Synopsis: Cala is not special.
Cala is Exceptional.
A young woman possessing a rare kind of intelligence, Cala anxiously counts down the arrival of her eighteenth birthday. It is the day she will be forced to leave her family, her home, and her best friend, Liam, forever. It is the day she will be placed into the Exceptionals Program.
However, with seventy-three days to go, Cala’s clock stops.
Burned alive and reconstructed as a cyborg, Cala enters the Program and quickly learns the truly ugly secrets the Program entails.
Will Cala survive the Program?
Or will she become its victim?

Review: I love dystopias, but I feel like I always read the same thing. By reading the summary of this book, I was attracted by the Sci-Fi side and I thought that it could be different.

I wasn’t disappointed. This book is FANTASTIC. I was hooked from the start and I had trouble putting it down to go to sleep after a hundred pages and, the next day, I did not let go of it until I had finished it. The plot is really interesting and full of twists. Some characters we love and those we hate. And, oh yes, emotions, a lot of emotions!

If I tell you that this is much better than Divergent, Hunger Games or any other dystopias that I’ve read, better than Illuminae, Does that make you want to read it?

The sequel is planned for April 2016. I’m really looking forward to it and I hope that by then Terra: Genesis will be much more famous.


11 thoughts on “Terra: Genesis by A.S. Winchester

  1. blodeuedd

    Better than all those, ok, then it have to be good 😀

  2. kindlemom1

    Glad this hooked you from the start and held your attention, I admit, you have me super curious about it now!

  3. Joy // Joyousreads

    Ohh. Better than all those?! Now that’s an approval of the highest recommendation!

  4. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    I love a good dystopian as well Cass, but I agree if you read a lot of them they all start to blend together. So glad this one gave you something different!

  5. LilyElement

    I haven’t read all that many dystopian books. This one does sound good though 🙂

  6. Carole Rae

    Glad you liked it a lot!
    I need a break from dystopia. Book club has been picking a lot of them lately x__x

  7. Heidi

    Better than all those smash dystopians? I need to know more! THanks for introducing me to this title.

  8. ShootingStarsMag

    Wow, better than all those books, huh? That’s awesome you loved this one so much. I know I don’t read a lot of Dystopia in general so I am curious.

  9. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh wow! You have me so curious now. I love that it also had a dystopian angle with the sci fi. Yes, very curious. 😀

  10. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

    Wow, this looks so good! I’m gonna add it!

  11. Braine

    I’m not a big dystopian reader BUT if you’re saying that this is on the same level of HG, then I might…

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