Synopsis: Talia Thornwood’s life ended one year ago, when she became a werewolf. She survived the attack, and the horrifying transformation a month later, but the life she has now is barely worth living. She lurks about in a filthy, run-down house, […]
Résumé (Traduction personnelle) : La vie de Talia Thornwood a pris fin il y a un an, lorsqu’elle est devenue un loup garou. Elle a survécu à une attaque, et à l’horrible transformation un mois plus tard, mais sa vie vaut à […]
“In My Maybox” is a meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren(repris en français par la bibliothèque de Lilie) Les traductions sont personnelles Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, 1) – Jessica Spotswood Everybody knows Cate Cahill and her sisters are […]