Synopsis: Libby needs a break. Three years ago her husband split, leaving her to raise their infant son Ethan alone as she struggled to launch her writing career. Now for the first time in years, things are looking up. She’s just sold her first novel, and she and Ethan are going on a much-needed vacation. Everything seems to be going their way, so why can’t she stop looking over her shoulder or panicking every time Ethan wanders out of view? Is it because of what happened when Ethan was born? Except Libby’s never told anyone the full story of what happened, and there’s no way anyone could find her and Ethan at a faraway resort . . . right?

But three days into their vacation, Libby’s fears prove justified. In a moment of inattention, Ethan wanders into an elevator before Libby can reach him. When the elevator stops and the doors open, Ethan is gone. Hotel security scours the building and finds no trace of him, but when CCTV footage is found of an adult finding the child wandering alone and leading him away by the hand, the police are called in. The search intensifies, a lost child case turning into a possible abduction. Hours later, a child is seen with a woman stepping through an emergency exit. Libby and the police track the woman down and corner her, but she refuses to release Ethan. Asked who she is, the woman replies:

“I’m his mother.”

Review: I am a big fan of thrillers and not knowing the author, I was very curious to discover this novel. Well, I was so taken by the story, that I finished it in one evening!

We begin the novel by discovering Libby on a vacation with her son in a large hotel. But then, he escapes her surveillance, takes the elevator and disappears. Somebody took him away. After this chapter, we go back in the past and we follow Libby. This young woman has always wanted a child, but in vain. Then, even if it is illegal in the state where she lives, she is decided to go through a private clinic to take a surrogate mother and finally have the kid she wants.

In parallel, we also follow the surrogate mother, before she goes to the clinic and we see her evolve little by little.

This was a very intriguing novel and I was curious to see what would happen to our two protagonists. It must be said that they both have quite particular characters. I was also surprised several times by the revelations that I did not expect, which is always a big plus in this kind of novels.

Yes, it was a very good discovery and I am now curious to read another novel by the author!

9 thoughts on “Lost You by Haylen Beck

  1. Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books

    Oh, this sounds really good! I read another novel by this author and remember being hooked right away by the storytelling. It sounds like I need to add this one to my wishlist!

  2. Sophia Rose

    Glad trying a new to me author worked out great and you couldn’t put it down. đŸ™‚

  3. Anne - Books of My Heart

    It’s great to find a new author and series you can enjoy!

  4. karakarinanbr

    It’s fantastic when you discover a new author you like, isn’t it?

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I was wondering about this one, and I’m becoming a big fan of thrillers too! I will need to check this out.

  6. Mary Kirkland

    I love the premise for this story. It sounds so good. Thanks for the great review.

  7. blodeuedd

    Yay for a good discovery. Those can be hard to find

  8. Greg

    Ooh this sounds awesome. I’ve become a huge fan of twisty thrillers as well.

  9. Carole Rae

    This sounds good!!

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