Synopsis: Single mom Rachel Gibson seriously needs a break. Between an absent ex-husband, rowdy twin boys, and running her own work-from-home business, her candle isn’t just burning at both ends, it’s a full-blown puddle of wax. She’s the go-to girl for other entrepreneurs, handling all the tasks they dread. Social media posts? She’s got it. Website updates? She’s on it. Light bookkeeping? She loves it.

Thank goodness Rachel’s about to get a reprieve, as her former in-laws plan to whisk her boys away for a summer of fun at the family lake house. But when her ex backs out at the last minute, she finds herself in a pickle. Even though she’s drowning in to-dos, she’s horrible at saying no—especially when it comes to providing some stability for her kids.

Once Rachel arrives at the lake house, she struggles to keep up with work and balance the demands of family, all the while fending off pesky new feelings for her ex-brother-in-law. Which makes her wonder…is falling for her ex-husband’s brother just one more messy complication added to the dumpster fire of her life? Or is anything possible when she’s out of office…?

Review: I really liked all the Christina Hovland novels I’ve read and I have to say that I was very curious to start a whole new story!

Rachel didn’t have an easy life so far. Divorced and mother of twins, an absent ex-husband and a job that takes up a lot of her time… She’s handling it all as well as she can, even if it’s far from easy. So it’s all the more panicky when, for the twins birthday, Gavin, Rachel’s ex, gives them two puppies without even talking to her about it! Rachel’s already complicated life will become even more complicated! But she sees a glimmer of hope when her ex in-laws offer to take the children for the holidays. But Gavin had to be there, and at the last minute he ducks out, forcing Rachel to follow her boys. This is also where Gavin’s handsome brother, Travis, is. And if things haven’t gone so well between them so far, it looks like this trip is going to change everything.

It was a really nice novel and I loved following Rachel and Travis. Our heroine has to fend for herself and people take advantage of her all the time. So when her feelings for Travis get complicated, she doesn’t know how to start dealing with it.

As I was saying, I had a great time with this novel and I am thrilled to have discovered a new novel by this author. I’d be happy to recommend it to you!

7 thoughts on “Rachel, Out of Office by Christina Hovland

  1. Carole Rae

    So fun!

  2. ShootingStarsMag

    This sounds like a fun read!! I love the cover.


  3. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    That’s a great premise! Though getting involved with your ex’s brother, hmm, I personally don’t think it’s a good idea, lol 😛

  4. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m thrilled to hear the overloaded Rachel has some fun and gets some relief!

  5. Sophia Rose

    I thought about getting this one, but couldn’t fit it in right away. I love her books and I’m glad to see how much you enjoyed this one.

  6. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    I am not sure how I would feel about her starting a relationship with her ex-husband’s brother. This does sound fun though.

  7. blodeuedd

    Sounds fun, I could read it 😀

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