Devil’s Reach, Book 1

Synopsis: I was raised by the Devil himself.

Formed into a man who was unreachable.

I went from the boy with bruises to the man with a trigger.

Killing is the only thing that calms the itch.

The demons inside were a constant battle…

…until she changed everything.

Problem is when you spend most of your time in the dark, is it smart to step into the light?

Review: I don’t read a lot of novels about bikers, but when I went to the publisher’s website, I discovered this novel and I must admit I was intrigued by the synopsis. While doing a little visit on goodreads I saw the ratings and I knew I couldn’t miss it! And it’s a good thing I didn’t because I came out of that reading delighted!

Tess is running away from her life, she is running away from something that destroyed her and it took her 6 years to get away. To start over again, she joins her former best friend who wants to help her and offers her a job as a bartender in the bikers club where he is the right hand man. But this club is also run by Trigger, the man who can’t stand to be touched, who has demons he can’t control. However, Tess is going to make him discover a facet of himself that he didn’t know and that he didn’t even think he had.

I loved discovering the two main characters. You learn little by little how Trigger became the man he is today, which makes him so complex with his demons. Moreover, several times the author allows us to go back in time to discover what happened to him when he was younger. Did I tell you that Tess is not the innocent and naive heroine usually found in biker novels? Oh no because Tess is strong and does not hesitate to face and respond when she has to. However, you can also sense that her past haunts her and if I was really looking forward to finding out the whole truth, it will finally be for the next volume and I can’t wait to read it now. Also, I hadn’t yet come across a series of bikers that allow us to follow the same characters on a trilogy. I think the idea is really nice and allows us to develop the story and the characters well.

As you can see, I really had a great time with this novel and I am more than impatient to have the sequel in my hands! I want to know more!

7 thoughts on “Trigger by J.L. Drake

  1. blodeuedd

    He just looks so scary

  2. Sophia Rose

    That’s great that you took a chance and it turned out to be so good.

  3. Carole Rae

    OOo! This sounds intense but good!

  4. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    Oh wow, Tess and Trigger both sound like fantastic characters. I am so glad you enjoyed it, Melianne!

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I don’t think I’ve read any biker novels, glad you found a good series to start!

  6. Anne - Books of My Heart

    Many biker novels are too violent in every way. I’m glad it worked well for you.

  7. Mary Kirkland

    I don’t usually like biker stories but now I’m intrigued.

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