The Chronicles of Dasnaria, Book 2 Synopsis: Around the shifting borders of the Twelve Kingdoms, trade and conflict, danger and adventure put every traveler on guard . . . but some have everything to lose. ESCAPED Once she was known as Jenna, Imperial […]
The Chronicles of Dasnaria, Tome 2 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Autour des frontières changeantes des Douze Royaumes, le commerce et les conflits, le danger et l’aventure mettent chaque voyageur en garde. Mais certains ont tout à perdre. ÉCHAPPÉE Elle a été autrefois connue sous […]
The Chronicles of Dasnaria, Book 1 Synopsis: She was raised to be beautiful, nothing more. And then the rules changed . . . In icy Dasnaria, rival realm to the Twelve Kingdoms, a woman’s role is to give pleasure, produce heirs, […]