Wrayth by Philippa Ballantine

Book of the Order, Book 3

Synopsis: In the Empire of Arkaym, the Order of Deacons protects and shelters the citizens from the attacks of the unliving. All are sworn to fight the evil forces of the geists—and to keep the world safe from the power of the Otherside…

Although she is one of the most powerful Deacons in the Order, Sorcha Faris is still unable to move or speak after her last battle. Even her partner, Merrick Chambers, cannot reach her through their shared Bond. Yet there are those who still fear Sorcha and the mystery of her hidden past.

Meanwhile, Merrick has been asked to investigate a new member of the Emperor’s Court. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking Raed Rossin, the shapeshifting rival to the throne, Merrick must choose where his loyalties lie.

Review: Before starting my review I would like to thank Melissa who was kind enough to give me a summary of the two first volumes. Because I think it is always a bit tricky to get into a fantasy series without knowing the premises. So a big thank you Melissa! With it, all became much clearer and it wasn’t difficult to identify the characters.
From the beginning we discover Sorcha, trapped in a body that does not work and she can see what happens without being able to do or say something. She dreams of one thing, that someone releases and kills her for no longer living this way but nobody seems to understand this need either her husband or Merrick. But then she is kidnapped by some men who want her gift and her link with Raed and ; Merrick is called to the court to investigate for the Empress, something he can’t refuse. Especially since this woman is very charming. But everything is complicated when under his protection, the Empress is taken, and he is falsely accused of being the author. What about Sorcha? After a strange pact, she finds the ability to move and completely recovers her injuries, all to find Raed. In this quest, she learns a little more about her past and the reasons of her uniqueness, something that is also quite intriguing. But there is more, and a war is coming, which can disrupt the lives of everyone. I won’t, however, say more about the story because everything comes together very quickly.


Sorcha and Merrick are two really interesting characters to discover and to understand. They complement each other perfectly in many ways and it is always difficult for them to be away from each other, especially unable to communicate. But fate seems to gather wherever they are. The Philippa Ballantine world is very original and even if I’m still missing a few things to really see everything, I am curious to find out a bit more. It was a good third book and I think I will, on occasion, read the other novels in the series.


Wrayth de Philippa Ballantine (VO)

Book of the Order, Tome 3

Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Dans l’Empire du Arkaym, l’Ordre des Diacres protège les citoyens et les abris contre les attaques des non-vivants. Tous ont juré de combattre les forces maléfiques des Geists et de protéger le monde de la puissance de l’Otherside …

Bien qu’elle soit l’une des plus puissants diacres dans l’Ordre, Sorcha Faris est toujours incapable de bouger ou de parler après sa dernière bataille. Même son partenaire, Merrick Chambers, ne peut pas l’atteindre à travers leur lien commun. Pourtant, il y a ceux qui craignent toujours Sorcha et le mystère de son passé caché.

Pendant ce temps, Merrick a été sommé d’enquêter sur un nouveau membre de la Cour de l’Empereur. Mais quand Sorcha est enlevée par des hommes qui cherchent Rossin Raed, le rival shapeshifting au trône, Merrick doit choisir où repose sa loyauté.

Avis : Avant de commencer mon avis je tiens tout d’abord à remercier Melissa qui a été assez gentille de me faire un résumé des deux premiers tomes. Parce qu’il faut dire que c’est toujours un peu compliqué de se lancer dans une série de fantasy sans en connaître les prémices. Alors un grand merci Melissa ! Grâce à elle, tout est apparu beaucoup plus clair comme je n’ai eu aucun souci à placer les personnages.
Dès le début on découvre Sorcha, coincée dans un corps qui ne marche pas et qui assiste à tout ce qu’il se passe sans pouvoir y redire. Elle ne rêve que d’une chose, que quelqu’un la libère et la tue pour ne plus vivre de cette manière mais personne ne semble comprendre ce besoin que ce soit son mari ou Merrick. Mais quand elle se fait enlever par des hommes qui en ont après son don et son lien avec Raed et que Merrick est appelé à enquêter à la cour pour l’Impératrice, il ne peut refuser. D’autant plus que cette femme est vraiment charmante. Mais tout se compliquera quand sous sa protection, l’Impératrice est enlevée, et qu’il est accusé à tort d’y être l’auteur. De son côté, après un pacte assez étrange, Sorcha retrouve la possibilité de bouger et recouvre totalement de son état, tout cela pour retrouver Raed. Dans cette quête, elle en apprendra un peu plus quant à son passé et la raison de son unicité, chose qui d’ailleurs est assez intrigante.  Mais il y a plus, et une guerre se prépare, pouvant bouleverser la vie de chacun. Je n’en dirais cependant pas plus sur l’histoire car tout s’enchaine très vite.
Sorcha et Merrick sont deux personnages vraiment intéressants à découvrir et à comprendre. Ils se complètent parfaitement en de nombreux points et il est toujours difficile pour eux d’être loin de l’autre, surtout sans aucun lien pour communiquer. Mais le destin semble vouloir les rassembler ou qu’ils soient. Le monde que Philippa Ballantine est aussi original et même s’il me manque encore quelques éléments pour vraiment tout visualiser, je suis curieuse d’en découvrir un peu plus. C’était un bon troisième tome et je pense qu’il faudra, qu’à l’occasion, je lise les autres romans de la série.

Stacking the Shelves #28


A tale of two vampires (Dark Ones, 10) – Katie Macalister

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Iolanthe Tennyson has had a very bad year—due in part to the very bad men in her life. So, she’s accepted her cousin’s invitation to spend the summer in Austria indulging in her photography hobby. There, rumors of a haunted forest draw Iolanthe into the dark woods—and into the eighteenth century…

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 Wrayth (Book of the Order, 3) – Philippa Ballantine

In the Empire of Arkaym, the Order of Deacons protects and shelters the citizens from the attacks of the unliving. All are sworn to fight the evil forces of the geists—and to keep the world safe from the power of the Otherside…

Although she is one of the most powerful Deacons in the Order, Sorcha Faris is still unable to move or speak after her last battle. Even her partner, Merrick Chambers, cannot reach her through their shared Bond. Yet there are those who still fear Sorcha and the mystery of her hidden past.

Meanwhile, Merrick has been asked to investigate a new member of the Emperor’s Court. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking Raed Rossin, the shapeshifting rival to the throne, Merrick must choose where his loyalties lie.

 Coveted (Coveted, 1) – Shawntelle Madison


For werewolf Natalya Stravinsky, the supernatural is nothing extraordinary. What does seem strange is that she’s stuck in her hometown of South Toms River, New Jersey, the outcast of her pack, selling antiques to finicky magical creatures. Restless and recovering from her split with gorgeous ex-boyfriend, Thorn, Nat finds comfort in an unusual place: her obsessively collected stash of holiday trinkets. But complications pile up faster than her ornaments when Thorn returns home—and the two discover that the spark between them remains intense.

Before Nat can sort out their relationship, she must face a more immediate and dangerous problem. Her pack is under attack from the savage Long Island werewolves—and Nat is their first target in a turf war. Toss in a handsome wizard vying for her affection, a therapy group for the anxious and enchanted, and the South Toms River pack leader ready to throw her to the wolves, and it’s enough to give anybody a panic attack. With the stakes as high as the full moon, Nat must summon all of her strength to save her pack and, ultimately, herself.