Synopsis: Five hundred years ago, magi created a weapon they couldn’t control. An infestation that ate magic—and anything else it came into contact with. Enemies and allies were equally filling.
Only an elite team of non-magical humans, known as sweepers, can defuse and dispose of infestations before they spread. Most die before they finish training.
Laura, a new team member, has stayed alive longer than most. Now, she’s the last—and only—sweeper standing between the city and a massive infestation.
Review: I did not know about the novel, but after reading the synopsis, it’s true that I was intrigued! Well, I must say that already, with the mention of magic, I knew that I was going to want to discover the story!
Laura is a sweeper, well an apprentice sweeper and she works with her boss to eliminate magical infestations and it’s really not easy! On top of that, she must also face the morals of people who think that a woman like her should not work in this area. Is not it better to be a switchboard operator or even a housewife? But our heroine does not hear it that way and she is determined to become the best one (not that there are many by the way).
I found the idea of the novel very nice, but I must admit that I struggled to get into history because I found that the universe was very confusing. We are propelled into it without understanding what is happening and it is true that this aspect was a little complicated. Other than that, I had a good time with the three characters and I was curious to see how the story was going to end.
I love the premise but I am bummed that the world was confusing.
apprentice sweeper? I like that title!
Hmm! The synopsis did not shout ‘read me’ and your review only confirmed what I’d been thinking so, no, this one isn’t a book I can see myself reading.
I also posted a review on this one today with the same rating and some of the same thoughts. Some of my favorite series had first book confusion so I am excited to go on with this series now knowing more about the world and characters. Good review! Anne – Books of My Heart
The idea and the characters sound great, but I am sad that the world building didn’t meet expectations. I am a stickler for solid world building.
Yes, this one does sound fun with all the magic and her job. I think I’d like it, too.
I have not heard of this one, sounds like an interesting start
This sounds unique and interesting.
I just saw another review that mentioned that the world was a bit confusing. I might wait a while before I pick this one up. Great review!
I heard mixed things about this one, but I’m glad you thought it was okay – it gives me more hope for it, for when I try it!
Ahh world building like that (or lack of proper world building) can make it so hard to get into.