Spellcrackers.com, Book 4

Synopsis: Sometimes a bit of magical help might cost more than you bargained for . . .

London is hosting the Carnival Fantastique, and Genny’s job has never been busier or more fulfilling. Only not everyone is so happy. Genny believed sheā€™d cracked the faeā€™s infertility curse . . . but the fae are still barren. Itā€™s a devastating plight to which the mysterious Emperor may have the solution ā€“ if Genny can find him.

She needs help.

She turns to the vampire Malik al-Khan, only to find heā€™s wrestling with his own demons and, when the police request Gennyā€™s assistance with a magical kidnap, her own problems multiply too. Is it all unconnected, or can the Emperor help her solve more than the faeā€™s infertility? Soon Genny is hard on his trail, so it seems sheā€™ll have a chance to ask . . . but will the answer cost more than sheā€™s willing to pay?

Review: I was very impatient to read this book, I really love the Spellcrackers.com series and itā€™s always a real pleasure to get into a new adventure. I have to say that many things always happen in the Gennyā€™s life, and this book is the perfect example. Itā€™s a series that is in constant evolution and I think that each book is better than the last one. So Iā€™m sure you know now, as I already loved the third book, this one was really awesome.
Genny thinks she is tranquil now that they have found the pendant but she is far from suspecting what will fall on her. Indeed, the fate will turn against her and she will eventually have to seek out a lasting solution for the Faes fertility. But all this will cause her to rub the danger, more than we might think. Genevieve willbe caught up in a quest combining intriguingplots, betrayal, love and hope. How can we not be swept away by the ideas of Suzanne McLeod? Especially when so many things happenhere, events we’ve been waiting a long time. Would I dare to say there is a progress in the love stories of our heroine? I was completely thrilled by that. Because yes, it means more Malik and Finn! YAY, okay I‘m not very objective but I am totallya fan of Malik, what do you expect? The reverse would be impossible. Team Malik!!! Would I dare to say that we finally have a real meeting with Bastien? Yes, really! I was waiting for this meeting from the start of the series and I was a little afraid to be disappointed after all this time. Admittedly, this is a very important event. And no, I finally loved it, everything we had imagined canā€™t surpassthis meeting. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not very pleasant for our heroine, even far from that, but I really loved to have an interaction between these two characters.
This fourth book is full of wonderful surprises and Genny has to learn how to deal with all her greatest fears, which will also allow her to evolve a little more in her life. It was very interesting to follow her here and to see all the problems she had. And above all, to see how she managed to resolve each situation. Many answers were finally revealed, but of course come new questions and Genevieve will have to deal with many things in the next volume. I‘m really going to wait again with great anticipation to see what the next book reserves for us as I am sure we will have many surprises.
Well I think youunderstand, if you want a good Urban Fantasy series, I can only recommend this one that will allow you to discovera world full of magic.

22 thoughts on “The Shifting Price of Prey by Suzanne McLeod

  1. Mel

    I have to confess that for once an UF series set in London has totally passed me by! I really should catch up with this series…

    1. Melliane

      Ah you need to try it, you’ll love it! It’s really amazing!

  2. kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews

    Woohoo, D! I can’t wait to read it now afteryou mentioned Malik – I’m in his team as well šŸ˜‰

    1. Melliane

      Yay!! another member, glad you’re with me lol. You’ll LOVE it!

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh this one sounds so interesting. I do have book 1 and 2 staring at me from across the room. Now it’s saying to me… “See, Melliane loves it… read us… read us…” It’s quite scary how my books talk to me. šŸ™‚ Thanks for the review and letting me know that book 4 rocks!

    1. Melliane

      lol I can say it as well “Melissa… read them… read them…” totally understand you need to! you’ll see the others rock too!

  4. Blodeuedd

    Omg the end the end!!!!! Arghhh more now, pleeeeeease

    1. Melliane

      LOL I was like that at the end of the book! Really!

  5. Brandileigh2003 (Blkosiners Book Blog)

    Love it when a book surprises me in a good way. And Malik sounds great.
    Thanks for review,
    Brandi from Blkosinerā€™s Book Blog

    1. Melliane

      Oh he is more than great!

  6. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh boy! I realllllly need to get back to the series. šŸ˜€ Thanks!!

    1. Melliane

      Oh Yes!!! Really! I agree lol

  7. Zendastark

    Ton pouvoir de persuasion devient trop puissant! tu m’as fait commandĆ© le tome 2 alors queje n’ai pas lu le 1! tu es trop forte! diable! lol

    1. Zendastark

      DĆ©solĆ©e pour la faute! šŸ˜‰

    2. Melliane

      lol c’est pas ma faute, c’est la faute Ć  l’auteure. Concours lundi de sa part pour ses livres, tu pourras demander le 3 du coup!

  8. Wendy Darling

    Melliane, I add so many urban fantasy series to my list because of you! Thanks for this awesome review.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Melliane

      And I have a big YA list because of you, well I keep thinking of Feed as well, definitely buy it as well. But really this one as amazing, hope you’ll like it if you give it a try.

  9. Addicted2Heroines

    I have the first book in this series hiding in my bookshelf somewhere. This review makes me want to go find it so I can see what I’ve been missing.

    1. Melliane

      I would love to see whe you’ll think about it.

  10. Celine

    I am definitely going to need to look out for this series now! After reading your reviews on the books in the series, I’m so intrigued to start reading it since I haven’t read many urban fantasy books! And a world full of magic? Please count me in! šŸ˜‰

    Awesome review, Melianne! ā™„ So glad you enjoyed it šŸ™‚

    1. Melliane

      lol thank you. Yes really, it’s a series who have so many creatures in it, I love it. hope it will be the same for you.

  11. Aurian

    Not reading your review just yet. I have to read the third book first šŸ™‚ A great series but very dark for my tastes.

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