Demons of New Chicago, Book 1

Synopsis: Pendant une décennie, j’ai détesté les surnaturels qui possédaient mon monde.

Je les ai chassés.

Je les ai tués.

Et maintenant, par le plus grand des hasards, je suis liée à l’un d’entre eux.

Oh, l’ironie du sort.

Être une chasseuse de primes surnaturelles n’est pas exactement un travail populaire. Mais après les guerres magiques, il n’y a pas beaucoup de choses qu’un humain peut faire pour amener de la nourriture sur la table.

Heureusement, tout ce que mon crochet droit ne peut pas supporter, mes armes le peuvent.

C’est du moins ce que je pensais.

Lorsque l’invocation d’un démon tourne mal, la créature qui arrive dans notre monde change tout.

Je ne sais pas si c’est vraiment un démon ou un dieu, mais une chose est sûre : il en a après moi. J’aimerais le voir essayer.

J’ai une promesse à tenir, et je tiens toujours mes promesses.

La seule issue est sa mort ou la mienne, et je ferai tout pour survivre.

Même si ça signifie faire un pacte avec le diable.

Review: I had heard about the author because of another series and when I discovered this first volume, I was curious to find out more. I’m glad I went into this first volume, because I had a really good time.

Piper has never had a very easy life and it’s even less easier now. Her last mission to kill an entire coven before he could summon a demon didn’t end well. And the consequences will be castastrophic! Indeed, she lets the coven summon the demon in order to get the answers she has been looking for for so long. But nothing happens as planned: the members escape and the demon is determined to hunt her down: he wants her! Ronan is as sexy as he is enigmatic, but one thing is for sure, she doesn’t want to fall into his hands, whatever deal he offers her. I’m really very curious to learn more about her. I’m sure he has a lot of surprises in store for us.

Forced to ally herself with Nathalie, one of the members of this coven, she will have to learn to trust him in order to get out of it, even if it will be far from easy. I really liked to see their friendship build up in spite of everything.

It was really a very good surprise. The novel is quite dark, but that’s because our heroine is quite tortured and I was completely carried away by the story. I can’t wait to dive into volume 2 and find all the characters!

8 thoughts on “Touched by Fire by Kel Carpenter

  1. blodeuedd

    I need more UF!

  2. Sophia Rose

    Sounds like she really has a tough life and now the demon. 🙂

  3. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I love UF and I haven’t heard of this one. Thanks for sharing one you enjoyed so much.

  4. Carole Rae

    Super fun!!! That girl looks so badass

  5. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    Adding to my list!! You know I love good UF.

  6. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Wow, a rare 5 star! I’m glad you enjoyed this one, it sounds really good.

  7. karakarinanbr

    Wow, 5 stars? Adding it to my wishlist! And the cover is gorgeous too.

  8. Joyousreads

    Oh, how fun! Summoning demons spell chaos. Lol.

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