Fated Blades, Book 1 Synopsis:Mariko Oshiro is not your average Tokyo cop. As the only female detective in the city’s most elite police unit, she has to fight for every ounce of respect, especially from her new boss. While she wants to track down a rumored cocaine shipment, he gives her the least promising case …
Daughter of the Sword de Steve Bein (VO)
Fated Blades, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Mariko Oshiro n’est pas comme la plupart des policiers de Tokyo. En tant que seule femme détective de l’élite de l’unité de police de la ville, elle doit se battre pour être respectée, surtout par son nouveau boss. Alors qu’elle veut enquêter sur cette rumeur de vente …
Stacking the Shelves #18
Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews Check out our event for the first year of the blog with many authors and giveaways during this month Grab the Code Première tombe sur la droite (Charley Davidson, 1) – Darynda Jones A smashing, award-winning debut novel that introduces Charley Davidson: part-time private investigator …