Wilds of the Bayou, Book 2

Synopsis: For some people, the untamed beauty of the bayou is a place to hide. For Louisiana wildlife agent Jena Sinclair, it’s a place of refuge—one where she can almost forget the tragedy that scarred both her skin and her soul. But when the remains of yet another fisherman turn up, Jena realizes that Bayou Pointe-aux-Chenes is not safe for her…or anyone else.

The mysterious deaths aren’t her only problem. A dangerous drug known as Black Diamond is circulating through Terrebonne Parish, turning addicts into unpredictable sociopaths. Jena’s investigation leads her to Cole Ryan—a handsome, wary recluse struggling with his own troubled history—who knows more than he’s willing to admit. If they want to stop the killer, Jena and Cole must step out of the shadows of their pasts and learn to help each other…before the evils lurking in the bayou consume them both.

Review: I really liked the first volume, I must say that the setting attracted me immediately. How not to be intrigued by a novel in the bayou? For an opportunity to learn more about a part of Louisiana? I admit that I am always curious in these cases.

So we are following here two new characters Jena, an agent as Broussard is, and Cole, a recluse who is trying to escape his past while living like a hermit. But now, history will gather them together when a body is found in the Bayou killed by a crocodile and that Cole detains the famous animal. Yet the story also seems to be related to the new drug spreading in town and changing people in sociopaths. Everyone is trying to stem this new scourge without much success.

I loved the novel again. As I said the universe is fascinating but when in addition we have a good investigation, everything is perfect! Cole and Jena are also two characters that I loved to follow. Indeed, they have both been broken by life and if some scars are only physical, there are many psychic. Moreover, we discover that perfectly with these two characters. I will not say more for not giving too much away but I was easily carried by the chapters, wondering what was going on exactly. Moreover we can also see several characters of the first novel to our delight and others are of course staged. I hope we will have the chance to discover more about Mac, Jena’s partner, soon. It was a very endearing character too.

It was like I said once again a very good novel mixing drugs investigation and a nice story between two protagonists.




25 thoughts on “Black Diamond by Susannah Sandlin

  1. Sophia Rose

    I think the bayou makes a good setting, too. I still need to read this series book one. Nice review, Melliane!

    1. Melliane

      right? I love that!

  2. miki

    great series with vivid setting and descriptions a must read for sure
    thanks for reviewing it

    1. Melliane


  3. Silvia

    I didn’t know about this one, but it does sound good! Glad it worked well for you 🙂

    1. Melliane

      thanks girl

  4. Roger Simmons

    Another great read from Susannah. Love the Wilds of the Bayou books. Thanks for your review.

    1. Melliane

      Right? Me too

  5. Joy // Joyousreads

    Oh yes. Louisiana is the perfect setting for any PNR or UF novels. As well, gothic. There’s something mythical about that place!

    1. Melliane

      I always love that

  6. Z

    Well, sounds like a good read. I’m intrigued to know how it rolls!

  7. LilyElement

    Sounds good and I really need to read more set in Louisiana! I’ve loved the ones I have tried.

    1. Melliane

      me too

  8. Mary Kirkland

    I haven’t read this author but this sounds pretty good.

  9. Heidi

    I am sad I didn’t know this was coming out. I still need to read the first book. I do love this author!

  10. Braine

    This is the kind of book that’s easy to read and you can just cozy up with.

    Happy weekend!

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh sounds like a good suspense mystery novel! Love the sound of the setting and it is one of those mysterious places in the US. 🙂 Brilly review!

    1. Melliane


  12. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Probably not a genre I would read, but I love how atmospheric this one sounds. Gotta love the bayou.

  13. Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings

    I haven’t heard of this one before but it sounds fantastic! Thanks for putting it on my radar, dear! 🙂

    1. Melliane

      it’s a nice sequel

  14. Lily B

    i love books set in the bayou, I’ve been meaning to pick up the first book, sounds so so good.

    1. Melliane

      I hope oyou”ll enjoy it

  15. Carole Rae

    A nice setting to go along with the genre! Good find!

  16. kimbacaffeinate

    Oops, I shared your post yesterday and thought I left a comment. I too love this series!

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