good series, will have to look into it 🙂 Great review, sparked my interest <3

  8. Ramona

    So you were surprised by some of the characters/ revelations. I take that as an excellent sign in a book. I’ll have to try this series for myself 🙂 Have an awesome weekend!

  9. Heidi

    A soul collector, now that is different. I might have to try this because I am always on the hunt for something that is different.

    1. Melliane

      it’s nice to have a bit of mythology

  10. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Sounds like a good book revving you up for the finale of the book’s arc. I also love a book that takes you by surprise.

  11. Braine

    Sounds suspenseful!

  12. ShootingStarsMag

    Glad there were some fun and interesting revelations in this one!

  13. anna (herding cats & burning soup)

    She’s not one I’ve tried but sounds intriguing. I do like that there were some surprise revelations. That’s always nice.

  14. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

    This one sounded fantastic with all of the revelations and the people that she meets in hell! Great review Mellianne!

    1. Melliane

      yeah it was really interesting

  15. Carole Rae

    I am curious to see where this story is going!!

  16. Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads

    That cover is badass! I need to try this series out.

  17. kimbacaffeinate

    Oh this sounds like a suspenseful urban fantasy. Gad i love that cover!!

  18. kimbacaffeinate

    This sounds like a suspenseful urban fantasy and gads that cover is wicked Melliane.

  19. Melissa (My words and pages)

    I like the sounds of this series. If I could get caught up… (hahaha) I wouldn’t mind trying it. 🙂

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