We didn’t yet know how Ceri and Al had really met orwhy she haddecided to be at his service. I must say that I did not expect it, but it is actually logical as we know the character she is in the series.We meet a naive and innocent Ceri who has to face a manipulator demonwho knows what he has to do to achieve his goals.
This story allows us to put ourselves in the place of Ivy before she meets Rachel and to understand what she really thinks.
It’s always a bit difficult to know in the novels but like Rachel, she suffered a lot and we can only understand why she needs so much to be close to the witch. Dirty MagicI admit that I don’t really remember Mia, the Banshee in the books.
But this story is also really sad. Mia would only like to have the man she loves without hurting him and sometimes it is so difficult for her to know she can’t have him. Another very intense story. The Bridges of Eden ParkThis novella is a nice farewell to Kirsten, and if Kim Harrison will miss him, for sure it’s also my case.
I enjoyed this character and this novel made me remember him. A story about Kirsten, Rachel and family problems. Key Line DrifterIt was pretty cute this time to follow Jenks.
To see that he is very proud and wants to do everything by himself. He also wants to do everything for his family. We will therefore follow, by his point of view, one of his surveys and the way he will solve the problem. He tries to do the best but sometimes things do not end as planned. Million Dollar BabyThis story features Jenks and Trent, a great adventure.
I must say it was quite funny to see Jenks reassuring Trent, I didn’t expect to see it. It was touching to see the elf’s feelings for his daughter Lucy. A scene that was taken up in the books, but we hadn’t had the opportunity to really discover it. Pet Shop BoysI didn’t know the characters, or at least I don’t remember them.
So here we discover fae and vampires with consequences on humans. I agree, this story could make a very good start for a new series. I admit that I’m quite intrigued by that world now. Temson EstatesHere we discover the existence of the Dryads.
It’s a cute though very fast story. A young man who inherits a forest and realizes that it’s finally more than that. Spider SilkAnother story on Dryads.
I think it’s really interesting to learn more about them. A dark novella about a small family with a terrible secret. It is true that it makes you want to know more about each character. GraceI loved this story about Grace and what she manages to become in a story time.
I hope to have the opportunity to learn more one day.
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
I’m glad you liked it, D.! SO difficult to review anthologies, as you have to review each story separately. Beautifully done!
I’m really not good at reviewing anthologies lol. I.don’t know how to do it. It’s one of the reason why I don’t read a lot of them…but I love this series so I couldn’t pass.
I’m glad this anthology was good! I often hate anthologies, even when they are about characters I love in their series 🙂
Melissa (Books and Things)
I still need to read her witch series. This one looks good. I like stories like this. Looks like I’ll have to get this one with her series!
Lots of stories in this one, and I so gotta read a book by her!
Oh yes! it’s a really great series.
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Are these all from the same series? I need to get to more of this authors books. I didn’t even know she had this on. 🙂 Thanks!
Yes, they are. Not the last stories though, but it’s the case for the others. Really like her Hollows story but I only read the 5 first books for now.
Ooo I did not know this book even excisted! I have read some of the story though, they do sound familiair. Thanks Melliane, I am going to hunt it down!
I didn’t know either and I was surprised. It’s a book with all the novellas she wrote.