Synopsis: Woody Bookman hasn’t spoken a word in his eleven years of life. Not when his father died in a freak accident. Not when his mother, Megan, tells him she loves him. For Megan, keeping her boy safe and happy is what matters. But Woody believes a monstrous evil was behind his father’s death and now threatens him and his mother. And he’s not alone in his thoughts. An ally unknown to him is listening.

A uniquely gifted dog with a heart as golden as his breed, Kipp is devoted beyond reason to people. When he hears the boy who communicates like he does, without speaking, Kipp knows he needs to find him before it’s too late.

Woody’s fearful suspicions are taking shape. A man driven by a malicious evil has set a depraved plan into motion. And he’s coming after Woody and his mother. The reasons are primal. His powers are growing. And he’s not alone. Only a force greater than evil can stop what’s coming next.

Review: I’m in the middle of a series I really like by this author and when I saw he was releasing a new title in French, I was curious to find out more.

Woody is an autistic child who doesn’t speak. But whatever he doesn’t say, he uses it to think. With danger closing in on him since his father’s death, he is determined to figure out what is going on. Yet it will be far from easy.

We also follow the life of Kipp, an amazing and mostly telepathic dog, who has just lost his owner and begins a quest to find Woody and help him.

It was a pretty nice novel, even if it’s true that these are themes that attract me a little less. I always have trouble with telepathic animals, but the story was fun to read and I enjoyed discovering this novel quite different from the others.



8 thoughts on “Devoted by Dean Koontz

  1. Vae

    bonjour, merci pour ton retour. bon vendredi à toi et bonnes lectures!

  2. Felicity Grace Terry

    Having a nephew and two great-nephews who are on the Autistic Spectrum I’m always intrigued by books featuring autistic characters. That the book features a dog … Hmm! Whilst I don’t necessarily have a problem with telepathic dogs, I’m just not hugely into books featuring animals.

  3. Sophia Rose

    Glad you were able to find the next in series and get a good story. Interesting about the telepathic dog.

  4. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’ve wondered about this author.

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    This sounds so good, I was hoping for a higher rating though! Still, I gotta read more of his work!

  6. Mary Kirkland

    A telepathic dogs sounds like so much fun. I’d love to see something like that in more books.

  7. Carole Rae

    Telepathic dog? Huh! Different! I like it.

  8. blodeuedd

    One of the bigs one that I have never tried

  9. blodeuedd

    One of the bigs one that I have never tried

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