Coveted, Book 1


For werewolf Natalya Stravinsky, the supernatural is nothing extraordinary. What does seem strange is that she’s stuck in her hometown of South Toms River, New Jersey, the outcast of her pack, selling antiques to finicky magical creatures. Restless and recovering from her split with gorgeous ex-boyfriend, Thorn, Nat finds comfort in an unusual place: her obsessively collected stash of holiday trinkets. But complications pile up faster than her ornaments when Thorn returns home—and the two discover that the spark between them remains intense.

Before Nat can sort out their relationship, she must face a more immediate and dangerous problem. Her pack is under attack from the savage Long Island werewolves—and Nat is their first target in a turf war. Toss in a handsome wizard vying for her affection, a therapy group for the anxious and enchanted, and the South Toms River pack leader ready to throw her to the wolves, and it’s enough to give anybody a panic attack. With the stakes as high as the full moon, Nat must summon all of her strength to save her pack and, ultimately, herself.

Review: When Angie recommends me a book, I’m not picky and I get into it as soon as I can. I confess that I was a little anxious after reading a mixed review about this first novel, and I didn’t therefore know what I could expect. However, I was very surprised and I really enjoyed this first volume.
Our young heroine Natalya is a werewolf excluded from her pack and who lives on the fringes of society. It is indeed something really difficult for her as she is rejected by everyone. Besides her OCDs make her life even more complicated. Indeed, her home needs to be clean in all circumstances, and she can’t help herself to buy some trinkets she considers part of her family. She is also a member of a therapy to try to resolve this, but everything is more complicated than she thought. I was quite surprised by this heroine, I never had the opportunity to read something about a character like her. The OCDs aren’t really featured in literature and this is the first time I meet someone with some in a novel. It was interesting to see how she faces her problems and how it influences her daily life. Nat is a character pleasant to discover but it is true that we would sometimes like to shake her so she can realize what is happening and therefore shows what she can do. However, she remains somewhat in the background, while trying to act as she can. She is a fragile woman and we hope that time will help her to overcome her fears.
But back to the story… her life will change dramatically when the werewolves of another country travel to the city and mark her. Their leader wants her but she doesn’t understand why. I confess that I made many assumptions about that, thinking about all the possibilities and I was totally surprised when I learned the truth. I didn’t even think of it.

We also discover two men, Thorn and Nick. These two characters are really intriguing and I admit I had a soft spot for both of them. However, the attitude of Thorn annoyed me a little. He has a weakness for Nat while engaged with another woman. And while she tries to ignore their former relationship, he is always there, present to remind her that she can’t have him. At the same time, he will do everything for her, trying to save her as he can. Nick meanwhile is a wizard who also have some OCDs, but a little different from the ones of our heroine. While he does not know her well, he will not hesitate to put himself in danger to help her and will do anything to make her work on her therapy. I loved this character, He is soft and discreet at the same time. He manages to take more and more space in the life of our heroine without we really notice it.

It was a nice first book and I am now curious to discover more.


11 thoughts on “Coveted by Shawntelle Madison

  1. miki

    i have this book on my wishlist for a long long time and i’m still hoping to get it one day^^
    i’m glad you enjoyed it

    by the way there is the prequel free if you haven’t read it already ( collected on smashword kindle etc)

    1. Melliane

      Thanks I need to try this one now!

  2. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I’ve heard of this series and have it on my wishlist. I may have to move it up! This sounds like a series for me and I love that there was a twist on why she was wanted by the other pack. Hm… need to check it out…

    1. Melliane

      it’s interesting to have something a little different

  3. Blodeuedd

    So many books so little time..let’s all be free for a month and just read 😉

  4. Wendy Darling

    Ooo, I really like werewolf/shapeshifter stories, so I will have to check this out! Thanks for the review.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  5. Brandi Kosiner

    I haven’t read a good book about a mc shapeshifter in a while. Natalya sounds great.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  6. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Hmmm, this is the first I’ve heard of this one. Sounds good. 🙂 Thank you.

  7. Aurian

    Nice review, I think I actually have this book.

  8. Braine TS

    I adored this book! Kept is even better! Go to Shawntelle’s site if you haven’t yet, you can request for some cool swag.

    Happy holidays!

    1. Melliane

      loved kept! tank you I’ll check it out.

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