![STSmall_thumb[2] STSmall_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-xRYOk0zIv1M/T6RLOUEZ2LI/AAAAAAAAFKw/7qJhumSkSxY/STSmall_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)

You reap what you sow…Saying Nate Grimm has a dark past is an understatement. Fortunately, no one’s bothered to look too closely at the Fairytale Management Authority’s lead detective and part-time Reaper. And that’s the way Nate wants to keep it. For after centuries of torment and loneliness, he’s finally found happiness with the hot and hard-charging love of his life, Tess “Red” Little.
Of course, his love for Tess is the reason there’s a posse of Reaper judges after him, led by a sadistic bastard acquainted with Nate from once upon a time. Now, Tess will pay the price for Nate’s transgressions unless Nate severs his ties to the transplanted Tales–and Tess–forever. His enemy has the advantage in speed, malice and brutality. But the Reapers have underestimated the depth of Nate’s love and devotion. And the fury of his wrath. . .
Before the Devil knows you’re dead (Speak of the Devil, 3) – Patricia Eimer
Not Even Death Keeps a Good Demoness Down
There’s never an end to the crazy when you’re demon spawn. Not that Faith Bettincourt’s complaining. She’s been patching things up with her angelic on-again off-again boyfriend, Matt, and her best-friend-turned-sister-in-law is soon giving birth to the Anti-Christ Part Deux. Oh, and Faith is saving kids from Death in her pediatric unit one soul at a time. Life is good.
Until Faith accidentally runs over the Angel of Death and is forced to take his place. Now she’s taking lives instead of saving them. Which is kind of a problem when you’re a nurse. As if that weren’t bad enough, she is suddenly thrust into the worst scenario of them all–Matt’s ex Brenda is back, and she’s brought the Apocalypse with her.
Faith’s not about to give up the world…or her man. But when the chips are down, what’s a demoness supposed to do? Besides take matters into her own hands, of course.
Cinquante Nuances de Grey (Fifty Shades, 1) – E.L. James
Romantique, libérateur et totalement addictif, ce roman vous obsédera, vous possédera et vous marquera à jamais.
Lorsqu’Anastasia Steele, étudiante en littérature, interviewe le richissime jeune chef d’entreprise Christian Grey, elle le trouve très séduisant mais profondément intimidant. Convaincue que leur rencontre a été désastreuse, elle tente de l’oublier – jusqu’à ce qu’il débarque dans le magasin où elle travaille et l’invite à un rendez-vous en tête-à-tête.
Naïve et innocente, Ana ne se reconnait pas dans son désir pour cet homme. Quand il la prévient de garder ses distances, cela ne fait que raviver son trouble.
Mais Grey est tourmenté par des démons intérieurs, et consumé par le besoin de tout contrôler. Lorsqu’ils entament une liaison passionnée, Ana découvre ses propres désirs, ainsi que les secrets obscurs que Grey tient à dissimuler aux regards indiscrets…
Oh oh..tu attaques 50 shades? Wow…Hâte de connaître ton avis sur la question tiens… 🙂
oui j’ai finalement été assez curieuse. Moi qui disais que je ne tenterais jamais… On va voir.
Toujours être curieuse! :p
oui voilà mais je ne suis pas sure que ça soit mon genre de livre…
Mouais…je ne suis pas très emballée moi non plus mais bon…tu changeras peut-être d’avis. J’ai une copine qui a adoré.
c’est vanessa qui m’a dit qu’elle a vraiment adoré, alors bon je vais voir. Ca sera mon petit test du mois.
Shades in french…well maybe it’s better than the original
Ooh, Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead sounds cool! (Sorry I’m commenting in English; I’d try French, but my [bilingual] girlfriend thinks my French is funny so…)
My STS, if you’re interested!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
OOh nice! These are new to me! I’ve heard of the last one, obviously! But not the others! Hope you enjoy them all!
My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Hâte de lire ton avis sur 50 nuances, mois je n’ai pas aimé… Enfin si pour le premier tome, mais le deuxième était trop répétitif et lassant …
Bonnes lectures 🙂
Ohhh Fifity Shades 😉 Bonnes lectures !!!
O_0, you decided to read 50 shades in French, D.! 🙂 Will be looking forward to your review! :))) Enjoy all, sweetie!
Grace Fonseca
Fifty Shades in french oh my. I like the cover for your first book. nice haul.
Enjoy your books.
Braine Talk Supe
Got Grimm Consequences too! Wee!
I love the Transplanted Tales and got this too, it will appear on my Sunday Post tomorrow. Enjoy your books and have a wonderful weekend!
Janina @ Synchronized Reading
I’m about half way through 50 shades of grey and it makes me giggle lol Its not as bad as I’ve heard people say, but it can be annoying!
My Haul!
moirae the fates
You got some good ones! Hope you can stop by mine.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead sounds good. I’m still not reading 50 Shades… I have so many other books to read, so I might not ever get too tempted.
I hope you’ll enjoy them all, Melliane 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jennifer Bielman
I really liked Fifty Shades of grey. Happy reading.
Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)
huh…Fifty Shades of Gray. Yikes, curious to see how that one will end up for you!
Happy reading! <33
Cait @ Notebook Sisters
Looks like an intense haul this week…lol Hope you enjoy them all! 🙂 My StS!
Oh. Fifty Shades, vraiment ? ^^ Bonne lecture en tout cas. 🙂
lol oui ça s’appelle gros test
Le Chat du Cheshire
La couverture de Grimm Consequences est sympa je trouve 🙂 !
Pour 50 nuances, je viendrais voir ton avis. Je ne pense pas le lire un jour, en tout cas je sais que je ne l’achèterai jamais ^^
Bonnes lectures , j’espère que 50 nuances va te plaire.
The Patirica Eimer book looks good, but I will never read 50 shades. I hope you like it.
Awesome haul as usual hun! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts! 😀
50 Shades was my secret addiction for a long time! Happy Reading! If you’d like, you can stop by my STS Following your blog and,if you’re not already following, would love a follow back please 🙂
50 Shades was its own brand of special but still read it
Reviews From A Bookworm
Great haul! I hope you enjoy all of your books 🙂 My STS.
Lee @ Rally the Readers
Nice haul! Grimm Consequences looks really interesting. I hope you enjoy it, and your other books, too. Thanks for stopping by!
Melissa (My World...in words and pages)
Oh I picked up SeRine’s new story too! 😀 Can’t wait to get into it. I so love these characters. Hope you enjoy all your new reads and have a great week, dear. 🙂
Lily B
some new very interesting reads! I hope you enjoy them.
Fifty Shades of Grey!!?? *runs screaming in the other direction*