Eternally Yours, Book 2

Synopsis: **Warning, this book contains scenes of dead people having sex, only really sexy dead people, not zombies or sparkly vampires. Rest assured, no body parts fell off during the making of these sex scenes, just bras and undies, and no fangs or hammers were used during foreplay.**

What could be worse than getting tricked by a demon and sucked into the fiery pit of doom? Discovering that the demon who captured your soul is also the devastatingly sexy twin of the man who still has your heart. The only fate worse than eternal damnation is eternal temptation. Someone please get me some water. It’s getting hot in here.

Review: I enjoyed the first book in the series and I was curious to get into the sequel even if it is true that it took me a lot of time to do that. But here I am finally launched in the second volume to find out what the author would present us! Admittedly, it’s always nice to come across a light and humorous story to have a good time.

Ash finds herself trying to get her credits to gain rank in the hierarchy to reach heaven, but it seems that she is not very lucky to achieve her objectives. Indeed, it seems that her mentor, Shadow has decided that it would be otherwise by bringing her to hell to give her to one of the most powerful entities. This is where our heroine is going to understand better her lover by discovering the shadows of his past, his women, his brother, and the story behind all this too. I had a little trouble to really understand what had happened with Mar and with Katherine and I admit that I’m still a bit in the dark but it was very interesting to learn more about this reaper who took Ash’s heart. Moreover she is herself a part of that past indirectly and it is true that I understand her confusion regarding the events.

As I said we also discover Hell here and I found it interesting to see how all was governed. This is quite different from what we might imagine, but it was also quite interesting to see everything. Unlike Heaven where people have valets, here we find entities that make your life hell with the persons who can touch you the most. Moreover, it is very hot and everyone is constantly thirsty. Problem? If they drink, they become very “excited”. Yes, big problem! There are others elsewhere but I’ll let you discover them yourself.

In any case it was a nice to discover everything, I did not expect the prophecy announced but it was interesting to see it all unfold. I spent a good time with the story and I was curious to see how Ash would be able to draw from this new situation. It remains for me to discover the last book!




28 thoughts on “Damned and Desirable by Tara West

  1. kindlemom1

    I hope the last book is even better! Wonderful review for this.

    1. Melliane

      me too!

  2. Tracy Terry

    This sounds like one of those witty reads that doesn’t take itself too seriously, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Melliane

      yes it was nice

  3. ShootingStarsMag

    That’s good you liked the sequel as well! I do really like some light and fun reads sometimes.

    1. Melliane

      me too

  4. blodeuedd

    Meh cover

  5. LilyElement

    Hope you enjoy the next one!!

  6. Braine

    Heaven has valets? That kinda sucks if you were a servant in your life, went to heaven, then end up doing the same thing. Unless it works differently. LOL

    For some reason, Hell is always much interesting even if nobody wants to be sent there

    1. Melliane

      no it’s not real persons.

  7. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    LOL okay, this is probably not the kind of book I would read, but the first paragraph in the description sure made me laugh! Sounds like an interesting read, and glad you had fun 🙂

    1. Melliane


  8. Joy // Joyousreads

    It’s great that each instalment manages to keep you interested. I don’t know much about this series, though, but I’ve always been curious about heavenly and not-so-heavenly paranormal creatures.

    1. Melliane

      it’s a nice and light one

  9. Christy LoveOfBooks

    I get very excited when I drink too. Alcohol, anyway. lol. Glad the series is going well for you.

    1. Melliane


  10. Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

    Sounds like this was a solid follow up to the first book Melliane, glad you enjoyed it overall! Hope book 3 is even better!

    1. Melliane

      me too

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    LOL! This one sounds like fun! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! You did make me curious about it.

  12. Lola (Hit or Miss Books)

    hahaha this looks hilarious!! Great review 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it is

  13. kimbacaffeinate

    I am curious about the Hell the author created. Great review my friend!

  14. Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons

    This ooks great. Glad you enjoyed it. I hope the third book is even better.

    1. Melliane

      me too

  15. Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)

    Love to see what Heaven and Hell is all about. And I love the name Ash. Like obsessed.

  16. Carole Rae

    Interesting concepts.

  17. Tara West

    Hi. Thanks so much. There are four books out now, and I’m currently working on book five. 🙂 Tara

  18. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    Oo new to me author. It is fun seeing their different takes on things. Glad you enjoyed it!

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