With the release of The Exile by C.T. Adams, a book I really enjoyed in fact (review here), we’re really happy to welcome the author on the blog. The Exile is the first book in her The Fae series. —————— World building is both the easiest, and toughest part of setting up a novel or …
The Exile by C.T. Adams
The Fae, Book 1 Synopsis: Brianna Hai runs an occult shop that sells useless trinkets to tourists—and real magic supplies to witches and warlocks. The magical painting that hangs in Brianna’s apartment is the last portal between the fae and human worlds. A shocking magical assault on her home reveals to Brianna that her father, …
The Exile de C.T. Adams (VO)
The Fae, Tome 1 Résumé (traduction personnelle) : Brianna Hai tient un magasin vendant des bibelots occultes inutiles aux touristes – et des fournitures magiques réelles pour sorciers et sorcières. La peinture magique qui pend dans l’appartement de Brianna est le dernier portail entre les mondes faes et humains. Un assaut magique à son domicile révèle à Brianna que …