Ree Reyes, Book 2

Synospsis: Fame has a magic all its own in the no-gossip-barred follow-up to Geekomancy. Ree Reyes gets her big screenwriting break, only to discover just how broken Hollywood actually is.

Things are looking up for urban fantasista Ree Reyes. She’s using her love of pop culture to fight monsters and protect her hometown as a Geekomancer, and now a real-live production company is shooting her television pilot script.

But nothing is easy in show business. When an invisible figure attacks the leading lady of the show, former-child star-turned-current-hot-mess Jane Konrad, Ree begins a school-of-hard-knocks education in the power of Celebromancy.

Attempting to help Jane Geekomancy-style with Jedi mind tricks and X-Men infiltration techniques, Ree learns more about movie magic than she ever intended. She also learns that real life has the craziest plots: not only must she lift a Hollywood-strength curse, but she needs to save her pilot, negotiate a bizarre love rhombus, and fight monsters straight out of the silver screen. All this without anyone getting killed or, worse, banished to the D-List.

Review: I enjoyed the first book as I found it very original especially with all the references we can find. So I was curious to see how the author would be able to conduct his second volume. But it is true that it’s still something different and I had a little trouble be interested by the characters or even the plot.

Ree is now recognized and the pilot of her work will be soon launched for her greatest joy. But the laws of Hollywood are far from being as simple as she thought. Juggling with many jobs and her attraction to Drake, our young heroine tries to weave a strange relationship with Jane, the actress of her movie. I admit that I had a little trouble to understand the appeal initially, but Jane is actually someone broken by her life and tries to get by as best she can. She sees Ree as the only one person she can count on and who can get her out of the life she had before. I must say it is herself quite different, and far from the geekomancy, we have now the celebromancy and it is something that we discover throughout the book. But in addition to this, a curse rests on her, threatening her life at every moment. A strong bond between the two characters id forged, and Ree is determined to help and save her.

I really enjoyed learning more about Jane, but I also found that the story was not really complex and exciting for me. Instead, I felt that same idea was developed throughout the book staying focused on the same thing. This may be a bit complicated to say, but I did not expect this at all and it is true that I was a little disappointed. Not that the book is not good, no, it’s always filled with beautiful ideas and references that we love, but it’s true that I needed something more to spice up the story.

Now I wonder how the story will continue and I am curious to see where the author will lead us in the upcoming book, as I’ll read with pleasure. However, I have a clear preference for the first novel with all its completely unique ideas.



4 thoughts on “Celebromancy by Michael R. Underwood

  1. kara-karina

    Oh, such a pity it wasn’t as good as Geekomancy, D! 🙁 I’m glad I’ve read your review and won’t be rushing to buy the book until it’s on offer on Amazon. Thanks!

  2. blodeuedd

    The series sound weird and fun. Too bad this one was not as good as it sounded

  3. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Aw… too bad this one didn’t rock. I was going to read the first and this one, but I couldn’t fit it into my schedule. Might be a good thing, but I still have the first book on my tbr! YaY! 🙂

  4. Melissa (My words and pages)

    Oh wait! The second book is out?!?! Oh man. I have the first on my Nook waiting for me. Dang. I really need to get there.

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