![STSmall_thumb[2] STSmall_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-xRYOk0zIv1M/T6RLOUEZ2LI/AAAAAAAAFKw/7qJhumSkSxY/STSmall_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Discover our little giveaway for a swag about the Weird Girls series by Cecy Robson
Découvrez notre petit concours pour gagner un swag pour la série Weird Girls de Cecy Robson
Not everyone tries.
But Jill Kismet is not just anyone.
She’s a Hunter, trained by the best – and in over her head.
Bienvenue dans mon univers.
It is 1903, and the world is divided between light and shadow. On the side of light is a wondrous science that has transformed everyday life by harnessing magical energies to ingenious new technologies. But each advance of science has come at the expense of shadow—the traditional realm of the supernatural.
Now two ancient powers are preparing to strike back. Blood-sucking immortal Nightwalkers and their spellcasting Alchemist allies have a plan to cover the whole world in shadow. All they require is the sacrifice of a certain young woman whose past conceals a dangerous secret.
But when they come after Elle, they get more than they bargained for. This enterprising young woman, the daughter of a scientific genius, has reserves of bravery and determination that even she scarcely suspects. Now she is about to meet her match in more ways than one: a handsome yet infuriating Warlock named Hugh Marsh, whose agenda is as suspect as his charms are annoyingly irresistible.
Crimson Frost (Mythos Academy, 4) – Jennifer Estep
For a moment, a face flashed before my eyes—the most hideous face I’d ever seen. No matter how hard I tried to forget what had happened, I saw him everywhere I went. It was Loki—the evil god that I’d helped set free against my will.
I should have known that my first official date with Logan Quinn was destined to end in disaster. If we’d gotten into a swordfight, or been ambushed by Reapers, I’d have been more prepared. But getting arrested mid-sip at the local coffee hangout? I didn’t see that one coming.
I’ve been accused of purposely helping the Reapers free Loki from his prison—and the person leading the charge against me is Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad. The worst part is that pretty much everyone at Mythos Academy thinks I’m guilty. If I’m going to get out of this mess alive, I’ll have to do it myself…
Three Parts Dead (Three Part Dead, 1) – Max Gladstone
Her client is Kos, recently deceased fire god of the city of Alt Coulumb. Without Him, the metropolis’s steam generators will shut down, its trains will cease running, and its four million citizens will riot.
Tara’s job: resurrect Kos before chaos sets in. Her only help: Abelard, a chain-smoking priest of the dead god, who’s having an understandable crisis of faith.
When Tara and Abelard discover that Kos was murdered, they have to make a case in Alt Coulumb’s courts—and their quest for the truth endangers their partnership, their lives, and Alt Coulumb’s slim hope of survival.
Excellent books! I received A Conspiracy, also, and Lilith’s book looks interesting. Enjoy!
Jessica@a GREAT read
Nice! Love that cover for Lilith’s book! So much cooler than the US one!
I would’ve requested Crimson Frost as well, but I still need to start the series! I have the first 3 books, the third being an ARC in my TBR mountain!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
JC Jones
I love all of your titles this week. Here is my post:
Shelley Romano
I received A Conspiracy of Alchemists as well 🙂 Have (2) copies of Crimson Frost, so, I’ll probably do a giveaway shortly. Have a great weekend!
Grace Fonseca
Really nice. A Conspiracy of Alchemists looks great. Got Crimson Frost a few weeks ago. Can’t wait to see what you thought of it. Come visit me too.
The Twins Read
Eeek~ Lilith St. Crow’s new book! Never read any of her books yet, but my friend likes her Strange Angels series, and the new book sounds awesome.
The Twins Read
Stacking the Shelves #4
Brandileigh2003 (Blkosiners Book Blog)
Alchemists sounds great, hope you enjoy.
Happy reading,
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Great haul! Happy reading!
Kristen @OCA
A conspiracy of Alchemists looks so good! Happy Reading!
My Haul! Letterbox Love!
The Jennifer Estep books sound so good they’ve been on my TBR list for so long! Nice haul!
Great haul! 🙂
Cla S
Mission Nocturne, je le commence demain 🙂
Chapter by Chapter
I love books involving demon hunters. That one looks awesome! I’ve been wanting to check out Jennifer Estep’s books! Enjoy all that you got this week! Thanks for sharing and happy reading 🙂
MaryAnn | Chapter by Chapter
What we got this week!
Great haul : )
my STS and giveaway
Yay! Crimson Frost! 🙂
Jenese L
New Follower. I also got A conspiracy of alchemists. I looks really good. Enjoy your books.
I’d read them all 😀
kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews
Oh wow, D.! Almost all the books you’ve got are on my wishlist :))) So so green with envy 🙂 Enjoy them all!
HOT HOT HOT ces couvertures… Dommage que ce soit en anglais… Mais je suis certaines que tu auras de superbes lectures tout de même! Bonne lecture et de belles acquisitions… 🙂
Un français quand meme lol! Il faut bien de temps en temps. Merci!
Ooo you already have the new Jennifer Estep book? I need that one!
you can ask for it on Netgalley.
A Conspiracy of Alchemists sounds perfect for me. I haven’t read any of the Mythos Academy books yet but I’ve heard great things about it. Since I have the first book already maybe I should see what all the rage is about!
Enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by Tynga’s Reviews!
Sugar and Snark
Some great books this week! Enjoy 🙂
Sugar & Snark
J’adore la couverture de “A conspiracy of Alchemists” (^-^) bonne semaine et bonnes lectures Melliane
ooooh j’adore la couv de A Conspiracy of Alchemists !!! :p Bisous bisous et bonnes lectures 🙂
Theta Sigma
A Conspiracy of Alchemists featured a lot last week in the hauls. I love this cover and I wish that they had featured in the UK. Saying that, the UK version looks interesting from a steampunk point of view.
Enjoy your reads.
Please check out my haul at http://resolution-corner.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/showcase-sundayletterbox-lovestacking_18.html.
Mission nocturne me tente bien rien que par sa couverture !!! encore un qui va atterrir dans dans ma WL!!
bonne lectures
These look really good, although I’m again painfully reminded that I soooo need to read TOUCH OF FROST – can’t believe I haven’t done so yet. 🙁 Happy reading!
Fictional Distraction
bonnes lectures
Je te souhaite de bonnes futures lectures!
J’avais vraiment aimé Jill Kismet, j’espère que ça te plaira autant qu’à moi 🙂