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Check out our wonderful event, with many authors and giveaways on our blog and Sullivan McPig’s.
Venez voir notre superbe événement avec de nombreux auteurs et concours que ce soir sur notre blog ou celui de Sullivan McPig
The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter – Jillian Stone (INT)
Le Tourment des Aurores – Stephane Soutoul (INT)
Kat Redding series signed + Little David Lost – E.S. Moore (INT)
Lord Jack à tout prix / Surprising Lord Jack signed – Sally MacKenzie (INT)
Bitter Disenchantment – Shawntelle Madison (INT)
Redemption & Revelation – Erica Hayes (INT)
Secret Unleashed – Sierra Dean (INT)
Enlevée, trompée, traquée – Jess Haines (INT)
Forsaken by the Others – Jess Haines (US)
A Study in Darkness (The Baskerville Affair, 2) – Emma Jane Holloway
When a bomb goes off at 221B Baker Street, Evelina Cooper is thrown into her Uncle Sherlock’s world of mystery and murder. But just when she thought it was safe to return to the ballroom, old, new, and even dead enemies are clamoring for a place on her dance card.
Before Evelina’s even unpacked her gowns for a country house party, an indiscretion puts her in the power of the ruthless Gold King, who recruits her as his spy. He knows her disreputable past and exiles her to the rank alleyways of Whitechapel with orders to unmask his foe.
As danger mounts, Evelina struggles between hiding her illegal magic and succumbing to the darker aspects of her power. One path keeps her secure; the other keeps her alive. For rebellion is brewing, a sorcerer wants her soul, and no one can protect her in the hunting ground of Jack the Ripper.
A Study in Ashes (A Baskerville Affair, 3) – Emma Jane Holloway
As part of her devil’s bargain with the industrial steam barons, Evelina Cooper is finally enrolled in the Ladies’ College of London. However, she’s attending as the Gold King’s pet magician, in handcuffs and forbidden contact with even her closest relation, the detective Sherlock Holmes.
Not even Niccolo, the dashing pirate captain, and his sentient airship can save her. But Evelina’s problems are only part of a larger war. The Baskerville Affair is finally coming to light, and the rebels are making their move to wrest power from the barons and restore it to Queen Victoria. Missing heirs and nightmare hounds are the order of the day—or at least that’s what Dr. Watson is telling the press.
But their plans are doomed unless Evelina escapes to unite her magic with the rebels’ machines—and even then her powers aren’t what they used to be. A sorcerer has awakened a dark hunger in Evelina’s soul, and only he can keep her from endangering them all. The only problem is…he’s dead.
It Happens in the Dark (Kathleen Mallory, 11) – Carol O’Connell
The astonishing new Mallory novel from the New York Times–bestselling author and one of the most acclaimed crime writers in America.
The reviews called it “A Play to Die For” after the woman was found dead in the front row. It didn’t seem so funny the next night, when another body was found—this time the playwright’s, his throat slashed.
Detective Kathy Mallory takes over, but no matter what she asks, no one seems to be giving her a straight answer. The only person—if “person” is the right word—who seems to be clear is the ghostwriter. Every night, an unseen backstage hand chalks up line changes and messages on a blackboard. And the ghostwriter is now writing Mallory into the play itself, a play about a long-ago massacre that may not be at all fictional. “MALLORY,” the blackboard reads. “TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT. NOTHING PERSONAL.”
If Mallory can’t find out who’s responsible, heads will roll. Unfortunately, one of them may be her own.
Merci Milady!
Au Coeur du Silence – Graham Joyce
Alors qu’ils profitent des joies du hors-piste dans les Pyrénées, Jake et Zoé sont engloutis par une avalanche. Mais il en faudrait davantage pour briser le lien qui les unit. jake parvient à s’extraire de sa tombe de neige et à sauver sa compagne. De retour à la station, les miraculés constatent qu’ils sont désespérément seuls. prisonniers de ce lieu soudain hostile, ils observent d’étranges phénomènes : les bougies ne se consument pas et Zoé croit discerner des ombres aux abords de l’hôtel…
The cover of the first two books completely seduce me to read them!
Such awesome books for you 😀
Those covers look pretty badass. Hope you enjoy them!
My STS is here
Le résumé de “Au Coeur du Silence” est plus qu’intriguant! Je viendrais lire ton avis pour savoir ce que tu en as pensé.
Awesome titles! <3 <3 <3 FOllowed u via bloglovin! hope you follow back 🙂
I don't have an STS this week, just wanted to stop by. 🙂
{Special}Blogiversary+Book Signing+Giveaways!
Chrissi Reads
Wow, you’ve got some gorgeous covers on your books this week. I hope you enjoy all that you’ve got! Happy Reading 🙂
Shelley @ Gizmos Reviews
I’m slowly getting around to the A Study series, and just received book # 3 this week! Hope it’s good. I really need a new series to wow me! Enjoy all your books!
Interesting, I’ve never heard of any of these. I hope you enjoy them though!
Happy reading 🙂
Both study books look good, hope you enjoy
A Study in darkness has a lovely cover. Enjoy!
Grace Fonseca
Nice haul of books. I love coming here. Those Emma Jane Hollaway books look awesome. Come visit me as well.
Books of Love
Joy (Joyousreads)
If I do decide to check out a different genre than what I normally read, all I have to do is check out your book hauls for the week – yours and Karina’s. 😉
Luna's Little Library
The Baskerville Affair books look really good, enjoy!
Stephanie Verhaegen
Great haul!
Hope you enjoy all the books 😀
Happy Reading!
Here’s my STS!
~Stephanie @ Bookfever
De jolies nouveautés dans ta PAL ! Je suis en train de lire “Au coeur du silence” de Graham Joyce, l’histoire est assez particulière mais le style d’écriture de l’auteur est superbe, on ne voit pas défiler les pages ! J’ai hâte de voir ton avis ! Bisous
I love the covers on the first two books. I hope they’re as good as they look!
My StS
Belle petite brochette !!!
Jo @ Mixed Book Bag
Great group of books. Click here to go to my Stacking the Shelves
awesome books
hope you can visit my Stacking the Shelves