Synopsis: Theo Mackey only remembers one thing for certain about the fire that destroyed his home: he lit the match.

Sure, it was an accident. But the blaze killed his mom and set his dad on a path to self-destruction. Everything else about that fateful night is full of gaping holes in Theo’s mind, for good reason. Maybe it’s better that way. As captain of the Ellis Hollow Diving Team, with straight A’s and solid friends, he’s only one semester away from securing a scholarship, and leaving his past behind.

But when a family history project gets assigned at school, new memories come rushing to the surface, memories that make him question what he really knows about his family, the night of the fire, and if he can trust anyone—including himself.

Review: This cover is sublime and the synopsis made me want to discover the story!

This is the first novel I read in the swim context and especially about diving but I think it was something very interesting. This is how we discover the captain, Theo Mackey, upset by his past. His mother died in a fire and his father also died shortly after. So yes, diving is everything for him, especially when you know that he lives with an alcoholic grandfather, but with the support of a friend and an uncle who is not really his uncle. Yet his life is going to be completely upset down when a project at school forces him to immerse himself in family history. He probably did not expect so many revelations!

I found that the ideas in this novel were very interesting and original and I was not expecting this paranormal little side behind the story. Theo is determined to find out who his mother was and to find the memories he thought were lost so far. Yet that’s also what will make him take another look at the people around him.

Yes, it was an interesting reading, different from what I expected and I’m curious to read more about the author!

13 thoughts on “Dive Smack by Demetra Brodsky

  1. Sophia Rose

    Yes, gorgeous cover! And, you have me curious to see what his family secrets are. I don’t think I’ve read a story about a diver.

    1. Melliane

      I loved loved the cover

  2. Carole Rae

    Sublime! I love it! 😀
    But I can’t imagine being in the dark about such a horrible thing. the guilt! I can’t even fathom.

    1. Melliane


  3. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    You are right that cover is sublime! Funny, i thought paranormal with the flames.

    1. Melliane

      it has a little side but it’s really light

  4. blodeuedd

    Not what you expected sounds good. I do like that

  5. Lindsi

    1) Was he on fire? If so, why aren’t his clothes burnt?
    2) Wear are his shoes?

    I need to know if these things are addressed in the book, because a cover can’t tease you without giving answers later! 😉

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Melliane

      No he wasn’t on fire but I think it’s related to the fire told in the synopsis and he is in water because I think in the book he crashed on water once

  6. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I have seen this book around but I had no idea that it had a paranormal element. I may have to take another look at it. Great review!

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh I like surprises and that cover is eye catching!

  8. Greg

    I like the sound of the paranormal element. And the diving subject.

  9. herding cats

    It’s nice when different still turns out to be good 😀 And yes a very cool cover!

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