Synopsis: Teenager Cason Martin is the youngest ballerina in the Atlanta Ballet Conservatory. She never really had a choice of whether she learned to dance or not. Her mother, the conservatory’s artistic director, has made all the decisions in Cason’s life. But that’s about to change. Cason has been hiding an injury, and it’s much worse than anyone imagines.
Davis Channing understands all too well what it’s like to give up control of your life. He’s survived cancer, but his drug addiction nearly killed him. Now he’s been sober for seven months and enjoying his community service at the hospital. But just when he thinks he’s got it together, Davis’s ex-girlfriend, who is still battling her addiction, barrels back into his life.
Cason and Davis are not friends. But, as their worlds collide, they will start to depend on one another. Can they both be brave enough to beat the odds?
Review: I did not know about the novel but when I saw the cover, but I had to see what the story was about! It must be said that the illustrator did a very nice job! Well, I think I read the synopsis too quickly because I thought at first that it was the story about an injured dancer. But it’s true that finally, it was much more than that!
Cason had her destiny all drawn. Since childhood, dance is her life and her mother encourages her and forms her to be the best in this field. But then, during a big audition and while she hid a wound she thought benign, she collapses on stage at the end of the program. But what she thought was something curable is worse than expected … cancer. Davis is a former addict, but even though he is sober for 7 months, the temptation is ubiquitous and his fight is much more difficult than people think. Thus, during his community service, he meets Cason, a girl from his high school he never spoke to. Together, and by helping one another, they will try to move forward, to progress and to rebuild. However this path is not linear and it will have many ups and downs. Something very difficult to achieve, but together, maybe they will do it.
It’s a very beautiful and touching story. Everything is not rosy, everything can not work out in a snap of a finger but they will have to accept what is happening and try to override it so they don’t sink. I really liked the author’s aptness to make us understand that what they do on their own is like an insurmountable ordeal, that they have decided to fight and we hope that in the end they will succeed.
This sounds different. I do have a question though. Is it a romance? And you are right, the cover is pretty great!
there is a romance yes but it’s their lives that are important
The cover first drew me to this book but I’ve seen a lot of good reviews for it as well, one I definitely want to try.
it was good!
Jenea's Book Obsession
The cover is gorgeous and I am happy to see that you enjoyed it so much. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.
My pleasure!
Sophia Rose
That story sounds as poignant and beautiful as the cover. Glad you liked it, Melliane!
Carole Rae
I cannot imagine that world. Everything I read or watch about the ballet scene makes me glad I did not pursue it as a kid. loll
yeah it sounds difficult
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
The cover really pulls you in. This sounds interesting Melliane
I loved that cover
Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books
It sounds like Carson has a lot to deal with . I do agree that the cover is gorgeous. Glad you enjoyed it!
yes he has
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum
Sounds like a story about two people who help each other through a difficult time. You’re right, stories like this are usually not easy to read, but I am glad this turned out to be more than you hoped!
yes it was interesting
Beautiful and touching is never wrong 🙂
I love the colours <3 and you know I'm always up for a beautiful and touching story! 😉
Great review. This one looks heart-wrenching but with character development. Anne – Books of My Heart