Synopsis: Fans of Hugh Howey’s Wool and Silo Saga may have wondered what happened to the rest of the world after his characters retreated underground. This is the shocking story of a nuclear submarine that witnessed the end of the world and refused to accept it. Join the crew of the USS Florida as they remain Submerged in the World of Wool.
Review: This book is a sort of prequel to the Silo series, written by another but no less talented author.
Captain William Hensley receives a missile launch order but Commander Elizabeth Everett feels that something is not normal. She is convinced of that when she discovers the targets of the second launch. She manages to stop the process, with the help of the Marines, and arrests the captain for madness after listening to his justifications.
The next step for the new captain of the USS Florida, Elizabeth Everett, is to discover the consequences of the first missile launch and to verify the statements of the former captain. The crew of the submarine will be the witnesses to the end of the world.
This is a very good story, the characters are interesting (female captain!) And it is well written. I was unable to release the book until the end.
One complaint: the end, this is not a cliffhanger but the story is not over and I remain a little on my hunger. I have to wait for the next book 😉
At least it wasn’t a cliffhanger right? Sounds like a good one to try. Great review!
Inspired by other author…ok
Wool is one of my TBR Pile Challenge books, so I’m excited to dive in. I’ve had it for years, but just never thought about it much. I do like prequels, so I may read this before. Great review!
Certainly a unique story! 😀 Hopefully the next one is as good.
Sounds suspenseful! I bet you were kept at the edge of your seat!
Yay for a female captain! Love that. Even though you’re clearly dying for the next book, I’m glad there wasn’t an actual cliffhanger. I can’t deal with those anymore:(
I love and hate when the book ends and I NEED more now hahaha Great review 🙂
This grabs my attention. I like that it has a female captain, and I don’t think I have read anything like this before.
Those endings that end but leave you wanting more are hard too Cass. I love the female captain and must admit I am curious about what happens
I can deal with the not cliffie, but I know what you mean about books like this one. I think I need to add this one to the wishlist. The characters sound fab and I love a female captain!
Thanks for sharing. I had not heard of this before!!
Ohh female captain! I’m on board with that. 😀