Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews


Le Dernier Apprenti Sorcier (Les Rivières de Londres, 1) – Ben Aaronovitch

L’agent Peter Grant ne croyait pas aux fantômes, jusqu’au jour où un étrange personnage lui affirme avoir assisté au meurtre sur lequel il enquête. Un témoin providentiel… s’il n’était mort depuis plus d’un siècle ! Et Peter n’est pas au bout de ses surprises : recruté par l’inspecteur Nightingale, il intègre l’unité de la police londonienne chargée des affaires surnaturelles. Au programme, traquer vampires. sorcières et autres créatures de la nuit ; maintenir la paix entre les forces occultes de Londres ; tenir à distance les divinités trop entreprenantes ; et bien sûr apprendre le latin, le grec ancien et une montagne d’incantations bizarres et pour le moins rébarbatives. Peter doit en passer par là, s’il veut un jour devenir à son tour le dernier sorcier de Londres…


Holy Sister (Book of the Ancestor, 3) – Mark Lawrence

They came against her as a child. Now they face the woman.

The ice is advancing, the Corridor narrowing, and the empire is under siege from the Scithrowl in the east and the Durns in the west. Everywhere, the emperor’s armies are in retreat.

Nona faces the final challenges that must be overcome if she is to become a full sister in the order of her choice. But it seems unlikely that Nona and her friends will have time to earn a nun’s habit before war is on their doorstep.

Even a warrior like Nona cannot hope to turn the tide of war.

The shiphearts offer strength that she might use to protect those she loves, but it’s a power that corrupts. A final battle is coming in which she will be torn between friends, unable to save them all. A battle in which her own demons will try to unmake her.

A battle in which hearts will be broken, lovers lost, thrones burned.

Dare you to Love me (Nola Heart, 3) – Maria Luis

I dare you to find me the perfect match, she said.

Luke O’Connor has never turned down a dare. Ever. But that was before his last deployment left the charming playboy a shell of his former self. Now he just wants to be left alone – no hookups, no relationships.

Single mother and the CEO of New Orleans’ hottest lingerie boutique, Anna Bryce has it all – except that a business can’t keep her warm at night. She’s determined to find Mr. Right, but can’t fight her attraction to Mr. All Wrong, the wounded veteran who says he’s not into her.

I dare you to kiss me, she said.
I dare you to love me.

All Luke has to do is resist her dare – but for the first time in his life, he’s betting on losing.

17 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves #293

  1. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    OOh nice! Totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  2. viou03

    Bonnes futures lectures

  3. Sophia Rose

    The third Book of the Ancestor!!! Can’t wait. 🙂 Enjoy all your books, Melliane!

  4. Fantasybooksaddict

    Je te souhaite de belles futures lectures et un bon dimanche !

  5. Mary Kirkland

    Those sound good, enjoy!

  6. Gaëtane

    Bonnes lectures à toi ;p

  7. Anne

    Nice haul. I also got Holy Sister and am looking forward to reading it. Anne – Books of MyHeart

  8. blodeuedd

    Ohhh the new Nona!

  9. Angel's Guilty Pleasures

    Nice book haul. Enjoy!

  10. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    These are all new to me. I hope you enjoy them all!

  11. ShootingStarsMag

    I really want to read that first book!

  12. herding cats

    The Luis one looks fun!

  13. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Rivers of London! I love that series. And nice, Holy Sister – I hope we both enjoy it!

  14. feflie

    Bonnes futures lectures 🙂

  15. Satine's books

    Voilà une belle sélection, je me note le premier ! 🙂

  16. Melanie Simmons

    Holy Sister looks like something i would enjoy. I hope you love all of your books.

  17. Carole Rae

    1st and 3rd look the best

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