
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

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Linda Grimes (book in the Ciel Halligan series) (INT)
Cecy Robson (googies) (US)
Cherie Priest (Boneshaker, Tome 1) (Fr & B & S)
Anne Barton (When She Was Wicked, Book 1) (INT)
Sophie Henrionnet (Tout est sous contrôle) (Fr)
Cassandra O’Donnell (Les Aventures Improbables de Julie Dumont) (Fr & B)

 Redemption (Rock Chick, 3) – Kristen Ashley

Roxie’s on the run from a bad boyfriend who will not catch the hint that it is o-v-e-r. She’s in no mood for love at first sight, but when her eyes fall on Hank, it’s trouble from the get-go. Roxie tries to hold Hank at arms length but Hank wants to be a closer (as in, a lot closer). Roxie’s trouble catches up with her and Hank wants to help but Roxie knows in her heart that she’s no good for a white hat guy. The problem is no one agrees with her, especially her crazy hippie best friend Annette or her parents; the even crazier small-Indiana-town Herb and Trish. Toss into the mix the gang from Rock Chick and Rock Chick Rescue and Roxie finds herself totally outnumbered.

Climb in for another Rock Chick wild ride through Rock Chick Redemption. As the odds stack up against Roxie, she has no choice but to hold on and just ride it out through the kidnappings, car chases, society parties, a riot at the strip club, Hank getting “Mom Bombed” and one crazy night at the Haunted House.

During all this Hank works at convincing her she really wants to stay and he, along with the Hot Bunch, go all out to make her safe. Hank also needs to work on showing Roxie that her past decisions don’t mean her future can’t include something as downright delicious as… normal.

The Sword and Midras (Shroud of Avatar, 1 ) – Tracy Hickman & Richard Garriott

Fantasy great Tracy Hickman teams up with the video game legend Richard Garriott to write a new book based on the award-winning game, Shroud of the Avatar.

The thrilling prequel to Shroud of the Avatar from Portalarium!

The world died during the Fall.

Abandoned by the mighty Avatars and their Virtues, the people who remained were left defenseless in an untamed land. That is, until the Obsidians came. Through dark sorcery and overwhelming force the Obsidian Empire brought order to chaos, no matter the cost.

Aren Bendis is a Captain in the Obsidian Army who has seen enough of what a world without Virtue looks like and is willing to do whatever it takes to establish a lasting peace. But after finding a magical sword that only he can wield, a sword his trusted scout, Syenna, claims is a blade once used by the legendary Avatars, Aren is thrown into a far more unfamiliar battle. One fought with whispered words and betrayal instead of swords and arrows.

Running out of allies, Aren’s only hope for survival is to discover the true nature of the ancient weapon he wears at his side. In order to do that, Aren will have to turn to the empire’s enemies and, in doing so, he will discover what order at the hands of the Obsidians really means.

Eterna and Omega (Eterna Files, ) – Leanna Renee Hieber

Battle is joined as British and American paranormal investigators clash in an exciting gaslamp fantasy.
Leanna Renee Hieber’s gaslamp fantasy series continues and the action ramps up in Eterna and Omega.

In New York City, fearing the dangers of the Eterna Compound–supposedly the key to immortality–Clara Templeton buries information vital to its creation. The ghost of her clandestine lover is desperate to tell her she is wrong, but though she is a clairvoyant, she cannot hear him.

In London, Harold Spire plans to send his team of assassins, magicians, mediums, and other rogue talents to New York City, in an attempt to obtain Eterna for Her Royal Majesty, Queen Victoria. He stays behind to help Scotland Yard track down a network of body snatchers and occultists, but he’ll miss his second-in-command, Rose Everhart, whose gentle exterior masks a steel spine.

Rose’s skepticism about the supernatural has been shattered since she joined Spire’s Omega Branch. Meeting Clara is like looking into a strange mirror: both women are orphans, each is concealing a paranormal ability, and each has a powerful and attractive guardian who has secrets of his own.

The hidden occult power that menaces both England and America continues to grow. Far from being dangerous, Eterna may hold the key to humanity’s salvation.

A big thank you to Sullivan Mcpig for my birthday:

The Shadow Revolution (Crown & Key, 1) – Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith

They are the realm’s last, best defense against supernatural evil. But they’re going to need a lot more silver.

As fog descends, obscuring the gas lamps of Victorian London, werewolves prowl the shadows of back alleys. But they have infiltrated the inner circles of upper-crust society as well. Only a handful of specially gifted practitioners are equipped to battle the beasts. Among them are the roguish Simon Archer, who conceals his powers as a spell-casting scribe behind the smooth veneer of a dashing playboy; his layabout mentor, Nick Barker, who prefers a good pub to thrilling heroics; and the self-possessed alchemist Kate Anstruther, who is equally at home in a ballroom as she is on a battlefield.

After a lycanthrope targets Kate’s vulnerable younger sister, the three join forces with fierce Scottish monster-hunter Malcolm MacFarlane—but quickly discover they’re dealing with a threat far greater than anything they ever imagined.

Once She was Tempted (Honeycote, 2) – Anne Barton

A Portrait of a Lady

…or is it? The risqué painting owned by Benjamin Elliot, the earl of Foxburn, features a stunning beauty with sapphire eyes, golden hair, and creamy skin. Ben recognizes this particular English rose the instant he meets her—though she’s wearing considerably more clothing. In person, the demure debutante is even more irresistible…

In desperate need of money for her sick mother, Daphne Honeycote had posed for two scandalous portraits. Now she must hide her secret to save the Honeycote family name. Ben’s possession of one painting makes him an insufferable thorn in her side—and yet he may be her best chance at finding the canvas’s companion. As she becomes drawn to the dark-tempered earl, can Daphne risk laying bare the secrets of her heart?

Fortune’s Pawn (Paradox, 1) – Rachel Bach

Devi Morris isn’t your average mercenary. She has plans. Big ones. And a ton of ambition. It’s a combination that’s going to get her killed one day – but not just yet.
That is, until she just gets a job on a tiny trade ship with a nasty reputation for surprises. The Glorious Fool isn’t misnamed: it likes to get into trouble, so much so that one year of security work under its captain is equal to five years everywhere else. With odds like that, Devi knows she’s found the perfect way to get the jump on the next part of her Plan. But the Fool doesn’t give up its secrets without a fight, and one year on this ship might be more than even Devi can handle.

36 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #195 + facebook

  1. Emilie

    Belles lectures à toi et bon week-end ! 🙂

  2. Lola (Hit or Miss Books)

    Oh I wanna try the Rock Chick series too! And Fortune’s Pawn looks great as well! Happy reading 🙂

  3. blodeuedd

    I totally forgot to say happy bday! Or did I?

    1. Melliane

      don’t worry, thank you!

  4. Nikki

    I remember enjoying Fortune’s Pawn! I hope you do too — and all of these. Some intriguing covers!

    Also, birthday, huh? I’m an August birthday, too. Hope you had a good day!

    My STS.

  5. chucklesthescot

    I’m also an August birthday though I don’t do anything to celebrate it. I am such a typical Leo! Enjoy your books this week!

  6. le livre-vie

    Encore plein de nouvelles lectures! J’aime bien la couverture d’Eterna!

  7. La bibliothèque d'Élé

    Bon anniversaire en retard alors ! Bonnes lectures à toi. Je ne connais pas ces livres mais j’ai hâte de voir certaines de tes chroniques 🙂

  8. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    Oh my goodness, great haul, Melliane! I love the Rock Chick series 🙂
    Happy belated birthday.
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading 🙂

  9. Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    I keep meaning to read the Rock Chick series but I haven’t found the time. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  10. Braine

    I love those steampunk books you got, I hope you enjoy them just as much as I did! Happy weekend 🙂

  11. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Oooh nice new reads! All totally new to me ones! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  12. kimbacaffeinate

    Awesome haul! I loved the Crown and Key series. I’ve been meaning to try author Leanna Renee Hieber. Enjoy your new reads!!

  13. Mary Kirkland

    Those all look like interesting books. I haven’t read any of them.

  14. feflie

    Woah ! Plein d’acquisitions cette semaine ! Bonnes lectures 🙂

  15. Lauren

    Hope you enjoy all of these 🙂 happy reading

  16. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oooh, you got some really awesome books for your birthday. I really hope you enjoy Fortune’s Pawn, I love Rachel Bach!

  17. miki

    Désolée!!! je suis completement perdue dans les dates en ce moment!!! Bon anniversaire en retard!!

  18. roro

    happy birthday . I loved Leanna Renee Hieber’s darker still trilogy , i still have to read this new series. Lol

    I hope you enjoy your new books ^^

  19. Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

    Interesting haul – nice mix of books. I’d normally steer clear of video game adaptations, but I’m a huge fan of Hickman from my Dragonlance days, so I may give it a shot.

  20. Greg

    The Shadow Revolution looks really good (gaslight plus werewolves? Yes!) and I’ve heard good things about Fortune’s Pawn. Hope you enjoy the new reads. 🙂

  21. ShootingStarsMag

    It looks like you’ve gotten some good reads! Enjoy!

  22. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    Ooo yay Anne Barton. She’s so good 😀

  23. viou03

    Je te souhaite d’excellentes lectures.

  24. Lupa

    Que de jolies couvertures pour nous allécher *_*
    J’ai la confirmation qu’ici se trouve le royaume de la tentation 😉

  25. Lorna

    The Crown and Key series looks like a good one. I still need to read book 2 of The Rock Chick books before I read this one. Hope you enjoy all of these. Happy Belated Birthday!

  26. Fantasybooksaddict

    Je n’ai lu aucune de tes réceptions mais j’espère qu’elles te plairont !
    Bon dimanche 🙂

  27. Bibliojunkies

    Oooo, I like the cover for The Shadow Revolution. Sounds like that’ll be fun! Hope you enjoy all your books. Here’s ours: Bibliojunkies Happy reading! ~ Bel

  28. Joy // Joyousreads

    I’ve been on a Sci-Fi kick lately so that Rachel Bach series fits the bill. I’ll have to check it out.

    Happy reading!

  29. Gilwen

    Rock Chick, Paradox 😀 Que du bon dis moi ! Sinon je ne connaissais pas du tout The Shadow Revolution, mais ça me donne super envie (ambiance victorienne + louloups = combo gagnant pour moi). J’ai hâte de voir ce que tu en penses.

  30. Mariejuliet

    Encore des titres bien tentant (mais tous en anglais 😉 )

  31. LilyElement

    Hope you enjoy all the books!!

  32. Lekeisha Thomas

    Great haul! I found a mass market paperback of Crown and Key in a thrift store earlier this year. The cover drew me in, but I have yet to read it. I’ve read lots of great reviews for it, so I hope It’s good. Happy reading!

  33. Kim { Book Swoon }

    Oh I see one that I think you’ar going to like for sure – THE SHADOW REVOLUTION is a series I really had fun with. I can’t wait to see your thoughts on Eterna and Omega, I just received a copy as well, hoping I like it. Great haul 🙂

  34. Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)

    They all look good! enjoy.

  35. kara-karina

    Yay for Fortune’s Pawn! I loved these books! 🙂 Enjoy all, D.!

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