Synopsis: Whoever is born here, is doomed to stay ’til death. Whoever settles, never leaves.

Welcome to Black Spring, the seemingly picturesque Hudson Valley town haunted by the Black Rock Witch, a 17th century woman whose eyes and mouth are sewn shut. Muzzled, she walks the streets and enters your homes at will. She stands next to your bed for nights on end. Everybody knows that her eyes may never be opened.

The elders of Black Spring have virtually quarantined the town by using high-tech surveillance to prevent their curse from spreading. Frustrated with being kept in lockdown, the town’s teenagers decide to break their strict regulations and go viral with the haunting, but in so doing send the town spiraling into the dark, medieval practices of the past.

Review: I had not read a novel like this for a long time. And it’s true that it’s finally a novel of the caliber of Stephen King’s horror novels. Having read the novel in the evening, I can tell you that I was looking around to be sure that the old witch with her eyes and mouth was not next to me.

The city of Black Spring is not like any other city. All the people who come to live there or who already live there are stuck in this city forever and that from hundreds of years. They can leave of course, they are free, but if they remain outside too long, suicidal desires manifest and are increasingly present. But on top of that, the witch rodes, she can manifest herself at any place in town and invites herself into everyone’s homes. It is not something pleasant and it is even rather terrifying. But the city tries to avoid the arrival of new foreigners and even hides the existence of this witch that scares everyone. No one has the right to interact with her, she must be hidden when foreigners come to town, she must not be disturbed … It must be said that the government has tried everything to destroy her, but apart from the appearance of new deaths, nothing has been done.

We mainly follow a family who has lived here for several years. That’s when the problems begin. Indeed, some teenagers have decided to rebel against the rules and to provoke and humiliate this witch.

I really liked the novel that I read very quickly. The author succeeds perfectly in creating an oppressive and terrifying atmosphere. We all wait to see what Katherine (the witch) will do regarding these mockery, and we wonder who the next to fall under his yoke will be… I admit that I did not expect such a turnaround at the end of the novel. I was really surprised.



21 thoughts on “Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

  1. kimbacaffeinate

    This has me curious!

    1. Melliane

      it was a good one

  2. Lily

    oh man I am so glad you really enjoyed this one. I picked it up as part of my spooky reads and was a little worried, but now more excited

    1. Melliane

      I hope you’ll like it as well

  3. Melanie Simmons

    Oh! You really have me curious. Off to see if my library has it. Maybe on audio even. *fingers Crossed*

    1. Melliane


  4. Heidi

    Oh this sounds perfect for Halloween. I am goign to see if I can get this from my library.

  5. Mary Kirkland

    That sounds creepy but good.

  6. Melissa (Books and Things)

    In the caliber of Stephen King? Hm… I may have to work up to this one. I’m still too chicken to pick up King’s horror. 🙂 Will keep this one in mind!

    1. Melliane

      I liked it

  7. Jenea's Book Obsession

    This is new to me, and I love the sounds of it!

  8. Joy // Joyousreads

    Ohh the premise is interesting! wonder what drives them to suicide after a prolonged absence from the commune.

    Lovely review!

  9. Jessica

    Oh, I am LOVING the sound of this one and your review really has me curious now. I am looking into this asap.

  10. Carole Rae

    D: This sounds scary but good…but I would have to read it during the day. haha

  11. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    This book creeped me out big time! I did not see it coming either, since the beginning felt so silly, with this withered old witch thing appearing around town like some funny prank. Oh boy, was I wrong! I couldn’t read this one in the dark at night!

    1. Melliane

      right? I was anxious after finishing it lol

  12. blodeuedd

    That is freaky!

  13. Paris

    I would worry to be able to sleep at night.:D Scary shit right there… I was thinking of reading IT by King since I won’t be able to watch the movie – but even there I’m hesitant. I’m such a scaredy cat.

    1. Melliane

      lol I can understand that

  14. Nadene @Totally Addicted to Reading

    A perfect halloween read. Great review Mellaine.

  15. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh wow. I don’t think I could read it at night if it was a bit scary. lol. I’m a weakling like that. Great review!

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