Synopsis: Discover a dangerous world of manipulation, obsession, and murder in James Patterson’s scary, sexy standalone thriller.
Ben isn’t like most people. Unable to control his racing thoughts, he’s a man consumed by his obsessions: movies, motorcycles, presidential trivia-and Diana Hotchkiss, a beautiful woman Ben knows he can never have.
When Diana is found dead outside her apartment, Ben’s infatuation drives him on a hunt to find out what happened to the love of his life. He soon discovers that the woman he pined for was hiding a shocking secret. And now someone is out to stop Ben from uncovering the truth about Diana’s illicit affairs.
In his most heart-pumping thriller yet, James Patterson plunges us into the depths of a mind tortured by paranoia and obsession, on an action-packed chase through a world of danger and deceit.


Review: I think it’s the first James Patterson’s novel I’m discovering. After hearing so much about him, I was curious to read one of his stories.

Ben did not think his life would change completely after meeting Diana. No, he did not expect his life to be completely messed up and to be at the center of a conspiracy. When he left home after installing the cameras and microphones she wanted, he did not think to see her crashing from her balcony. Yet, while everyone says it’s a suicide, Ben knows there’s more, it’s a murder and he’s determined to understand what happened. But that’s it, this story is much more than it seems and it catches the attention of people far more dangerous than he thought.

I had a good time with this novel. The author offers a story in a very original way with very short chapters, but also with a very different male character. Ben is a different protagonist, he digresses easily and very often throughout the story, about History, movies, TV shows and it’s true that I found it quite impressive to see all the researches that the author had realized.

The plot was really interesting and I admit that I did not expect some turnarounds situations. It was crooked and finally pretty well found too. I am curious to read more about the author now.

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25 commentaire

  1. Melissa (My words and pages) a dit :

    I’ve not read any of his books. I didn’t know if his books were in the genre I enjoy. But they do sound good now that I’ve been hearing about them.

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