A Changeling P.I., Book 1
Synopsis: Mabily “Mab” Jones is just a twenty-something, over-educated, under-employed New Yorker trying to survive as a private eye’s unpaid intern . . . or is she? Once a powerful fairy, but tricked by the Fairy Queen into human form, Mab is forced to face her changeling past when investigating a missing person case at a modern speakeasy.
Obadiah Savage bootlegs fairy Elixir to human customers thirsting for a magical fix. But when Mab and Obadiah become joint suspects in a crime they didn’t commit, the only way to prove their innocence is to travel back to the fairy realm. And when Mab confronts the Fairy Queen and learns the depth of her betrayal, she must decide if the fate of the fey world is worth destroying the lives of the humans she’s come to love.
Review: I love all the novels with a topic related to faes so when I saw the release of this novel, I could not help but get into the story. How can you resist this mix with an investigation that seemed really interesting?
We therefore discover Mab, a young fae woman who finds herself locked in a human body after the painful betrayal of her queen. But now, our heroine had learned to love her new world and hopes to earn a living, and for that to work for a private investigator. Her first case will lead her in a place that will completely change everything and will link her to her past she thought forgotten. Indeed, a young woman has disappeared and she seems to have been last seen in a bar where Mab must go to check that with the manager. But then, this is not a bar like any other and Obadiah, the owner, sells an “Elixir,” a drink taken from the fey world so humans could be able to find a magical solution to their problems. Alas, this aid could bring more problems than solutions … This is also in this situation that our heroes will find themselves suspected of a crime they have not committed. Thus they will be propelled in faerie where Mab will discover the truth about her origins and what is really happening there and thus have to make a choice regarding what she really desires to do.
I enjoyed the novel even though I found that it lacked of a little something, it might be a bit long at times, a lack of action or events but it was still a pleasant first volume to discover. We can observe an attraction between the two protagonists but I found it lacked of a little spice, and I have not always adhered to their relationship. However, in terms of the faes, their history, their secrets, I found that the author had some very interesting ideas and I’m curious to find out more now. As for the characters, Mab is rather naive but will soon evolve during the story. Regarding Obadiah, even if it’s an intriguing character I confess that I did not necessarily have a very good connection with him. As I said a lot of ideas but a lack of some important points. In any case it was a good surprise and I’m curious for the sequel.
Hmmmmm, maybe
it’s nice
I also like everything fae-related, lol :)) I think I’ll give her try, as she’s a new author for me and certainly intriguing. The lacking plot is worrying, but I’m curious about those ideas relating to fae history and such… 🙂 Great find, thanks, Melliane.
I think she is a new author, I didn’t know about her
Joy // Joyousreads
Oh we’re the opposite. I can’t get into books about faes. Gah. I’m glad you enjoyed this one!
You piqued my curiosity, Melliane!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂
my pleasure
Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings
I haven’t heard of this one at all but I’m glad you enjoyed it! The Fae are really interesting so I might check this out! Great review and thanks for putting it on my radar!
A typical start. I was wondering why the novel is a little longer than the usual length. I’ll be on the look out for those moments.
Hopefully the volumes will pick up and get better as they go. I do love the premises for it! Have a great weekend!
yes I’m curious
Tracy Terry
With a character called Obadiah Savage I’m almost tempted to give this one a go.
A shame it didn’t quite do it for you. Here’s hoping its sequel is more to your liking.
I’ll keep my eye on this series and see how it goes with book two. Thanks for putting it on my radar <3
my pleasure
Lola (Hit or Miss Books)
Even though it wasn’t a complete winner, I’m glad you still enjoyed it!!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
This one popped up recently on my radar, I loved the cover and thought the description sounded interested. And I do love “P.I” type stories and detective mysteries. Glad to hear it was fun 🙂
I would be curious to see what you think of it
Carole Rae
Glad you liked it! I do love me some faes once in a while. :3
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
Sucks there was a lack of action but it sounds like a good read.
Yani @ Paper Boulevard
Oh, fantasy! I love this. Plus, it’s investigating which was awesome to think. Thanks for sharing this. <3
anna@herding cats & burning soup
Yay for it delivering on the fae front and being interesting there. Hard to find something new sometimes with so many fae books out there. Hope the next one has the right bit of spice to it for ya 🙂