Weird Girls, Book 7

Synopsis: Taran Wird holds the unique ability to conjure fire and lightening. She is mated to Gemini, Second in Command to the Squaw Valley Pack of the Lake Tahoe Region, and the sole werewolf to possess the ability to split into two wolves. And although they are mates, Taran’s insecurities have driven them apart.

Devastated by an injury that left her with a zombie-like limb, Taran struggles to regain command over her magic. But when her arm and her power turn against her, lashing out on those she most loves, she knows she can no longer carry this burden alone. Not that she likes the alternative.

The only way to regain control of her magic is to align and learn from the local coven of witches―the very ones who sought to banish her when she and her three unique sisters first moved to the mystical region. But although Taran is trying, the teachings don’t come easy, and the tasks leave her weak and emotionally shattered.

Yet Taran must learn and learn fast. Time is running out. The fire she once mastered so easily has become her greatest adversary and is now slowly burning her alive . . .

Review: I was surprised with the previous volume when I realized that we were returning back in time. It’s always a bit tricky because it’s a complicated to put and understand exactly where we are in the history of the characters. But with this novel, the flashbacks are over and we can find more adventures of our heroines while following Taran.

This is not necessarily easy for the woman since she lost her arm, but when this loss coincides with the departure of Gemini, it only gets more complicated. Indeed, she can not act as if everything was normal as her arm seems to take life once in a while and uses the magic of the young woman while wounding people around her. No, Taran can no longer ignore this problem and the only alternative, which doesn’t enchant her, remains to ally with the witches to try to dominate her power with them and to learn how to control herself. Unfortunately, her patience will be put to test when she understands that Gemini works with them and it seems that he has a relationship with Vieve, the person in charge of the place. Yet despite all the good will of the world and her desire to succeed to avoid unpleasant situations in which she finds herself, magic seems much more complicated to manage than she thought. But when in addition, a witch is on the run and trying to create zombies to take power, all our heroes will try to join forces to face this new threat. It is in this context that Taran will meet Alice, a zombie who will become her familiar and follows therefore her home. I admit that I had a soft spot for this character who is innocent and touching in her own way. Well she loses some members from time to time around the house but how not to love her? You’ll have to discover her! But our heroine will have to manage a large number of problems here (poor girl) and it’s true that I was curious to see how everything was going to work out when we see all the problems.

It was a very good volume again and I was delighted to find all the characters I’ve come to appreciate. It’s nice to finally see Celia and Aric have their relationship even if ultimately they still have a few concerns. It was a delight to follow Taran and I admit that I am curious to find out what will happen to all the other characters! Yes it was a very good novel again and I am eager to find out more!



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24 thoughts on “Blog tour: Of Flame and Light by Cecy Robson (giveaway)

  1. Sophia Rose

    I was excited when I saw it was moving forward in time and addressing Taran’s troubles. Glad you liked it, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      yes I was really happy about that

  2. kimbacaffeinate

    Woot, I do love our girl Taran. So glad you enjoyed it as well 🙂

  3. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I’ve definitely read something by this author, though I don’t remember if it was quite this series or not. Still, glad to see you enjoyed this and I adore the cover! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Melliane

      she has some NA as well

  4. Cecy

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read, review, and feature OF FLAME AND LIGHT–and for loving Alice like you did. Mercí.

    1. Melliane

      My pleasure

  5. kindlemom1

    I really love this series, so glad you are a fan too and liked this as much as I did!

  6. Crystal, Tasty Book Tours

    Lovely review. Thank you for hosting OF FLAME AND LIGHT today!

  7. Kim { Book Swoon }

    This series sounds like it just keeps getting better!
    So glad you enjoyed this latest installment 🙂

    1. Melliane

      yes it was great!

  8. Greg

    Taran sounds like a fun character with a lot on her plate- and the ability to control fire and lightning? Sounds awesome. Plus witches lol. I like the sound of this one!

    1. Melliane

      yes many things there

  9. Mary Kirkland

    I’ve read a couple of good reviews fr this one now. Sounds like a book that I would like.

  10. LilyElement

    Oh man I still need to read book one. Glad you’re enjoying this series!

    1. Melliane

      yes, do that!

  11. Heidi

    I really enjoyed this one, and I loved watching Taran find her way again. She makes me laugh.

  12. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I still need to pick up book 1 and will do so one day. It is on my must read list! I’m so glad you are still enjoying this series and it makes me want to get to it even sooner! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll be able to try soon

  13. Carole Rae

    Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I am so excited!

  14. anna @ herding cats & burning soup

    Oh yeah flashbacks can be really confusing. Glad those passed and you got some fun time with characters you love 🙂

  15. blodeuedd

    I have a review due on Mon, I need to start this one

  16. Lily B

    eak for missing limbs, but flawed characters are so much more interesting

  17. Joy // Joyousreads

    Yeah. That’s kind of tough. But it sounds like the series didn’t suffer from the time change. So, yay.

    Great review!

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