Synopsis: One weekend, while Andrew Mason was on a fishing trip, his wife, Brie, vanished without a trace. Most everyone assumed Andy had got away with murder–it’s always the husband, isn’t it?–but the police could never build a strong case against him. For a while, Andy hit rock bottom–he drank too much to numb the pain, was abandoned by all his friends save one, nearly lost his business, and became a pariah in the place he once called home.

Now, six years later, Andy has finally put his life back together. He sold the house he once shared with Brie and moved away. Truth to tell, he wasn’t sad to hear that the old place was razed and a new house built on the site. He’s settled down with a new partner, Jayne, and life is good.

But Andy’s peaceful world is about to shatter. One day, a woman shows up at his old address, screaming, “Where’s my house? What’s happened to my house?” And then, just as suddenly as she appeared, the woman–who bears a striking resemblance to Brie–is gone. The police are notified and old questions–and dark suspicions–resurface.

Could Brie really be alive after all these years? If so, where has she been? It soon becomes clear that Andy’s future, and the lives of those closest to him, depends on discovering what the hell is going on. The trick will be whether he can stay alive long enough to unearth the answers.

Review: Brie Mason disappeared overnight without a trace. It seems that she was murdered, but no one has been arrested. The police are convinced that the culprit is none other than her husband, Andrew, but they can’t prove it. So when, years later, people claim to have seen her, Andrew’s life is turned upside down. He’s rebuilt his life, changed his surname and now his wife could be alive, proving to everyone that he hasn’t done anything to her. But finding her doesn’t seem so simple. Is it really her?

I had a good time with the novel. I was very curious to know if Brie was really alive or if someone was pretending to be her so long after her death. And if so, why? Andrew calls everything into question. Will he abandon the woman he loves for the woman he loved? What will he do if it really is Brie?

I enjoyed following the novel so I could finally discover the truth, and it won’t be pretty.


5 thoughts on “Take Your Breath Away by Linwood Barclay

  1. Sophia Rose

    Yes, that does sound like an intriguing mystery.

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’ve been wanting to read this author but haven’t managed it yet.

  3. Mary Kirkland

    Her disappearing and then showing back up like that makes it sound a little creepy.

  4. Carole Rae

    Mhmmm I am intrigued

  5. Blodeuedd

    Now I wonder, is it her?

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